Liberal Arts Focus

Liberal Arts Focus

This component of all Bachelor of Arts degrees contains two distinct types of courses: Language and Integrative Learning Courses. 

Language Courses

As part of the liberal arts focus, students are required to complete four language courses. These courses are designed to enhance linguistic skills and cultural awareness, enabling students to communicate effectively in a globalized world.

Liberal Arts Focus (BA Degrees Only)
Language Electives
Any 100-400 level ARAB course
Any 100-400 level ASLI course
Any 100-400 level CHIN course
Any 100-400 level FREN course
Any 100-400 level GREK course
Any 100-400 level HBRW course
Any 100-400 level RUSS course
Any 100-400 level SPAN course

Integrative Learning Courses

In addition to language courses, students must complete one course that meets the integrative learning requirements. This course is designed to bridge various disciplines, encouraging students to apply knowledge from different fields to solve complex problems. The integrative learning experience promotes interdisciplinary thinking, creativity, and the ability to synthesize information from multiple perspectives.

Approved Integrative Learning Courses

Integrative Courses (BA Degrees Only)
BWVW 301Biblical Worldview Seminar3
CINE 340Theology and Cinema3
CSTU 301Film as Art3
CSTU 310Religion and the Arts in Western Culture3
ENGL 405Literature of the Bible3
ENGL 442Musical Theatre3
ENGL 460Christian Literature3
ENGL 462Religious Issues in Dramatic Literature3
ETHM 411Music and Culture3
GEOG 410Global Issues in Geography3
HIEU 466Renaissance and Reformation Europe3
HLTH 400Contemporary Health Issues3
MUSC 424Arts in Global Outreach3
NASC 315Environmental Science4
PHIL 429The Thought of St. Augustine3
PHIL 465The Thought of C.S. Lewis3
PHIL 468The Thought of J.R.R. Tolkien3
PHSC 310Astronomy: An Integrated Approach4
SPAN 324Christianity in Latin America3
THEO 324A Theology of Suffering and Disability3
THEO 340Theology and Politics3
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