Business (BUSI)
BUSI 700 Doctor of Business Administration Orientation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Introduction for new DBA students to provide information about the DBA program and philosophy, as well as the Graduate School of Business and university resources (Intensive Optional).
Offered: Online
BUSI 701 Current Topics in Business Administration 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course covers current trends in critical areas of business administration from an executive perspective.
Offered: Online
BUSI 702 PhD Program Orientation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Introduction to the PhD Organization & Management and PhD Business Administration programs. This course provides an overview of core areas of business and management, student expectations, the process of conducting scholarly research, strategies for success, and university resources.
Offered: Online
BUSI 707 Entrepreneurship: From Startup to Exit Strategy 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides a detailed overview of the entrepreneurial perspective and process. Topics include moving from an idea to developing a business opportunity, further developing the business opportunity into a clear business plan, obtaining funding for the business, and finally, successfully launching, growing, and potentially exiting the new business venture.
Offered: Online
BUSI 708 Small Business Management 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides an overview of entrepreneurship as it relates to small business management. Topics include the nature of entrepreneurs and small businesses, leveraging ideas and small business entry, marketing for small businesses, accounting and finance for cash management, and the functions of operations management, risk management, and human resource management.
Offered: Online
BUSI 709 Raising Capital for Business Startups 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides a detailed overview of the process of raising capital for new business ventures. Topics include planning for fundraising, negotiating valuation, funding for startups and small businesses, funding for diversity businesses, funding for inventions and innovations, and community-based funding.
Offered: Online
BUSI 710 Foundations of Applied Research Methods 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 701 (may be taken concurrently)
This course provides an overview of applied research methods to be used in doctoral research. The course will explore the core elements necessary to establish a foundation for the study. The course will also explore the research processes necessary to effectively search, identify, develop, and structure research for further investigation in an applied doctoral research project.
Offered: Online
BUSI 711 Foundations of Fundamental and Theoretical Research Methods 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 702 (may be taken concurrently)
This course provides an overview of academic and applied research methods to be used in doctoral research. The course will explore all the elements necessary to establish the foundation of the study. The course will also explore the research processes necessary to effectively search, identify, develop, and structure research for further investigation.
Offered: Online
BUSI 730 Strategic Allocation of Financial Resources 3 Credit Hour(s)
The advanced study of accounting and financial decision making techniques and models that are useful in the translation of strategic and operational goals related to resource allocation into specific budgetary expectations of revenue, expenses, capital expenditures, and needs for external funding, including analysis of the effects of contingencies that might cause financial outcomes to vary from budgeted expectations.
Offered: Online
BUSI 735 Understanding the Organization 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 701
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the modern organization from a systems perspective. Topics include the importance of organizations, organizations as systems, the environment of the organization, and the structure of organizations.
Offered: Online
BUSI 740 Managing the Supply Chain 3 Credit Hour(s)
A comprehensive study of concepts, processes, and strategies used in the development and management of global supply chains. Topical coverage will include: supply chain management, production planning and inventory control, order fulfillment and supply chain coordination; and global supply chain design, logistics and outsourcing.
Offered: Online
BUSI 741 Global Supply Chain Strategy 3 Credit Hour(s)
An in-depth exploration of current research and theory supporting the development and application of effective global supply chain management techniques designed for superior cost reduction and value creation.
Offered: Online
BUSI 742 Global Logistics Strategy 3 Credit Hour(s)
An in-depth exploration of current research and theory supporting the development and application of processes designed to manage how resources are acquired, stored, transported on global basis.
Offered: Online
BUSI 743 Managing for Lean Six Sigma 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides a detailed overview of process of raising capital for new business ventures. Topics include planning for fundraising, negotiating valuation, funding for startups and small businesses, funding for diversity businesses, funding for inventions and innovations, and community-based funding.
Offered: Online
BUSI 745 Marketing for Competitive Advantage 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course will examine the development of marketing strategy from the perspective of shifting demand patterns due to changes in consumer behavior, market segmentation, persona development, and the economic environment. Marketing strategy will be developed and examined through the lens of a Christian Worldview.
