Religious Studies Major (B.S.)

Religious Studies Major (B.S.)

The B.S. in Religious Studies major will provide an undergraduate degree program for students who have a particular interest in pursuing further academic studies in the various religious studies disciplines. Concentrations are offered in Biblical Languages, Global Studies, Jewish Studies, New Testament, Old Testament, and Theology and Apologetics.


The Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies major seeks to provide students with a general knowledge of the Bible, church history, apologetics, and hermeneutical methodology while allowing students to focus on a specific cognate area. This purpose is accomplished with a view to preparing students for their chosen vocations and equipping them to engage the culture relevantly with the truth of the gospel.

Program Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Biblically justify essential truths of evangelical Christianity.
  • Apply the principles of biblical interpretation.
  • Examine religious perspectives, informed by various academic disciplines, from a conservative evangelical viewpoint.
  • Understand how the Christian worldview compares and contrasts to other worldviews.
  • Archaeologist
  • Author
  • Biblical translator
  • Christian educator
  • Church administrator
  • Evangelist
  • Missions
  • Parachurch ministries
  • Pastor
  • Theologian
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