General Information

Liberty University is located in the heart of Virginia in Lynchburg (population 80,000) on the south banks of the historic James River with the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains as a backdrop. The city is over 200 years old and is noted for its culture, beauty, and educational advantages. Lynchburg is at the crossroads of U.S. highways 29 and 460 and has adequate transportation facilities by bus, railway, and air.

Liberty’s campus is surrounded by beautiful mountain vistas and extends over 7,200 acres at the base of Liberty Mountain with over 172 facilities with more than seven million square feet of building space including 515 lecture auditoriums, classrooms, and laboratories.
The University is a religiously-oriented, private, coeducational, comprehensive institution.
“Knowledge Aflame”
Liberty University was originally formed under the auspices of Thomas Road Baptist Church. Liberty is distinctive among Christian colleges because resident students use Thomas Road Baptist Church, other local church ministries, and community service groups as a laboratory for practical application of what they learn in the classroom. While this practice is not logistically or philosophically possible for students in the online programs, Liberty University Online uses its curriculum and advising to encourage spiritual, moral and ethical development in the student body.

The University Seal, a symbol of the administrative authority of the university, depicts the Freedom Tower against the background of an open Bible. To the upper left sits, the Liberty Bell, a replica of which resides at the top of the Freedom Tower. The flame arising from the Bible depicts the motto, “Knowledge Aflame,” and evokes the university’s guiding philosophy—that knowledge has validity only when viewed in the light of biblical truth. The Seal’s octagonal border reflects the Jeffersonian architecture of the building which first housed the university.
The Mace is a symbol of administrative authority, a symbol of continuity as the institution pursues its enduring mission, and a witness of institutional heritage.
The Eagle symbol refers to the soaring spirit of achievement the University seeks to inspire in its students, and to the patriotic spirit of the University. The school colors are blue, red, and white. The school verse is II Corinthians 3:17, “... where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
The Eaglehead/Liberty University Logo is symbolic of the athletic teams of the University. The name for all male sports teams is “The Flames”; all female sports teams are referred to as “The Lady Flames.” The Flames Mascot is an eagle named “Sparky.”
Liberty University offers a wide variety of programs and specializations in residential and online formats. These degree programs include Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Post-Masters, Specialist, and Doctoral degrees. At Liberty, you have the unique opportunity to study with world-class faculty in a distinctively Christian environment.
Liberty Blue, Liberty Red, Light Blue, Charcoal Gray, Athletics Grey, and White.
(434) 582-2000
Academic Calendar
Two semesters with a Winter Intersession and Summer Session.
Accreditation and Memberships

Liberty University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, educational specialist, and doctorate degrees, as well as certificates at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Liberty University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (
Normal inquiries about the institution, such as admission requirements, financial aid, educational programs, etc., should be addressed directly to Liberty University.
Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine (LUCOM) is accredited by the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA), operating under authority granted to it by the U.S. Department of Education, to offer an academic program leading to the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree. The degree is conferred by the Board of Trustees of the College on those candidates successfully completing the course of study and recommended by the College’s faculty.
Liberty University School of Law is accredited by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association (ABA), 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654-7598; (312) 988-5000.
Liberty University is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). NASM approves music degrees. The School of Music also offers three degrees that are not music degrees: the BS in Worship Studies, the Doctor of Worship Studies, and the Ph.D. in Christian Worship.
The Liberty University Liberty Theological Seminary is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). The following degree programs are approved by the Commission on Accrediting: Master of Divinity; Master of Arts in Christian Ministry (Professional MA); Master of Arts in Global Studies (Professional MA); Master of Arts in Religion (Professional MA); Master of Arts in Sports Chaplaincy (Professional MA); Master of Religious Education (Professional MA); Master of Arts (Biblical Exposition) (Academic MA); Master of Arts (Biblical Studies) (Academic MA); Master of Arts (Christian Apologetics) (Academic MA); Master of Arts (Theological Studies) (Academic MA); Doctor of Ministry (Advanced Professional); Doctor of Education (Advanced Professional); Master of Theology (Advanced Academic); Master of Arts (Chaplaincy); and the Doctor of Philosophy (Theology and Apologetics) (Advanced Academic).
The following degrees are not approved by the Commission on Accrediting of The Association of Theological Schools: Ph.D. in Applied Apologetics, Ph.D. in Bible Exposition, Ph.D. in Christian Leadership, and Ph.D. in Practical Theology.
