School of Education

Don Raleigh, Ed.D.
Dean, School of Education
Laurie Rice, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.S., Ed.D.
Associate Dean, School of Education
Associate Professor of Education
Michelle B. Goodwin, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D.
Associate Dean, School of Education
Professor of Education
Program Directors
A listing of program directors can be viewed on the Program Director webpage.
Research Intensive Courses
All research intensive courses are listed online on the Center for Research & Scholarship QEP Overview webpage.
The purpose of the School of Education is to develop Christ-centered educators and leaders through rigorous, biblically-based instruction and practical training.
The following disclaimer pertains to Liberty’s online Education Licensure/Certification programs from the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education:
Please be advised that not all of our educator preparation programs are approved in Kentucky by the Education Professional Standards Board and may not be recognized for initial, additional, or renewal of certification or salary enhancement (rank change) for K-12 educators in Kentucky. For more information, please visit the Education Professional Standards Board’s website at
- Algebra I Certificate
- Autism Education Certificate
- Biology Education 6-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Business Education 6-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Chemistry Education 6-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Computer Science Education 6-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Early Childhood Education Interdisciplinary Studies Major (B.S.)
- Early Childhood Education Major (A.A.)
- Earth Science Education Certificate
- Education Major (A.A.)
- Elementary Education Interdisciplinary Studies Major (B.S.)
- Elementary Education Major (B.Ed.)
- Engineering Education 6-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- English as a Second Language Education P-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- English Education 6-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Family & Consumer Sciences Education 6-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Health & Physical Education P-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Journalism Education Certificate
- Licensure Programs
- Mathematics Education 6-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Middle Education Major (B.Ed.)
- Non-Licensure Programs
- Physics Education 6-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Physics Education Certificate
- Preschool Certificate
- School of Education Minors
- Social Studies Education 6-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Spanish Education P-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Special Education Interdisciplinary Studies Major (B.S.)
- Special Education Major (B.Ed.)
- Speech Education Certificate
- Theatre Arts Education P-12 Major (B.Ed.)
- Visual Arts Education P-12 Major (B.Ed.)
The mission of the Educator Preparation Program at Liberty University is to develop competent professionals with a Christian worldview for Christian, public, and private schools.
Excellent teachers are an invaluable asset to the home, church, community, and nation. The Educator Preparation Program at Liberty is designed to provide a program of study and preservice experiences that will foster teaching excellence and stimulate improvements in teaching practices in Christian, public, and private schools. The program is designed for teacher candidates who are preparing to teach kindergarten, elementary, and middle school, as well as high school students.
Program Learning Outcomes
The student will be able to:
- Formulate knowledge of learner development, learning difference, and learning environment.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the discipline area and the application of content to connect concepts and engage learners.
- Plan instruction using multiple methods of assessment and instructional strategies to develop a deep understanding of the content for all learners.
- Develop a Biblical worldview and professional responsibility through ongoing reflection and professional development experiences where opportunities are provided for leadership and collaboration with stakeholders.
Definitions For Dispositions – SCRIP:
- Displays a sense of Social responsibility
- Demonstrates Commitment/work ethic
- Demonstrates Reflective practice
- Displays personal Integrity
- Displays Professionalism
Teacher Endorsement Areas
Teacher preparation and endorsement are available through the Teacher Education Department in cooperation with departments offering majors in the following teacher endorsement areas:
- Elementary Education (PreK – 6)
- Elementary Education (PreK – 6) with optional endorsement in Middle Grades English, Mathematics, Science, or Social Science.
- Elementary Education (PreK – 6) with Special Education General Curriculum (K - 6) Add-On Endorsement
Special Education (K – 12)
- Special Education General Curriculum (K - 12)
Middle Education
- Middle Education 6-8: English
- Middle Education 6-8: History/Social Science
- Middle Education 6-8: Mathematics
- Middle Education 6-8: Science
Secondary (6 – 12)
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Earth Science
- English
- Engineering
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- History/Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Physics
Comprehensive (K – 12)
- English as a Second Language
- Health/Physical Education
- Music: Choral
- Music: Instrumental
- Spanish
- Theatre Arts
- Visual Arts
Add-on Endorsements
- Algebra I
- Journalism
- Speech
- Special Education General Curriculum (K - 6)
Minors (Non-licensure)
- Autism Education
- Special Education
Educator Preparation Provider (EPP)
The Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) Program is designed to meet licensure requirements of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the candidate’s approved concentration. The University has approval from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The Educator Preparation Provider Program has been officially approved by the Virginia Department of Education and is accredited by CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation). Graduates of Liberty’s approved educator preparation programs are eligible for licensure within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Completing Virginia licensure requirements will generally be necessary if the teacher candidate intends to seek licensure in another state.
Several states have additional licensure requirements beyond what is specified for graduation from an approved program at Liberty. However, teacher candidates are typically able to gain licensure and to begin teaching in another state while completing the additional requirements. Assistance in securing licensure from other states, information about licensure requirements in states other than Virginia, and help in obtaining necessary applications for out-of-state teaching credentials may be obtained from the Teacher Licensure Office. In addition to state licensure, students who complete the Educator Preparation Program at Liberty are eligible for the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) certificate.