Physics Education 6-12 (B.Ed.) - Online

Physics Education 6-12 (B.Ed.) - Online

Important: This degree plan is effective for those starting this degree program in fall 2024 through summer 2025. This degree plan will remain in effect for students who do not break enrollment or who do not change degree programs, concentrations, or cognates.

General Education/Foundational Skills Requirements

Communication & Information Literacy 1
COMS 101Speech Communication3
ENGL 101Composition and Rhetoric3
HIUS 221Survey of American History I3
Information Literacy Elective3
Technological Solutions & Quantitative Reasoning 1
UNIV 104Instructional Technology for Successful Online Learning0-3
MATH Elective3
Critical Thinking
ENGL 201American Literature I3
RLGN 104Christian Life and Biblical Worldview 24
Civic & Global Engagement
CSTU 101Western Culture3
Social & Scientific Inquiry 1
PSYC 210Developmental Psychology3
Natural Science Elective3
Christianity & Contexts
BIBL 104Survey of Old and New Testament4
THEO 104Introduction to Theology Survey 24
Total Hours39-42

Refer to the list of approved general education electives before enrolling in foundational skills requirements


Students transferring in 45 or more UG credit hours will have the requirement of RLGN 104 waived; Students transferring in 60 or more UG credit hours will also have the requirement of THEO 104 waived

As a requirement for completion of this program, including student teaching and passing required licensure tests, the graduate of this program, regardless of state residency, must obtain a VA state teaching license. The VA teaching license may then be used for reciprocity in another state according to the regulations of that state.

Major Requirements

Major Foundational Courses
ENGL 102Composition and Literature 13
MATH 131Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 14
PHYS 231University Physics I 14
Total Hours11

Course may fulfill select general education requirements

Major Core 1
Education Courses
EDSC 419Teaching Science Content Methods for the Middle and Secondary School3
EDUC 201Introduction to Education and Classroom Technology3
EDUC 221Content Area Reading and Differentiated Teaching and Learning3
EDUC 230Foundations of Reading and Literacy3
EDUC 235Content Instructional Design3
EDUC 350Behavior and Individual Differences3
EDUC 360Foundations of Education3
EDUC 425Content Measurement and Evaluation3
EDUC 435Content Curriculum Fundamentals3
Practicum and Gate Courses
EDGT 175School of Education Gate 1 – UG Initial Licensure - Distance0
EDGT 275School of Education Gate 2 – UG Initial Licensure - Distance0
EDGT 375School of Education Gate 3 – UG Initial Licensure - Distance0
EDUC 188Practicum in Education I: Distance 20
EDUC 388Practicum in Education III: Distance 20
EDSC 488Science Lab Practicum in Schools 2,30
Secondary Courses
BIOL 101Principles of Biology3
CHEM 108Chemistry for Health Science Professionals4
MATH 132Calculus and Analytic Geometry II4
MATH 410Matrix and Linear Algebra3
PHYS 232University Physics II4
PHYS 305Introduction to Modern Physics3
PHYS 310Numerical Methods in Physics3
PHYS 321Mechanics3
PHYS 331Electricity and Magnetism3
PHYS 432Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics3
PHYS 440Wave Optics4
Student Teaching
EDST 475The Reflective Educator: Resource Seminar3
Choose one of the following: 2,49
Student Teaching - One Placement – Distance
Student Teaching - One Placement – Local
Student Teaching - Own Classroom – Distance
Student Teaching - Own Classroom – Local
Student Teaching - Multiple Endorsement - One Placement – Distance
Student Teaching - Multiple Endorsement - One Placement – Local
Total Hours76

Relevant 300-400 level PHYS courses require successful completion of MATH 430.


Liberty University School of Education Background check is required for all practicums and student teaching.


EDSC 488 is a required practicum course that requires a background check; candidates should not plan to take this course in summer sessions.


This course should be taken in the final semester.

Free Electives
Choose 0-5 credit hours of Free Elective0-5
Total Hours0-5


  • All practicum courses should be completed before student teaching, and candidate should not plan to take those courses in summer terms.

All applicable prerequisites must be met

Graduation Requirements

  • 120 Total Hours
  • 3.0 Overall grade point average
  • 30 Hours must be upper-level courses (300-400 level)
  • Grade of 'C' Minimum required for all courses in the major
  • 25% Of major taken through Liberty University
  • 30 Hours must be completed through Liberty University
  • Grad App Submission of Degree Completion Application must be completed within the last semester of a student's anticipated graduation date
Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterHours
BIBL 104 Survey of Old and New Testament 4
ENGL 101 Composition and Rhetoric 3
RLGN 104 Christian Life and Biblical Worldview 4
UNIV 104 Instructional Technology for Successful Online Learning 0-3
EDGT 175 School of Education Gate 1 – UG Initial Licensure - Distance 0
EDUC 201 Introduction to Education and Classroom Technology 3
Second Semester
COMS 101 Speech Communication 3
CSTU 101 Western Culture 3
Information Literacy Elective (ENGL 102) 1 3
MATH Elective (MATH 131) 1 4
EDGT 275 School of Education Gate 2 – UG Initial Licensure - Distance 0
PSYC 210 Developmental Psychology 3
Second Year
First Semester
HIUS 221 Survey of American History I 3
THEO 104 Introduction to Theology Survey 4
EDUC 221 Content Area Reading and Differentiated Teaching and Learning 3
Natural Science Elective (PHYS 231) 1 4
MATH 132 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 4
Second Semester
ENGL 201 American Literature I 3
EDUC 188 Practicum in Education I: Distance 2 0
EDUC 235 Content Instructional Design 3
EDUC 350 Behavior and Individual Differences 3
PHYS 232 University Physics II 4
Elective 3
Third Year
First Semester
EDSC 419 Teaching Science Content Methods for the Middle and Secondary School 3
EDSC 488 Science Lab Practicum in Schools 2,3 0
EDUC 360 Foundations of Education 3
PHYS 305 Introduction to Modern Physics 3
PHYS 310 Numerical Methods in Physics 3
Elective 3
Second Semester
EDUC 388 Practicum in Education III: Distance 2 0
EDUC 425 Content Measurement and Evaluation 3
EDUC 435 Content Curriculum Fundamentals 3
PHYS 321 Mechanics 3
PHYS 331 Electricity and Magnetism 3
MATH 410 Matrix and Linear Algebra 3
Fourth Year
First Semester
BIOL 101 Principles of Biology 3
CHEM 108 Chemistry for Health Science Professionals 4
EDGT 375 School of Education Gate 3 – UG Initial Licensure - Distance 0
PHYS 432 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 3
PHYS 440 Wave Optics 4
Second Semester
EDST 475 The Reflective Educator: Resource Seminar 3
Student Teaching Option 2,4 9
 Total Hours120-123

Relevant 300-400 level PHYS courses require successful completion of MATH 430


Refer to the list of approved general education electives at before enrolling in foundational skills requirements


Liberty University School of Education Background check is required for all practicums and student teaching


EDSC 488 is a required practicum course that requires a background check; candidates should not plan to take this course in summer sessions.


Choose one of the following Student Teaching options: EDST 460, 461, 464, 465, 466, or 467

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