Many of Liberty’s programs are accredited or otherwise recognized by specialized professional and accrediting agencies.
Liberty University School of Aeronautics has five residential programs accredited by Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) during the period July 16, 2021 to July 31, 2026.
- B.S. in Aeronautics – Commercial/Corporate Concentration and Global Studies Concentration (AABI Flight Education)
- B.S. in Aeronautics – Military Cognate (AABI Aviation Studies)
- B.S. in Unmanned Aircraft Operations (AABI Unmanned Aircraft Systems)
- B.S. in Aviation Administration (AABI Aviation Management)
- B.S. in Aviation Maintenance (AABI Aviation Maintenance-B.S.)
Liberty’s residential Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision, M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and M.A. in Marriage and Family Counseling programs are accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). Liberty’s online M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling and online M.Ed. in School Counseling programs are also accredited by CACREP.
The School of Business is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Accredited programs include: the Associate of Arts in Accounting, the Associate of Arts in Business, the Associate of Arts in Information Systems, the Bachelor of Science in Accounting, the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (see cognate listing), the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, the Master of Science in Accounting, and the Master of Business Administration (see cognate listing). ACBSP accreditation encompasses both resident and online programs, as applicable.
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, the Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering, the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering programs and the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET.
Liberty's Athletic Training program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE).
The Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Program (CAAHEP).
The Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science residential program is accredited by Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC) of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master's degree program in nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice program, and post graduate APRN certificate program at Liberty University School of Nursing are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 887-6791. Liberty’s Registered Nurse program is approved by the Virginia Board of Nursing (VBN).
The Liberty University Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree with concentrations in Community Health Promotion, Global Health, Nutrition, Epidemiology, Public Health Policy, and Environmental Health, as well as the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Public Health degree with concentrations in Community Health Promotion, Nutrition, and Pre-Clinical are accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). CEPH accreditation was granted from October 6, 2017, through December 31, 2024. Reaccreditation is scheduled for November 2024.
The B.S. Degree Entry into Respiratory Practice, CoARC program number 200640, Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy, in Lynchburg, Virginia, program holds Provisional Accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).
The B.S. Degree Advancement Program in Respiratory Care, CoARC program number 510013, Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy online program holds Provisional Accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).
Liberty’s B.S. in Social Work and M.S.W. in Social Work degree programs, offered in both residential and distance education formats, are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
The sport management degree program(s) at Liberty University has received specialized accreditation through the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) located in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. The sport management programs in the following degrees are accredited by COSMA: Bachelor of Science Sport Management (Residential) with cognates in Sport Administration, Sport Communication & Public Relations, Sport Outreach, Venue & Event Management, and General Studies. Master of Science in Sport Management (Residential and Online) with cognates in Coaching & Athletic Administration, Sport Administration, Outdoor Adventure Sport, Tourism, and General Studies.
The Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) approves the School of Education teacher preparation programs. The School of Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
Liberty University is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Council of Independent Colleges in Virginia.
Additional information regarding Liberty University’s accreditation and its programmatic accreditation can be found at
State Certification
Liberty University is authorized to confer degrees by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Pursuant to 23-276.1-12 of the Code of Virginia, the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) is responsible for developing procedures to which certain private and all out-of-state postsecondary institutions must adhere in order to receive approval to confer degrees, certificates, or diplomas in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Certain private institutions are exempt from the requirements of certification or approval by SCHEV.
Liberty University was incorporated in the State of Virginia on January 18, 1972. It has operated under the same ownership since that time and has remained in good standing with the U.S. Department of Education and its accrediting body. Liberty University is an exempt institution.
SCHEV has limited or no regulatory authority over institutions exempt from certification. Before enrolling in any institution in the Commonwealth of Virginia, students are encouraged to determine the schools regulatory relationship with SCHEV or other state regulatory agencies. Certain consumer protection provisions required by certified schools are not present at or required by exempt institutions.
The exemption entitles Liberty University to conduct academic affairs or business without seeking or obtaining SCHEV approval. The resulting scope of the institutional autonomy includes:
- Offering courses or programs for degree credit;
- Enrolling students in courses or programs;
- Conferring or awarding degrees;
- Initiating other programs for degree credit at a new or additional level; and
- Offering instruction at additional or new locations.
