

Grades OMS-I and OMS-II

Grading for OMS I-II medical students, except where otherwise notated in the Catalog or Course Syllabus, is based on a scale of 0 to 100. LUCOM requires a grade of 70 or above for passing of all courses, any grade below 70 is failing. LUCOM provides only numerical grades between 0 and 100 for transcripts and Dean’s letters except where otherwise notated in the Catalog or Course Syllabus.

Grades OMS-III

Grading for OMS III medical students, except where otherwise notated in the Catalog or Course Syllabus, is based on a scale of 0 to 100. LUCOM requires a grade of 70 or above for passing of all courses, any grade below 70 is failing. LUCOM provides only numerical grades between 0 and 100 for transcripts and Dean’s letters except where otherwise notated in the Catalog or Course Syllabus.

The final numerical course grades from both preclinical and clinical years are used to calculate term and cumulative averages.

Grades OMS-IV

The grading structure for all OMS-IV selective and elective rotations will be pass/fail.

Other Grades

Some courses are graded pass with honors/high pass/pass/fail/and satisfactory; or satisfactory/fail; as shown below. LUCOM official grades are numerical grades only and not letter grades.

P - Pass1 (70-100)      
F - Fail1 (0-69)      
R - Repeated course            
X - Remediated course        
I - Incomplete        
NR - No grade reported        
FN - Failure for nonattendance        
W - Withdrawal            
WP - Withdrawal Passing
WF - Withdrawal Failing
AU - Audited course
H - Pass with honors (90-100)
HP -  High pass (80-89)
S - Satisfactory (70-79)
U - Unsatisfactory (0-69)


Courses when no honor grade is accepted.

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