Special & Gifted Education (M.Ed.) - Twice Exceptionalities: With Transition & Special Needs, Gifted Education, & Special Education General Curriculum (add-on endorsement)

Special & Gifted Education (M.Ed.) - Twice Exceptionalities: With Transition & Special Needs, Gifted Education, & Special Education General Curriculum (add-on endorsement)

Important: This degree plan is effective for those starting this degree program in fall 2024 through summer 2025. This degree plan will remain in effect for students who do not break enrollment or who do not change degree programs, concentrations, or cognates.

This program provides the option to earn an add-on endorsement to an existing initial Virginia teaching license. This program is not designed to meet the requirements for an initial teaching license. If the initial teaching license is not from Virginia, a Virginia initial teaching license must be obtained during the program.

Core Courses
EDGL 619Supporting the Social, Emotional, and Guidance Needs of the Gifted3
EDGL 620Curriculum and Methods for Teaching Gifted Learners 13
EDGL 627Program Design and Services in Gifted Education3
EDLC 530Teaching Mathematics3
EDLC 554Foundations in Early Literacy Instruction3
EDSP 524Collaborating for Successful Inclusive Classrooms3
Total Hours18

Candidates will complete a 45 hour practicum requiring a cleared background check.

Twice-Exceptionalities Concentration
EDGL 520Twice-Exceptional Learners3
EDGL 526Identification and Education of the Gifted Learner3
EDSP 521Foundations of Exceptionality 13
EDSP 522Special Education and Disability Law3
EDSP 525Transition and Assessment for Exceptional Learners 2,3,43
EDSP 529Employment, Community, and Independent Living3
Total Hours18

Completion of this course allows candidates to apply for a Provisional License in Special Education in VA.


Course should not be taken in the summer terms.


EDSP 545, EDSP 546, or EDSP 547 should be taken in the same semester as EDSP 525


If a candidate is not seeking to fulfill the licensure practicum requirement, they may contact soelicensure@liberty.edu for opt out course availabilities.

Gate & Field Experience Courses
EDGL 598Field Experience Practicum: Gifted Learners 1,20
EDGT 677School of Education Gate 1 – Graduate Add-On Licensure0
EDGT 679School of Education Gate 2 – Graduate Add-On Licensure0
EDGT 681School of Education Gate 3 – Graduate Add-On Licensure0
Choose one of the following:0
Practicum in Special Education for Add-On Endorsement – Elementary 1,3,4,5
Practicum in Special Education for Add-On Endorsement – Middle 1,3,4,5
Practicum in Special Education for Add-On Endorsement – Secondary 1,3,4,5
Total Hours0

Candidates will complete a 45 hour practicum requiring a cleared background check.


EDGL 598 is a co-requisite with EDGL 620


Course should not be taken in the summer terms.


EDSP 545, EDSP 546, or EDSP 547 should be taken in the same semester as EDSP 525


If a candidate is not seeking to fulfill the licensure practicum requirement, they may contact soelicensure@liberty.edu for opt out course availabilities.

All applicable prerequisites must be met

Graduation Requirements

  • Complete 36 hours
  • A maximum of 50% of the program hours may be transferred if approved and allowable, including credit from an earned degree from Liberty University on the same academic level
  • 3.0 GPA
  • No more than two grades of C may be applied to the degree (includes grades of C+ & C-)
  • No grade of D or below may be applied to the degree (includes grades of D+ & D-)
  • Degree must be completed within 5 years
  • Submission of Degree Completion Application must be completed within the last semester of a student's anticipated graduation date

Program Offered in Online Format

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterHours
EDGT 677 School of Education Gate 1 – Graduate Add-On Licensure 0
EDGL 520 Twice-Exceptional Learners 3
EDGL 526 Identification and Education of the Gifted Learner 3
EDGT 679 School of Education Gate 2 – Graduate Add-On Licensure 0
EDSP 521 Foundations of Exceptionality 1 3
Second Semester
EDGL 619 Supporting the Social, Emotional, and Guidance Needs of the Gifted 3
EDGT 681 School of Education Gate 3 – Graduate Add-On Licensure 0
EDLC 530 Teaching Mathematics 3
EDLC 554 Foundations in Early Literacy Instruction 3
Second Year
First Semester
EDGL 598 Field Experience Practicum: Gifted Learners 2,3,4,5 0
EDGL 620 Curriculum and Methods for Teaching Gifted Learners 2,4,5 3
EDSP 522 Special Education and Disability Law 3
EDSP 524 Collaborating for Successful Inclusive Classrooms 3
Second Semester
EDGL 627 Program Design and Services in Gifted Education 3
EDSP 525 Transition and Assessment for Exceptional Learners 2,5,6 3
EDSP 529 Employment, Community, and Independent Living 3
EDSP Elective 2,3,5,6 0
 Total Hours36

Completion of this course allows candidates to apply for a Provisional License in Special Education in VA. 


Course should not be taken in the summer terms. 


Candidates will complete a 45 hour practicum requiring a cleared background check.


EDGL 598 is a co-requisite with EDGL 620. 


If a candidate is not seeking to fulfill the licensure practicum requirement, they may contact soelicensure@liberty.edu for opt out course availabilities. 


EDSP 545, 546, or 547 should be taken in the same semester as EDSP 525.

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