Additional information is available at
State Authorization

According to the U.S. Department of Education, “State authorization is a longstanding requirement in the Higher Education Act that requires institutions to be authorized in the state in which they are located as a condition for eligibility to receive Title IV Federal student aid.” States authorize institutions that are located within its borders, as well as institutions that are located elsewhere but offer educational activities within its borders. On October 17, 2014, the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) approved Virginia as a member state to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). Liberty University is an institutional participant in the NC-SARA initiative allowing Liberty University’s programs to be available to students who reside in 49 participating states. At present, California is the only U.S. state to have not yet joined NC-SARA.
Liberty University has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.
Liberty University is authorized by the Washington Student Achievement Council and meets the requirements and minimum educational standards established for degree-granting institutions under the Degree-Granting Institutions Act. This authorization is subject to periodic review and authorizes Liberty University to offer specific degree programs. The Council may be contacted for a list of currently authorized programs. Authorization by the Council does not carry with it an endorsement by the Council of the institution or its programs. Any person desiring information about the requirements of the act or the applicability of those requirements to the institution may contact the Council at P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430 or by email at
The transferability of credits earned at Liberty University is at the discretion of the receiving college, university, or other educational institution. Students considering transferring to any institution should not assume that credits earned in any program of study at Liberty University will be accepted by the receiving institution. Similarly, the ability of a degree, certificate, diploma, or other academic credential earned at Liberty University to satisfy an admission requirement of another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Accreditation does not guarantee credentials or credits earned at Liberty University will be accepted by or transferred to another institution. To minimize the risk of having to repeat coursework, students should contact the receiving institution in advance for evaluation and determination of transferability of credits and/or acceptability of degrees, diplomas, or certificates earned.
The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) has the authority to investigate student complaints against specific schools. WSAC may not be able to investigate every student complaint. Visit the Washington Student Complaints webpage for information regarding the WSAC complaint process.
For Washington State residents seeking information and resources about student loan repayment or seeking to submit a complaint relating to your student loans or student loan servicer, please visit the Washington Student Loan Advocacy webpage or contact the Student Loan Advocate at
Professional Licensing Boards
Institutions are required to meet program standards associated with professional licensing boards for states in which students are engaging in associated educational activities. The Office of State Approvals is dedicated to researching regulations and seeking and maintaining program approvals when required.
State Licensure and Certification
Enrollment in one of Liberty University’s licensure programs does not guarantee a degree from Liberty or qualification for licensure. Students are responsible for meeting all academic and professional requirements for graduation. Further information regarding these academic and professional requirements are outlined on the Liberty University website. Students enrolled in a licensure program are responsible for knowing the material outlined for their program.
Prospective students should be aware that each state has different professional licensure and certification requirements governing various occupations. Liberty University works to confirm if its educational programs meet the educational prerequisites for professional licensure or certification outside the Commonwealth of Virginia and updates this information each year. Students who plan to pursue licensure outside the Commonwealth of Virginia should be aware that state licensure requirements are subject to changes. Students are ultimately responsible for verifying their individual eligibility for state licensure and satisfying any requirements imposed thereby. While a program may originally meet the educational requirements for licensure, changes in requirements could impact the program’s ability to meet any new educational requirements. Students are strongly encouraged to check with their state licensure board to confirm licensure requirements and obtain additional guidance as needed from the respective licensure board.
For a review of specific disclosures based on State, program, and campus, please view the licensure/certification requirements for your state.
Location Change
At any time, you may notify us of a location change that could affect your licensure disclosure information. We require that you provide us with official notification by completing the State Change Notification form. Any address changes done through your myLU portal will not be considered an official address change and will not generate an updated disclosure.
Limits Of Confidentiality
Students are encouraged to share prayer requests and life concerns with the professor in this class. Not only will the professor pray for and care for students, but can guide students to appropriate University resources if desired.
However, in the event of a student’s disclosure, either verbally or in writing, of threat of serious or foreseeable harm to self or others, abuse or neglect of a minor, elderly or disabled person, victim or witness of a crime or sexual misconduct, or current involvement in criminal activity, the faculty, staff, administrator, or supervisor will take immediate action. This action may include, but is not limited to, immediate notification of appropriate state law enforcement or social services personnel, emergency contacts, notification of the appropriate program chair or online dean, or notification to other appropriate University officials. All reported information is treated with discretion and respect, and kept as private as possible.
Doctrinal Position
We affirm our belief in one God, infinite Spirit, creator, and sustainer of all things, who exists eternally in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three are one in essence but distinct in person and function.
We affirm that the Father is the first person of the Trinity and the source of all that God is and does. From Him the Son is eternally generated and from Them the Spirit eternally proceeds. He is the designer of creation, the speaker of revelation, the author of redemption, and the sovereign of history.
