Military Studies (B.S.)

Military Studies (B.S.)


The purpose of the Bachelor of Science in Military Studies major is to train Military Service men and women, civilian contractors and government workers, military historians, and intelligence officers within the context of a biblical worldview in order to foster Christian leadership, morality, patriotism, and lasting support for the nation of Israel.

Program Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Apply research methodology to the study of military operations.
  • Evaluate operational warfare and campaigns that shaped Western tradition and government.
  • Analyze military strategies, leadership, and major operational themes within the context of military campaigns and occupation and post-military campaigns and operations.
  • Apply a Christian worldview to military studies.
  • Military Serviceman/woman
  • Military Analyst
  • Intelligence Analyst
  • Defense Contractor
  • Security
  • Contractor
  • Department of Defense
  • Historian
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