Interdisciplinary Research Major (B.S.)

Interdisciplinary Research Major (B.S.)


The Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies major trains students in critical thinking and analysis as students are equipped to be interdisciplinary researchers able to discern the best of multiple fields in order to answer relevant questions for today. Students in this program will be trained to think and see through the paradigm of research that they may explore the world looking for answers to questions that have yet to be asked.

Program Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Assess interdisciplinary research in light of a Christian worldview
  • Explain how content knowledge gleaned from academic areas of study can by synthesized into a coherent research presentation.
  • Create research-based artifacts based on research questions relevant to academic areas of study.

Delivery Format: Online Only

The Interdisciplinary Research program gives you the opportunity to combine 2 unique areas of study to customize your major with multiple disciplines.

Christian Literature

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
ENGL 300Survey of Literary History3
ENGL 460Christian Literature3
Choose nine credit hours from the following:9
Christian Fantasy Literature
Literature of the Bible
Contemporary Christian Fiction
Lewis and Tolkien
Total Hours15

Commercial Music

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
CMUS 372Entrepreneurship in Commercial Music Community3
Commercial Music Elective (100-400 level) 13
Commercial Music Elective (100-400 level) 13
Commercial Music Elective (100-400 level) 13
Commercial Music Elective (300-400 level) 23
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level CMUS course not already required in the Area of Study


Choose any 300-400 level CMUS course not already required in the Area of Study


Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
SCOM 345Persuasion3
Speech Communication Elective (100-400 level) 13
Speech Communication Elective (100-400 level) 13
Speech Communication Elective (100-400 level) 13
Speech Communication Elective (300-400 level) 23
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level SCOM course not already required in the Area of Study


Choose any 300-400 level SCOM course not already required in the Area of Study

Computational Sciences

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
CSIS 111Introduction to Programming Using C++3
CSIS 112Advanced Programming Using C++3
CSIS 215Algorithms and Data Structures 13
CSIS 316Back-end Programming3
CSIS 355Network Architecture and Protocols3
Total Hours15

This course has a prerequisite of MATH 250. This prerequisite, along with any that are attached to this MATH course, must be taken as part of the student's general electives. 

Creative Writing

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
WRIT 201Introduction to Creative Writing3
WRIT 304Novellas3
WRIT 303Writing Poetry3
or WRIT 405 Fashion Writing
WRIT 305Introduction to Inspirational Writing3
WRIT 402Methods and Materials of Research3
Total Hours15

Criminal Justice

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
CJUS 310Juvenile Justice3
Criminal Justice Elective (100-400 level) 13
Criminal Justice Elective (100-400 level) 13
Criminal Justice Elective (100-400 level) 13
Criminal Justice Elective (300-400 level) 33
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level CJUS course not already required in the Area of Study


Choose any 300-400 level CJUS course not already required in the Area of Study


Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
ENGL 300Survey of Literary History3
English Elective (100-400 level)3
English Elective (100-400 level)3
English Elective (100-400 level)3
English Elective (300-400 level)3
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level ENGL course not already required in the Area of Study


Choose any 300-400 level ENGL course not already required in the Area of Study

Geographic Information Systems

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
GEOG 300Geographic Research Methods3
GEOG 370Geographic Information Systems I3
GEOG 371Geographic Information Systems II3
GEOG 373GIS for Urban Planning3
GEOG 374GIS for Hydrological Applications3
Total Hours15


Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
GEOG 300Geographic Research Methods3
Geography Elective (100-400 level) 13
Geography Elective (100-400 level) 13
Geography Elective (100-400 level) 13
Geography Elective (300-400 level) 23
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level GEOG course not already required in the Area of Study


Choose any 300-400 level GEOG course not already required in the Area of Study


Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
GOVT 346Legal Research and Writing3
or GOVT 492 Senior Seminar
PHIL 200Pursuits of Happiness3
Government Elective (100-400 level) 13
Government Elective (100-400 level) 13
Government Elective (300-400 level) 23
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level GOVT course not already required in the Area of Study


Choose any 300-400 level GOVT course not already required in the Area of Study

Health Informatics

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
CSIS 100Introduction to Information Systems and Information Technology3
INFO 405Informatics Information Systems3
Informatics Elective (100-400 level) 13
Informatics Elective (100-400 level) 13
Informatics Elective (300-400 level) 23
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level INFO course not already required in the Area of Study


Choose any 300-400 level INFO course not already required in the Area of Study


Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
HIST 300Historical Methodology3
History Elective (100-400 level) 13
History Elective (100-400 level) 13
History Elective (100-400 level) 13
History Elective (300-400 level) 23
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level HIEU, HIST, HIUS, or HIWD course not already required in the Area of Study.


Choose any 300-400 level HIEU, HIST, HIUS, or HIWD course not already required in the Area of Study.

Information Systems

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
CSIS 111Introduction to Programming Using C++3
CSIS 325Database Management Systems3
CSIS 351System Analysis and Design3
CSIS 473IS Project Management3
ECON 214Principles of Macroeconomics3
Total Hours15

Information Technology

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
CSIS 110Introduction to Computer Science3
CSIS 320IS Hardware and Software3
CSIS 352System Administration3
CSIS 354Integrative Programming and Technologies3
CSIS 474Enterprise Systems and Integration3
Total Hours15

Military Studies

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
ETHC 280Dilemmas in Socialism and Marxism3
MISC 300Methods of Military Analysis3
Military Science Elective (100-400 level) 13
Military Science Elective (100-400 level) 13
Military Science Elective (300-400 level) 23
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level MISC course not already required in the Area of Study


Choose any 300-400 level MISC course not already required in the Area of Study

National Security Studies

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
GOVT 380Introduction to Intelligence and National Security3
GOVT 461National Security Law and Policy3
GOVT 496National Security Studies Capstone3
Government Elective (100-400 level) 1,23
Government Elective (100-400 level) 13
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level GOVT course not already required in the Area of Study


Allow MISC 490 as substitute


Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
PSYC 101General Psychology3
or PSYC 210 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 255Introduction to Research3
PSYC 312Social Psychology3
PSYC 380Physiological Psychology3
PSYC 420Psychology and Christianity3
Total Hours15

Strategic Communication

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
STCO 356Digital/Social/Mobile Communication Strategies3
Strategic Communication Elective (100-400 level) 13
Strategic Communication Elective (100-400 level) 13
Strategic Communication Elective (100-400 level) 13
Strategic Communication Elective (300-400 level) 23
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level STCO course not already required in the Area of Study


Choose any 300-400 level STCO course not already required in the Area of Study

Studio and Digital Arts

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
ARTS 311Drawing II3
Arts Elective (100-400 level) 13
Arts Elective (100-400 level) 13
Arts Elective (100-400 level) 13
Arts Elective (300-400 level) 23
Total Hours15

Choose any 100-400 level ARTS course not already required in the Area of Study


Choose any 300-400 level ARTS course not already required in the Area of Study

Technical Writing

Interdisciplinary Research Area of Study
WRIT 400Editing for Publishing3
WRIT 401Grant-Writing3
WRIT 402Methods and Materials of Research3
WRIT 403Technical Writing3
WRIT 405Fashion Writing3
or ENGL 350 Advanced Expository Writing
Total Hours15
  • Graduate Studies
  • Research
  • Writing
  • Administration
  • Government
  • Foundation
  • Non-profits
  • Entrepreneurship
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