We affirm that the Lord Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity. Eternally begotten from the Father, He is God. He was conceived by the virgin Mary through a miracle of the Holy Spirit. He lives forever as perfect God and perfect man: two distinct natures inseparably united in one person.
We affirm that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, proceeding from the Father and the Son and equal in deity. He is the giver of all life, active in the creating and ordering of the universe; He is the agent of inspiration and the new birth; He restrains sin and Satan; and He indwells and sanctifies all believers.
We affirm that all things were created by God. Angels were created as ministering agents, though some, under the leadership of Satan, fell from their sinless state to become agents of evil. The universe was created in six historical days and is continuously sustained by God; thus it both reflects His glory and reveals His truth. Human beings were directly created, not evolved, in the very image of God, as either biologically male or female from the womb. As reasoning moral agents, they are responsible under God for understanding and governing themselves and the world.
We affirm that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, though written by men, was supernaturally inspired by God so that all its words are the written true revelation of God; it is therefore inerrant in the originals and authoritative in all matters. It is to be understood by all through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, its meaning determined by the historical, grammatical, and literary use of the author’s language, comparing Scripture with Scripture.
We affirm that Adam, the first man, willfully disobeyed God, bringing sin and death into the world. As a result, all persons are sinners from conception, which is evidenced in their willful acts of sin; and they are therefore subject to eternal punishment, under the just condemnation of a holy God.
We affirm that Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice by the appointment of the Father. He fulfilled the demands of God by His obedient life, died on the cross in full substitution and payment for the sins of all people, was buried, and on the third day He arose physically and bodily from the dead. He ascended into heaven where He now intercedes for all believers.
We affirm that each person can be saved only through the work of Jesus Christ, through repentance of sin and by faith alone in Him as Savior. The believer is declared righteous, born again by the Holy Spirit, turned from sin, and assured of heaven.
We affirm that the Holy Spirit indwells all who are born again, conforming them to the likeness of Jesus Christ. This is a process completed only in Heaven. Every believer is responsible to live in obedience to the Word of God in separation from sin. Doing so produces a distinctly Christian lifestyle of practicing virtues and avoiding sin. Among other virtues, followers of Jesus Christ will: show evidence of the Holy Spirit living within them such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness and supremely, love; seek righteousness, mercy and justice, particularly for the helpless and oppressed; love and side with what is good in God’s eyes and abhor what is evil in God’s eyes; uphold the God-given worth of all human beings, from conception to death, as the unique image-bearers of God; treat all people impartially, seeing them as equals before God and worthy of salvation; pursue unity and embrace people of all tribes and tongues as part of God’s design for humanity; uphold chastity among the unmarried and the sanctity of marriage between one natural-born man and one natural-born woman; be people of integrity whose word can be fully trusted; give faithful witness to the Gospel; practice good works toward all; and live lives of prayer and thanksgiving. Sinful acts are prohibited by God and include but are not limited to: worship of idols or gods other than the Lord God of the Bible; denying Jesus Christ as eternal, as God’s son in flesh, as resurrected, as Creator, as Lord or as Messiah who died for the sins of all people; rejection of Jesus Christ or rebellion against God; blasphemy; participation in devil worship, practice of the occult, astrology, fortune-telling, sorcery, or witchcraft; taking of innocent life; denial of birth sex by self-identification with a different gender; married persons sexually or romantically coupling with a person other than their spouse; sexual relations outside of marriage between one natural-born man and one natural-born woman; romantic coupling among persons of the same sex; prostitution; orgies; rape; drunkenness; use of profanity and vulgarity; injustice; making false statements; dishonest sales and exchanges of money; thievery; fits of rage; and illegal activity.
We affirm that God ordained three institutions with unique purposes in society: marriage, government and the church. God established marriage as a covenantal bond between a natural-born man and a natural-born woman to populate the earth, to raise and spiritually train children within a family, to provide the couple with intimate companionship, loving help and joy, and to serve as an illustration of the relationship of Jesus Christ to the church. God established civil government to protect its citizens, punish evil and reward good. God established the church as the entire body of believers with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone and the apostles as its foundation to evangelize, baptize and disciple people of all nations.
We affirm that a church is a local assembly of baptized believers, under the discipline of the Word of God and the lordship of Christ, organized to carry out the commission to evangelize, to teach, and to administer the ordinances of believer’s baptism and the Lord’s table. Its offices are pastors and deacons, and it is self-governing. It functions through the ministry of gifts given by the Holy Spirit to each believer.
