School Counseling (M.Ed.)

School Counseling (M.Ed.)

Important: This degree plan is effective for those starting this degree program in fall 2024 through summer 2025. This degree plan will remain in effect for students who do not break enrollment or who do not change degree programs, concentrations, or cognates.

Liberty University’s CAEP/CACREP accredited School Counseling program is designed for licensure in Virginia and may be used for reciprocity through licensure or accreditation in another state. Along with successful completion of this degree, two years of prior teaching and/or school counseling experience will be needed to obtain a full license in Virginia. Those who do not have prior teaching and/or school counseling experience may qualify for a provisional license through accreditation according to the regulations of each state.

Counseling Courses
COUC 502Human Growth and Development3
COUC 504Multicultural Counseling3
COUC 515Research and Program Evaluation3
COUC 522Career Development and Counseling3
Total Hours12
School Counseling Courses
COSC 500Gate 2/Orientation to School Counseling0
COSC 501Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues in School Counseling3
COSC 505Counseling Techniques for School Counseling 13
COSC 510Theories of School Counseling3
COSC 512Structured Groups 2,33
COSC 513Gate 2.5/Practicum Application0
Total Hours12

COSC 505 is offered in synchronous online format


COSC 512 is offered in synchronous online format, after COSC 505 is completed.


A background check will be required

School Counseling Advanced Courses
COSC 521Foundations of Exceptionality3
COSC 604Foundations of Education and School Counseling3
COSC 611Counseling Children and Adolescents in Schools: Social Emotional Development and Exceptionalities3
COSC 612Advanced School Counseling Interventions3
COSC 622Assessment and Evaluation in School Counseling3
COSC 660Principles of School Counseling3
COSC 661School Counseling Program Development and Evaluation3
COSC 662School Counselors as Leaders: Consultation, Collaboration, and Integration3
COSC 665Crisis Counseling in Schools3
Total Hours27
Professional Courses
COSC 690Gate 3.0/Internship I Application0
COSC 691Gate 3.5/Internship II Application0
COSC 692School Counseling Practicum3
COSC 693School Counseling Internship I 13
COSC 694School Counseling Internship II 13
Total Hours9

One semester of internship must be at the elementary level, and one semester of internship must be at the secondary level


Take Praxis II Exam: Professional School Counselor, or state equivalent National Counselor Exam (NCE) may be taken during the final semester of the program (NCE is optional. If passed, may lead to National Certified Counselor/NCC).

All applicable prerequisites must be met

Graduation Requirements

  • Complete 60 hours
  • A maximum of 50% of the program hours may be transferred if approved and allowable, including credit from an earned degree from Liberty University on the same academic level 
  • 3.0 GPA
  • No more than two grades of C may be applied to the degree (includes grades of C+ & C-)
  • No grade of D or below may be applied to the degree (includes grades of D+ & D-)
  • Two courses required in Synchronous Online Format1,2
  • Degree must be completed within 7 years
  • Submission of Degree Completion Application must be completed within the last semester of a student’s anticipated graduation date

COSC 505 is offered in synchronous online format


COSC 512 is offered in synchronous online format, after COSC 505 is completed

Program Offered in Online Format

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterHours
COSC 500 Gate 2/Orientation to School Counseling 1 0
COSC 501 Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues in School Counseling 3
COUC 502 Human Growth and Development 3
COUC 504 Multicultural Counseling 3
COSC 510 Theories of School Counseling 3
Second Semester
COSC 505 Counseling Techniques for School Counseling 2 3
COSC 611 Counseling Children and Adolescents in Schools: Social Emotional Development and Exceptionalities 3
COSC 604 Foundations of Education and School Counseling 3
COSC 612 Advanced School Counseling Interventions 3
Second Year
First Semester
COSC 512 Structured Groups 3 3
COUC 522 Career Development and Counseling 3
COSC 660 Principles of School Counseling 3
COSC 661 School Counseling Program Development and Evaluation 3
COSC 513 Gate 2.5/Practicum Application 4 0
Second Semester
COSC 692 School Counseling Practicum 3
COSC 662 School Counselors as Leaders: Consultation, Collaboration, and Integration 3
COSC 622 Assessment and Evaluation in School Counseling 3
COSC 665 Crisis Counseling in Schools 3
COSC 690 Gate 3.0/Internship I Application 4 0
Third Year
First Semester
COSC 693 School Counseling Internship I 6 3
COSC 521 Foundations of Exceptionality 3
COSC 691 Gate 3.5/Internship II Application 4 0
Second Semester
COSC 694 School Counseling Internship II 6 3
COUC 515 Research and Program Evaluation 3
 Total Hours60

Submit Gate 2 (first semester)


COSC 505 is offered in Synchronous Online Format


COSC 512 is offered in Synchronous Online Format, after COSC 505 is completed


Must be taken in the Fall or Spring semester


Take Praxis II Exam: Professional School Counselor, or state equivalent (fourth semester)


One semester of internship must be at the elementary level and one semester of internship must be at the secondary level.


National Counselor Exam (NCE) may be taken during the final semester of the program (NCE is optional - if passed may lead to National Certified Counselor/NCC)


Candidates must maintain a 3.0 GPA

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