Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies (Ph.D.)

Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies (Ph.D.)


The Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies degree will prepare professional scholars and Christian community leaders at the highest level of scholarship. Trained by a qualified faculty, graduates with the PH.D. in Biblical Studies will be prepared to serve as faculty in academic institutions and as scholars and theologically informed leaders for the church and Christian community.

Program Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Design an original research project that adds to the knowledge base of the discipline.
  • Appraise methods and approaches to biblical studies.
  • Apply current methods of biblical studies.
  • Examine critical issues in biblical studies from an evangelical perspective.

Program Specific Admission Requirements

In addition to general requirements for admission to the School of Divinity, applicants for admission to the Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies must submit the following for review:

  1. An earned Master of Divinity or Master of Biblical Studies degree.
  2. Official transcripts showing the completion of 12 hours of graduate Greek and 9 hours of graduate Hebrew with a grade of B or better in those hours. 
  3. An earned grade point average of 3.00 on a scale 4.00 in all previous graduate work.
  4. A writing sample that must meet the following criteria: A 10-12 page paper (excluding cover page, table of contents and bibliography).
  5. A Statement of Purpose and a Doctrinal Questionnaire following the provided template.
    1. At least 300 words
    2. Questionaire
  6. Pastoral Recommender Contact Information.
  7. Contact Information from Two Academic Recommenders. All applicants must submit contact information from two professors with whom they studied at the graduate (master’s degree) level.
  8. Professional vita including degrees earned, ministry experience, and/or teaching experience and career goals.
  9. Approval from the School of Divinity.

Transfer Credit

Students may transfer up to 27 credit hours from an accredited institution subject to department approval. In order to transfer credit, students must have earned the minimum grade of B-, and courses must have been completed within 7 years of the start date of the program. Credits from a prior degree on the same academic level earned through Liberty University are considered transfer credits.

Delivery Format: Residential Only

  • Pastor
  • Professor
  • Bible Teacher
  • Researcher/Author
  • Publishing
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