Offered: Online
BUSI 750 Managing Human Resources 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides the business leader with the knowledge of critical topics related to strategically managing the organization’s human resources. Key issues addressed include the environment of HRM, jobs and labor, talent development, performance, compensation and employee relations. Current HR issues, measuring HR effectiveness, global human resource management and HR ethics will be evaluated.
Offered: Online
BUSI 755 Organizational and Executive Coaching 3 Credit Hour(s)
Comprehensive overview of business coaching theory, methodology, and techniques, including organizational coaching theories and frameworks, coaching skills and techniques, and executive coaching, resulting in an experiential and individualized leader development process that builds a leader's capability to achieve short- and long-term organizational goals.
Offered: Online
BUSI 760 Quality Management and Productivity 3 Credit Hour(s)
The advanced study of the concepts of continuous improvement and quality management, viewing quality as a systematic process that improves customer satisfaction. Coverage includes methods and technologies that will aid managers in assuring that the organization's quality system is effectively meeting the organization's continuous improvement goals.
Offered: Online
BUSI 770 Strategy Formulation and Strategic Thinking 3 Credit Hour(s)
The advanced study of the process of business strategy development and execution including the decision traps to avoid and the most effective ways to develop and implement strategy.
Offered: Online
BUSI 780 Business Case Study Design Seminar 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 770
Offered: Online
BUSI 789 Appl Doctoral Research Proj II 5 Credit Hour(s)
BUSI 790 Appl Doctoral Research Prj III 5 Credit Hour(s)
BUSI 815 Qualitative Research Methods 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course examines the qualitative method used in doctoral research, with a focus on five qualitative designs: narrative, phenomenological, grounded theory, ethnographic, and case study. Underpinning philosophical assumptions are presented in context with the selected qualitative designs. The course also covers data collection, analysis, and validation measures appropriate for qualitative research.
Offered: Online
BUSI 816 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 815
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of advanced qualitative research processes, including data collection methods and data analysis to write relatable results. The course covers critical aspects of conducting rigorous qualitative research exploring concepts like the researcher’s role, reflexivity, and research ethics.
Offered: Online
BUSI 820 Quantitative Research Methods 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is designed to prepare doctoral students to apply statistical methods to problems in business administration. Students will learn the fundamental concepts, designs, principles, and statistical skills necessary to perform an empirical study. This will include a basic knowledge of the nature of quantitative methods and the principles of experimental design. Upon conclusion of the course, students will be able to differentiate between a variety of models and statistical methods appropriate to business administration research. (Formerly BUSI 720)
Offered: Online
BUSI 821 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 820
This course provides an advanced study of the selection and use of quantitative methods and associated statistical techniques in doctoral research. Through study and practical application problems, students will gain experience in all phases of advanced quantitative research from data management and statistical analysis to properly interpreting and presenting the results. Students will gain experience using leading statistical analysis software.
Offered: Online
BUSI 830 Case Study Research Methods and Consulting Techniques 3 Credit Hour(s)
This doctoral level course examines the qualitative method used in business research, with a focus on case studies. Students will also explore current trends in effective business consulting techniques.
Offered: Online
BUSI 885 Research Concept 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: ((BUSI 700 or BUSI 701) and BUSI 710 and BUSI 730 and BUSI 735 and BUSI 740 and BUSI 745 and BUSI 750 and BUSI 770 and BUSI 815 and BUSI 820 and BUSI 830 and (BUSI 601 and ACCT 612 and ACCT 622 and ACCT 632 and ACCT 642 or BUSI 530 and BUSI 532 and BUSI 534 and BUSI 536 and BUSI 538 or BUSI 505 and BUSI 506 and BUSI 511 and BUSI 646 or BUSI 642 and BUSI 643 and BUSI 644 and BUSI 645 or BMIS 510 and BMIS 520 and BMIS 530 and BMIS 580 or BUSI 604 and BUSI 605 and BUSI 606 and BUSI 607 or BUSI 502 and BUSI 503 and BUSI 504 and BUSI 610 or BUSI 520 and BUSI 612 and BUSI 613 and BUSI 614 and COMS 658 and HLTH 553 and MGMT 602 or BUSI 650 and BUSI 680 and BUSI 681 and BUSI 682 or BUSI 621 and BUSI 622 and BUSI 623 and JURI 550 or BUSI 570 and MGMT 501 and BMAL 500 and COMS 532 and COMS 560 or STCO 532 and STCO 534 and STCO 550 and STCO 562 and BUSI 615 and BUSI 616 or MGMT 610 and MGMT 645 and MGMT 651 and MGMT 652) or (LIFC 501 and LIFC 502 and LIFC 603 and LIFC 604) or (COMS 624 and STCO 648 and TOUR 601 and TOUR 602))
This course will focus on students completing research concept paper and preparing students for their applied doctoral research project.