We affirm that the return of Christ for all believers is imminent. It will be followed by seven years of great tribulation, and then the coming of Christ to establish His earthly kingdom for a thousand years. The unsaved will then be raised and judged according to their works and separated forever from God in hell. The saved, having been raised, will live forever in heaven in fellowship with God.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, April 16, 2021
Philosophy of Education
Liberty University is a distinctively Christian academic community. As such, Liberty continues the philosophy of education which first gave rise to the university, and which is summarized in the following propositions.
God, the infinite source of all things, has shown us truth through scripture, nature, history, and above all, in Christ.
Persons are spiritual, rational, moral, social, and physical, created in the image of God. They are, therefore, able to know and to value themselves and other persons, the universe, and God.
Education as the process of teaching and learning, involves the whole person, by developing the knowledge, values, and skills which enable each individual to change freely. Thus it occurs most effectively when both instructor and student are properly related to God and each other through Christ.
Statement of Mission and Purpose
Maintaining the vision of the founder, Dr. Jerry Falwell, Liberty University develops Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills essential to impact the world.
Through its residential and online programs, services, facilities, and collaborations, the University educates men and women who will make important contributions to their workplaces and communities, follow their chosen vocations as callings to glorify God, and fulfill the Great Commission.
Liberty University will:
- Emphasize excellence in teaching and learning.
- Foster university-level competencies in communication, critical thinking, information literacy, and mathematics in all undergraduate programs
- Ensure competency in scholarship, research, and professional communication in all graduate programs and undergraduate programs where appropriate.
- Promote the synthesis of academic knowledge and Christian worldview in order that there might be a maturing of spiritual, intellectual, social and physical value-driven behavior.
- Enable students to engage in a major field of study in career-focused disciplines built on a solid foundation in the liberal arts.
- Promote an understanding of the Western tradition and the diverse elements of American cultural history, especially the importance of the individual in maintaining democratic and free market processes.
- Contribute to a knowledge and understanding of other cultures and of international events.
- Encourage a commitment to the Christian life, one of personal integrity, sensitivity to the needs of others, social responsibility and active communication of the Christian faith, and, as it is lived out, a life that leads people to Jesus Christ as the Lord of the universe and their own personal Savior.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, April 16, 2021
Statement on Worldview
Liberty University embraces a worldview that is both historically Christian and biblical, and that underlies the very concept and origins of the university. We hold that God exists and is the source of all things, all truth, all knowledge, all value, and all wisdom. We hold that God has created an orderly universe according to His design and purpose and for His glory, and that He has created human beings in His image. God is actively at work in the world and history, governing them according to His ultimate purpose. From these foundational principles, it follows that truth exists and that there is a standard of right and wrong. We hold that all of creation is fallen as a result of human sin. Finally, we hold that God has revealed Himself and His ways in the natural created order, in history, in the Bible, and supremely in Jesus Christ. God in love and through the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ is redeeming humans and the entire created order.
At Liberty University, students receive an education that integrates this Christian and biblical worldview. Students trained with this worldview perspective will be equipped with a rational framework for understanding and interpreting reality, for comprehending the meaning of life and the value of humans and things, for making decisions and engaging in meaningful action, for studying the various academic disciplines, and for understanding the interconnectedness of all knowledge.
Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student Rights
Liberty University is a Christian academic community in the tradition of evangelical institutions of higher education. As such, Liberty continues the philosophy of education which first gave rise to the university, and which logically implies the following statement of student rights.
The Right to Truth. God, the infinite source of all things, has shown us truth through scripture, nature, history, and above all, in Christ.
The Right to Human Dignity. Persons are spiritual, rational, moral, social, and physical, created in the image of God. They are, therefore, able to know and to value themselves and other persons, the universe, and God.
The Right to Growth in Community. Education as the process of teaching and learning, involves the whole person, by developing the knowledge, values, and skills which enable each individual to change freely. Thus it occurs most effectively when both instructor and student are properly related to God and each other through Christ.
Student Responsibilities
As members of the university community, all students have the responsibility to act in a manner consistent with the spirit of the principles articulated in Scripture. Furthermore, all students have the responsibility to know and follow the university conduct regulations contained in the Codes of Conduct appropriate for their academic level. By adhering to these principles and standards of conduct students can enjoy their own rights while also respecting the rights of others.
Reviewed and Approved June 30, 2015