Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.)

Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.)


The purpose of the Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology program is to prepare clinical psychologists for licensure and to practice independently in treating moderate to severe mental illness and to do so while impacting the lives of patients through the lens of a Christian worldview.

Program Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Integrate faith in the practice of clinical psychology.
  • Integrate knowledge of the literature in the discipline of psychology.
  • Formulate research or other scholarship that are of sufficient quality and rigor to have the potential to contribute to the scientific, psychological, or professional knowledge base.
  • Act in accordance with the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, relevant governance, professional standards, and guidelines, and apply ethical decision-making processes in order to resolve the dilemmas.
  • Conduct all professional activities with sensitivity to human diversity, including the ability to deliver high quality services to an increasingly diverse population.
  • Behave in ways that reflect the values and attitudes of the discipline of psychology, professional identity, and the well-being of self and others.
  • Relate and communicate with a wide range of individuals, produce and comprehend communications that are informative, well-integrated, and professional, and manage difficult communication well.
  • Conduct evidence-based assessment consistent with the scope of Health Service Psychology, interpret assessment results, and effectively communicate assessment findings and implications to a range of audiences.
  • Implement evidence-based interventions consistent with the scope of Health Service Psychology, evaluate intervention effectiveness, and adapt intervention goals and methods consistent with ongoing evaluation.
  • Apply knowledge of supervision models and practices in direct or simulated practice with psychology trainees, or other health professionals.
  • Collaborate with health service psychology professionals and other individuals or groups to address a problem, seek or share knowledge, or promote effectiveness in professional activities.

Program Specific Admission Procedures

In addition to the General Admission Procedures outlined in this catalog, doctoral applicants to the Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology program must have:

  1. Requirements for admission to the PsyD program include the completion of the bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university with a minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. In addition, at least 18 semester hours in psychology are required and must be completed before the 2nd semester (spring) of the PsyD program, including at least one course in each of the following groups of courses:
    1. general psychology
    2. abnormal psychology or psychopathology
    3. quantitative methods, statistics, research methods or experimental design
    4. personality psychology or theories of psychotherapy
    5. physiological psychology
    6. one course from the traditional “scientific subdisciplines” (i.e., learning, cognition, social or developmental psychology or sensation/perception)*
  2. A cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 or above (on a 4.00 scale) in all previous graduate course work.
  3. The GRE is NOT required, but applicants are strongly encouraged to take the GRE General Test. A minimum composite GRE score of 300 will contribute positively to the applicant’s success. 
  4. Personal interviews are required for all finalist in the application process.
  5. Three (3) Letters of Recommendation from professional sources, at least one of which is from an academic source, that speak to the student’s character, work ethic, teachability, leadership potential, quality of academic work and ability to do doctoral level work.
  6. Statement of Purpose: Personal Essay must be 500-700 words. The essay should address your long term career plans, area of interest in clinical psychology, and why you want a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from this program.
  7. Departmental approval (as required by Graduate Admissions)

The above are minimum academic requirements for admission to the Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology program. The applicant’s character, integrity, and general fitness to practice a particular profession will also be considered in the admission process.

*Self-certification form (for students who are in the final term of their bachelor’s degree). Current Liberty undergraduate students seeking preliminary acceptance into a graduate program must complete a degree completion application through their ASIST account. Students who are admitted into the program must submit final, official transcripts prior to beginning the first semester of PsyD program.

Transfer of Credit

Students may transfer up to 39 semester hours of Psy.D. coursework. For a transferred course to replace a Liberty University Psy.D. course, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The school at which the course was taken must be appropriately accredited.
  2. The course credit must be at least three semester hours or five quarter hours.
  3. The student must have earned a grade of B- or better in the course.
  4. The course must overlap with one of Liberty’s courses by at least 80%.
  5. Transfer credits must have been completed as post-master’s course work (700-900 level) within the previous seven (7) years to be accepted.
  6. Courses with a recorded grade of C+ or below will not be accepted.
  7. Correspondence studies or life experiences will not be accepted for transfer credit.

Course Requirements

The Psy.D. in Psychology requires completion of a minimum of 126 hours of post-master’s doctoral level coursework including core courses, concentration courses, and dissertation coursework.

Administrative Dismissal

No grades lower than a "B" may be applied to the degree.  Any coursework taken toward fulfilling the requirements of the Doctor of Psychology degree or required by the student's advisor or committee with a recorded grade below "B" (includes B+ & B-) will not count toward the degree and may result in dismissal from the program.

Delivery Format: Residential Only

The career choices for clinical psychologists are many. Those who are licensed can practice independently, providing psychotherapeutic interventions and psychological assessments to children, families, and adults across the entire lifespan. They may also work within various government and non‐government agencies as psychological service providers, consultants, supervisors, and/or administrative leaders.  Psychologists can also work in primary care and specialty care medical setting, providing psychological interventions for medical patients. They can also teach in the university setting as well conduct and disseminate scientific research.

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