Registration Restrictions: All DBA Core Courses and all Cognate courses for Cognate the student is enrolled will need to be completed prior to this course.
Offered: Online
BUSI 886 PhD Research Concept 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: ((BMAL 703 and BMAL 704 and BMAL 710 and BMAL 714 and BUSI 702 and BUSI 711 and BUSI 750 and BUSI 770 and BUSI 815 and BUSI 820) and (BUSI 816 or BUSI 821) or (BUSI 702 and BUSI 711 and BUSI 730 and BUSI 740 and BUSI 745 and BUSI 750 and BUSI 770 and BUSI 815 and BUSI 816 and BUSI 820 and BUSI 821))
This course will focus on students completing a research concept paper and preparing students for their dissertation.
Registration Restrictions: PhD Organization Management Students and all cognate courses
Offered: Online
BUSI 887 Applied Doctoral Research Project I 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 885
This course is the first step for DBA Doctoral Candidates in the process of developing and completing their applied doctoral research project. Doctoral Candidates will develop Section 1 which includes the Foundation of the Study to include a detailed Literature Review relevant to the proposed research study.
Offered: Online
BUSI 888 Applied Doctoral Research Project II 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 887
This course is the second step for DBA Doctoral Candidates to develop and complete their applied doctoral research project. Doctoral Candidates will develop Section 2 which includes their methodology for conducting the study and combine it with Section 1 into a single document. Candidates will also defend their research proposal.
Offered: Online
BUSI 889 Applied Doctoral Research Project III 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 888
This course is the final step in developing the applied doctoral research project manuscript. Doctoral Candidates will conduct their field study, analyze their data, and present their findings and develop Section 3 of their applied doctoral research project. Candidates will combine all three sections into their completed applied doctoral research project manuscript in preparation for their defense.
Offered: Online
BUSI 890 Applied Doctoral Research Project IV 0 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 889 (may be taken concurrently)
This course is the last step in the DBA program. Doctoral Candidates will defend their applied doctoral research project and finalize their manuscript.
Offered: Online
BUSI 987 Dissertation I 5 Credit Hour(s)
This course is the first step for doctoral candidates in the process of developing and completing their research study and dissertation. doctoral candidates will complete Chapter 1, Introduction and develop a detailed outline of Chapter 2, Literature Review.
Offered: Online
BUSI 988 Dissertation II 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 987
This course is the second step for doctoral candidates in the process of developing and completing their research study and dissertation. Doctoral candidates will complete Chapter 2, Literature Review and Chapter 3, Methodology and combine them with Chapter 1 to form their research proposal. Candidates will also conduct their research proposal defense and submit their research to the IRB for review.
Offered: Online
BUSI 989 Dissertation III 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 988
This course is the final step in for doctoral candidates in the process of developing and completing their research study and dissertation. Doctoral candidates will conduct their field study and complete Chapter 4, Data Analysis and Results as well as Chapter 5, Conclusions. Finally, doctoral candidates will combine all chapters to form their dissertation manuscript in preparation for their dissertation defense.
Offered: Online
BUSI 990 Dissertation IV 0 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: BUSI 989
This course is the final step in the program. Doctoral candidates will defend their dissertation and finalize their manuscript for publication.
Offered: Online