Psychology (PSYC)
PSYC 700 Foundations of Doctoral Study in Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course introduces students to doctoral education in Psychology and the requirements for a Ph.D. in Psychology at Liberty University. This course is an introduction to our doctoral program with an emphasis on biblical worldview, critical thinking skills, scholarly writing, and evaluating empirical research biblically to equip students for success in their doctoral education.
Offered: Online
PSYC 710 Psychological Research & Biblical Worldview 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 700
Exploration of the purpose of empirical research with a review of the philosophies of empiricism and rationalism in comparison to the Biblical worldview. How a Biblical worldview is compatible with empirical research in Psychology and the exploration of truth is examined.
Offered: Online
PSYC 712 Theories and Research in Social Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 700
Critical examination of current theory and research in social psychology. Focus on theories of attribution, social perception, attitude formation/change, social relationships, prosocial behavior, aggression, social influence.
Offered: Online
PSYC 716 Theories and Research in Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 700
Critical examination of current theory and research in industrial/organizational psychology. Focus on organizational development, workplace attitudes, research on personnel and management, as well as key theories in industrial/organizational psychology.
Offered: Online
PSYC 718 Theories and Research in Behavioral Health 3 Credit Hour(s)
In this course, students explore behavioral health and how management within behavioral healthcare is similar and different from healthcare management in general. Furthermore, how to apply theories of leadership to behavioral health is examined.
Offered: Online
PSYC 725 Theories and Research in Developmental Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 700
Critical examination of current theory and research in developmental psychology. Focus on physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development across the lifespan.
Offered: Online
PSYC 750 Biological Bases of Behavior 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 700
Advanced exploration of the anatomical structures and physiological processes that determine behavior. Focus on the structure and function of the vertebrate nervous system, the cellular basis of neuronal activities, the neural control of movement, the acquisition and processing of sensory information, and the biological bases of motivated behaviors and higher-order mental processes.
Offered: Online
PSYC 775 Teaching of Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 700
This course provides students with an overview of the theoretical background and practical skills needed to effectively teach the subject of psychology at the college level. Topics in the course include course preparation, strategies to facilitate learning, successful teacher-student rapport, and exploration of personal teaching style/philosophy.
Offered: Online
PSYC 780 Strategic Planning and Management 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 718
This course reviews the purpose and nature of strategic planning in public, private, and not-for-profit organizations and how to define, plan, and execute goals for an organization. The evaluation and sustainment of strategic plans within an organization will also be explored.
Offered: Online
PSYC 800 Grant Writing 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course explores grant writing and obtaining funding for research, programs, and organizations. Students are guided through the entire grant submission process, including locating funding sources and proposal development.
Offered: Online
PSYC 802 Program Evaluation 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides an overview of basic approaches used to understand and assess programs. How to determine whether programs achieve their intended goals and how to improve effectiveness of programs is explored.
Offered: Online
PSYC 810 Advanced Research: Qualitative Research & Analysis 3 Credit Hour(s)
The value of qualitative research in understanding human behavior is examined with an emphasis on various qualitative methodologies and their theoretical foundations. Phenomenology, grounded theory, and case study are discussed.
Offered: Online
PSYC 812 Social Cognitive Development 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 700
This course will explore and evaluate theories and empirical findings on the development of social cognition, a form of cognition. Students will engage knowledge of cognitive development and social development as we examine how research explains the role cognitive processes play in social interactions. Emphasis on the “social” aspects of social cognition will guide our focus on cognition in relation to the self, others, how we interpret feelings and emotions, and mental processes that influence perception and judgments within social groups.
Offered: Online
PSYC 815 Advanced Research: Quantitative Research & Analysis 3 Credit Hour(s)
The value of quantitative research in understanding human behavior is examined with an emphasis on various advanced quantitative methodologies and their theoretical foundations. The course builds on students' understanding of basic inferential theory and linear regression and familiarizes them with new statistical techniques and advanced quantitative methods.
Offered: Online
PSYC 820 Seminar on the Integration of Theology and Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
This seminar course explores the relationship between Christian Theology and psychological science. The theological and philosophical foundations of various conceptual models of integration will be evaluated and applied to research in Psychology. Theological and psychological methods also will be explored.
Offered: Online
PSYC 825 Contemporary Topics in Developmental Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 725
Exploration of contemporary topics in developmental psychology across the lifespan. Empirical research, current trends, and a special focus on ongoing research in the field will be highlighted.
Offered: Online
PSYC 826 Contemporary Topics in Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 716
Exploration of contemporary topics in Industrial/Organizational psychology. Empirical research, current trends, and a special focus on ongoing research in the field will be highlighted.
Offered: Online
PSYC 827 Contemporary Topics in Social Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 712
Exploration of contemporary topics in social psychology. Empirical research, current trends, and a special focus on ongoing research in the field will be highlighted.
Offered: Online
PSYC 828 Contemporary Topics in Behavioral Health 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 718
Exploration of contemporary topics in behavioral health. Empirical research, current trends, and a special focus on ongoing research in the field will be highlighted.
Offered: Online
PSYC 830 Child and Adolescent Development in the Digital Age 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 725
Examination of current research on child and adolescent development in the context of the digital age. Appraisal of empirical literature relating to the impact of contemporary technological innovations on physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual development of children and adolescents. Investigation of the complex interactions among development, media and technology, and recent sociocultural change. Exploration of the effects of sociocultural change on development.
Offered: Online
PSYC 831 Advanced Child and Adolescent Development 3 Credit Hour(s)
Advanced study of the unique physical, social, psychological and cognitive development of children and adolescents. Developmental theories and research aimed at understanding the unique needs and stages in childhood and adolescence will be examined.
