Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (Ph.D.)

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (Ph.D.)


The purpose of the Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering program is to Train Champions for Christ in Engineering, Scholarship and Research.


Program Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • Integrate qualitative and quantitative tools to perform effective engineering analysis and research.
  • Synthesize complex disparate information into new, valued scholarly contributions that reflect knowledge of the literature of the disciplines.
  • Communicate scholarly contributions in the written context.
  • Communicate scholarly contributions in the oral context.
  • Integrate the Christian worldview in all engineering design and management decisions.

Program Specific Admissions Requirements

In addition to the general admission requirements, admission to candidacy in the Ph.D. in Engineering program requires:

  1. Earned Master’s degree in Engineering or any other STEM field from an institution accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (e.g., SACSCOC, TRACS, ABHE, etc.).
  2. A graduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above (on a 4.00 scale).
  3. TOEFL (if applicable).

Transfer Credit

Students may transfer up to 42 credit hours from an accredited institution subject to department approval. A maximum of 30 hours of 500/600-level coursework may be applied to the degree, whether credit taken for the Ph.D. through Liberty, credit from a Master’s degree completed through Liberty, or credit transferred from another institution. In order to transfer credit, students must have earned the minimum grade of B-, and courses must have been completed within seven (7) years of the start date of the program.

Administrative Dismissal

Students will be subject to Administrative Probation for the first grade of C+ or lower. For the second grade of C+ or lower, students will be subject to Administrative Dismissal from the program. The decision to dismiss will be made by the Dean or Associate Dean of the School of Engineering. No grades lower than B- may be applied to the degree.

Delivery Format: Residential Only

  • Research Engineer
  • Professional in advanced fields of engineering
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