History (Ph.D.)

History (Ph.D.)

Important: This degree plan is effective for those starting this degree program in fall 2024 through summer 2025. This degree plan will remain in effect for students who do not break enrollment or who do not change degree programs, concentrations, or cognates.

Research Competencies 1
Research Competency/Languages
Research Competency/Languages

Demonstration of research competencies in appropriate areas (language proficiency, statistics, digital humanities, etc.) as approved by the graduate program director. Students completing dissertations on topics where English is not the first language must demonstrate language proficiency

Historiography/Interpretation Courses
HIST 501Historical Methods3
HIST 502Historiography3
HIST 711Development of Western Freedoms3
HIST 901Doctoral Historical Research3
HIUS 530American Christian Heritage3
HIUS 713American Entrepreneurship Since 19003
Total Hours18
Professional Studies Courses
HIST 701Historical Professions3
HIST 820Teaching History3
Choose one of the following:3
Local History Research
Digital History
Total Hours9
History Specialization 1
History Elective 23
History Elective 23
History Elective 23
Total Hours9

Student may not apply more than 15 total credit hours of 500-600 level coursework to the History Specialization and External Field or History Elective sections.


Choose a 500-900 level course from one of the following disciplines: HIUS, HIEU, HIST, or HIWD

External Field or History Elective Courses 1
Total Hours9

Student may not apply more than 15 total credit hours of 500-600 level coursework to the History Specialization and External Field or History Elective sections

Comprehensive Reading Courses 1,2
Choose three of the following courses:
HIUS 911Comprehensive Examination and Readings in Early America3
HIUS 912Comprehensive Examination and Readings in Modern America3
HIEU 913Comprehensive Examination and Readings in Early Modern Europe3
HIEU 914Comprehensive Examination and Readings in Modern Europe3
Total Hours12

Other Comprehensive Readings courses may be substituted with approval of the History Graduate Program Director


No Comprehensive Examination & Reading Course may be taken more than twice

Dissertation Courses
HIST 980Historiographical Research3
HIST 987Dissertation Research I5
HIST 988Dissertation Research II5
HIST 989Dissertation Research III5
HIST 990Dissertation Defense0
Total Hours18

All applicable prerequisites must be met

Graduation Requirements

  • Complete 72 hours
  • A maximum of 50% of a post-graduate and doctoral degree may be transferred if approved and allowable, including credit from an earned degree from Liberty University on the same academic level
  • 3.0 GPA
  • No grades lower than a B- may be applied to the degree
  • Degree must be completed within 7 years
  • Submission of Degree Completion Graduation Application must be completed within the last semester of a student's anticipated graduation date

Program Offered in Online Format

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterHours
HIST 501 Historical Methods 3
HIST 502 Historiography 3
HIST 701 Historical Professions 3
Second Semester
HIUS 530 American Christian Heritage 3
History Specialization 1,2 3
History Specialization 1,2 3
Second Year
First Semester
History Specialization 1,2 3
Field Study/History Elective 2 3
Field Study/History Elective 2 3
Second Semester
Professional Studies Elective 4 3
HIST 711 Development of Western Freedoms 3
Field Study/History Elective 2 3
Third Year
First Semester
HIST 820 Teaching History 3
HIUS 713 American Entrepreneurship Since 1900 3
Second Semester
HIUS 911 Comprehensive Examination and Readings in Early America 3 3
HIUS 912 Comprehensive Examination and Readings in Modern America 3 3
Fourth Year
First Semester
HIEU 913 Comprehensive Examination and Readings in Early Modern Europe 3 3
HIEU 914 Comprehensive Examination and Readings in Modern Europe 3 3
Second Semester
HIST 901 Doctoral Historical Research 3
Fifth Year
First Semester
HIST 987 Dissertation Research I 5
Second Semester
HIST 988 Dissertation Research II 5
Sixth Year
First Semester
HIST 989 Dissertation Research III 5
HIST 990 Dissertation Defense 0
 Total Hours72

Choose a 500-900 level coursefrom one of the following disciplines: HIUS, HIEU, HIST, or HIWD


Students may not take more than 15 total hours at the 500-600 level for History Specialization and Field Study/History Elective courses


Other Comprehensive Readings courses may be substituted with approval of the History Graduate Program Director


Choose one course from the following: HIST 705, 706, or 799


Demonstration of research competencies in appropriate areas (language proficiency, statistics, digital humanities, etc.) as approved by the graduate program director. Students completing dissertations on topics where English is not the first language must demonstrate language proficiency 

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