Offered: Online
PSYC 832 Language and Cognitive Development 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 725
Examination of how children’s thinking and language develop from infancy through the lifespan. Major theories and explanations for intellectual growth will be examined with application to real-world issues that pertain to children’s cognitive and language development.
Offered: Online
PSYC 833 Moral Development 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 725
Advanced study of moral development across the lifespan. Examination of themes and current research in physical, mental, emotional, and social domains pertinent to moral development. Special consideration given to varying social and cultural contexts.
Offered: Online
PSYC 840 Leadership and Development 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 718
The purpose of this course is to examine theories and research in leadership, leadership styles, roles, and functions of leaders of organizations. Leadership development is also explored, as well as issues facing contemporary leaders.
Offered: Online
PSYC 845 Measurement & Testing in I/O Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 545
In this course, students will review and apply methodologies to assess the measurement qualities of tests pertinent to organizations. Specifically, students will demonstrate their ability to critique and improve existing measures using data with the goal of bolstering the validity arguments of the test scores. Students will learn to make data-driven decisions from classical and advanced measurement techniques that are readily used by the I/O psychologists of today.
Offered: Online
PSYC 847 Organizational Consulting & Change 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 716
This course will enable students to learn both the theoretical and pragmatic approaches associated with the skills and competencies of an organizational and professional development consultant. Students will be exposed to consulting, coaching and change management tools for all levels in the organization, i.e. individual, group. They will also be exposed to research topics related to organizational change such as organizational assessment and development which they will then apply practically to a case study focusing on an organization's need for change.
Offered: Online
PSYC 850 Workplace Attitudes, Measurement, & Change 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 716
Working in or with organizations requires an in-depth understanding of job attitudes. This class will approach the measurement and assessment of workplace attitudes from both a research and practical perspective. This course will review the major theories of job attitudes, as well as their antecedents, correlates, and consequences. Students will review research on attitudes such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, engagement and both organizational & counterproductive behaviors. They will then use this research to create their own applied attitude survey research project.
Offered: Online
PSYC 855 Psychology of Contemporary & Virtual Organizations 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 716
In this course, students explore current research and theory related to the emergence of contemporary virtual organizations in the 21st century. The dimensions of virtual work, as well as evaluation of managerial and individual challenges facing virtual organizations is examined. Focus is given to effectiveness, communication, technology changes, and functionality in the work setting.
Offered: Online
PSYC 857 Behavioral Healthcare Policy and Governance 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 718
In this course, students examine economic, financial, and political factors that influence the delivery of behavioral healthcare. The behavioral healthcare policy making process is examined, as well as how behavioral health organizations can engage in relations to influence policy is examined.
Offered: Online
PSYC 858 Healthcare Financial Management 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 718
This course reviews economic principles and basic business finance approaches to decision making. The principles of healthcare financial management, including accounting and finance, are reviewed. Provides a foundation in the basic financial management skills in organizations.
Offered: Online
PSYC 860 Attitudes, Measurement, and Change 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 712
This course examines theory, research, and application in attitudes and change. Through use of evidence-based psychological measurements, research regarding the growing field of implicit attitudes, with the more traditional study of persuasion will be addressed. Additionally, new research on the effects of attitude and change, as is understood within the concept of humanity’s information processing and behavior will be explored.
Offered: Online
PSYC 865 Survey Research Methods 3 Credit Hour(s)
In this course, students are provided with the opportunity to develop a comprehensive understanding of the process of survey research methods, including research design and the construction, implementation, analysis, and validation of survey instruments. Focus is given to critical analysis of survey-based research in both academic and non-academic settings. Additional emphasis is placed on development of practical and technical skills involved in designing high-quality surveys and analyzing and interpreting survey data.
Offered: Online
PSYC 866 Social Relationships 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 712
The course provides an overview of research on social relationships with a focus on theories related to relationship formation, attraction, satisfaction, and dissolution of relationships.
Offered: Online
PSYC 867 Social Cognitive Neuroscience 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 712
This course provides an overview of emerging research in Social Cognitive Neuroscience with a look at social influences on the nervous system, including the neural basis of social interaction, and the neural basis of perceptions about our social world.
Offered: Online
PSYC 868 Social Psychology of the Digital Age 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 712
In this course, students will consider the specific challenges and opportunities to the field of psychology that is affected by the ever-changing digital world. Consideration will be given to such concepts as associated with online and digital world with advertising, parenting, abuse/bullying and mental health.
Offered: Online
PSYC 870 Prospectus: Developing the Dissertation Concept 3 Credit Hour(s)
In this course, students will be introduced to the dissertation process and will develop the foundational elements of their dissertation. Emphasis will be given to the development of the Problem Statement, Purpose, Research Questions, literature review, and proposed methodology.
Registration Restrictions: All core courses and 6 of the 7 concentration courses must be completed before enrolling in 870. If needed, the student can take the final concentration course with 870.
Offered: Online
PSYC 987 Dissertation I 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 870
In this course, students will work with their dissertation committee to complete their Dissertation Proposal (Chapters 1-3) and will complete an oral defense of their proposal.
Registration Restrictions: Department approval required; PSYC 870 and completion of all core and concentration coursework.
Offered: Online
PSYC 988 Dissertation II 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 987
In this course, students will build upon the work they completed in Dissertation I by completing their IRB application and completing data collection.
Offered: Online
PSYC 989 Dissertation III 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 988
In this course, students will complete data analysis and complete the writing of their dissertation manuscript. Committee approval of the Dissertation Manuscript is required for completion of this course.
Offered: Online
PSYC 990 Dissertation Defense 0 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 989
In this course, students will complete their dissertations by completing their Dissertation Manuscript, to include the Abstract and Chapters 1-5 of their dissertation. Students will conclude this course with an oral defense of their Dissertation Manuscript.
Offered: Online