Computational Mathematics (B.S.) - Actuarial - Online

Computational Mathematics (B.S.) - Actuarial - Online

Important: This degree plan is effective for those starting this degree program in fall 2024 through summer 2025. This degree plan will remain in effect for students who do not break enrollment or who do not change degree programs, concentrations, or cognates.

General Education/Foundational Skills Requirements

Communication & Information Literacy 1
ENGL 101Composition and Rhetoric3
Communications Elective3
Information Literacy Elective3
Information Literacy Elective3
Technological Solutions & Quantitative Reasoning 1
UNIV 104Instructional Technology for Successful Online Learning0-3
Math ElectiveMATH 114 or higher3
Critical Thinking 1
RLGN 104Christian Life and Biblical Worldview 24
Critical Thinking Elective3
Civic & Global Engagement 1
Cultural Studies Elective3
Social & Scientific Inquiry 1
Natural Science Elective3
Social Science Elective3
Christianity & Contexts 1
BIBL 104Survey of Old and New Testament4
THEO 104Introduction to Theology Survey 24
Total Hours39-42

Refer to the list of approved general education electives before enrolling in foundational skill requirements


Students transferring in 45 or more UG credit hours will have the requirement of RLGN 104 waived; Students transferring in 60 or more UG credit hours will also have the requirement of THEO 104 waived

Major Requirements

Major Foundational Courses
CSIS 110Introduction to Computer Science 13
MATH 131Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 14
Total Hours7

Course may fulfill select general education requirements

Major Core
MATH 132Calculus and Analytic Geometry II4
MATH 211Introduction to Statistical Analysis3
MATH 250Introduction to Discrete Mathematics3
MATH 345Introduction to the History of Mathematics3
MATH 410Matrix and Linear Algebra3
MATH 423Abstract Algebraic Structures3
MATH 430Multivariable Calculus3
MATH 432Applied Differential Equations3
MATH 441Probability I3
MATH 460Mathematical Modeling and Simulation3
MATH 491Computational Mathematics Capstone3
STAT 420Regression and Forecasting I3
Elective 13
Total Hours40

Choose any MATH, PHYS, or STAT course not already applying to the degree.

ACCT 211Financial Principles3
ACCT 212Managerial Principles3
BUSI 320Finance Principles3
ECON 213Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON 214Principles of Macroeconomics3
MATH 442Probability II3
Total Hours18
Free Electives
Choose 13-23 credit hours of Free Electives13-23
Total Hours13-23

All applicable prerequisites must be met

Graduation Requirements

  • 120 Total hours
  • 2.0 Overall grade point average
  • 30 Hours must be upper-level courses (300-400 level)
  • Grade of 'C' Minimum required for all major foundational courses and all upper-level courses in the major
  • 25% Of major taken through Liberty University
  • 30 Hours must be completed through Liberty University
  • Grad App Submission of Degree Completion Application must be completed within the last semester of a student's anticipated graduation date
Plan of Study Grid
Freshman Year
First SemesterHours
BIBL 104 Survey of Old and New Testament 4
ENGL 101 Composition and Rhetoric 3
UNIV 104 Instructional Technology for Successful Online Learning 0-3
Communications Elective 1 3
MATH Elective (MATH 131) 1 4
Second Semester
RLGN 104 Christian Life and Biblical Worldview 4
Information Literacy Elective (CSIS 110) 1 3
MATH 132 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 4
MATH 211 Introduction to Statistical Analysis 3
MATH 250 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics 3
Sophomore Year
First Semester
Critical Thinking Elective 1 3
Information Literacy Elective 1 3
Natural Science Elective 1 3
ACCT 211 Financial Principles 3
Elective 3
Second Semester
Cultural Studies Elective 1 3
Social Science Elective 1 3
ACCT 212 Managerial Principles 3
ECON 214 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
MATH 430 Multivariable Calculus 3
Junior Year
First Semester
THEO 104 Introduction to Theology Survey 4
MATH 410 Matrix and Linear Algebra 3
MATH 441 Probability I 3
STAT 420 Regression and Forecasting I 3
Elective 3
Second Semester
BUSI 320 Finance Principles 3
ECON 213 Principles of Microeconomics 3
MATH 423 Abstract Algebraic Structures 3
MATH 442 Probability II 3
Core Elective 2 3
Senior Year
First Semester
MATH 345 Introduction to the History of Mathematics 3
MATH 432 Applied Differential Equations 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Elective 1
Second Semester
MATH 460 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation 3
MATH 491 Computational Mathematics Capstone 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
 Total Hours120-123

Refer to the list of approved general education electives at before enrolling foundational skills requirements.


Choose any MATH, PHYS, or STAT course note already applying to the degree.

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