Student Affairs

Mark Hine, B.S., M.Div., D.Min.
Executive Vice President for Student Affairs
Marcus Tinsley, B.S., M.A.
Vice President
Security and Public Safety
Greg Dowell, B.A., M.A.
Vice President
LU One
Christopher Misiano, B.S., M.A., M.R.E., Ph.D.
Vice President
Campus Recreation and Logistics
Louis Cambeletta. B.S.
Vice President
Auxiliary Services
Mark Hyde, B.C.M., M.A., Ed.S., Ed.D.
Dean of Students
Dean of Students Office
Dustin DuBose, B.S., M.Div., Ed.S., Ph.D.
Executive Director
Student Life
Kathleen Schultz
Student Government Association
Office of the Executive Vice President
The purpose of Liberty University’s Office of the Executive Vice President for Student Affairs is to work with the administration, faculty and staff to foster an experience that promotes personal development and learning.
The Division contributes to the University’s mission by preparing students for leadership and involvement in an increasingly diverse, technologically-sophisticated and complex global society.
Student Affairs carries out this mission by:
- Responding to the needs of students as they grow spiritually, academically and socially
- Presenting leadership opportunities and offering leadership training
- Maintaining an atmosphere that provides fertile ground for spiritual growth
- Offering co-curricular programming that encourages students’ academic growth
- Promoting and celebrating the rich cultural differences found at the University
- Assisting students in responsible decision-making
Security and Public Safety
Security & Public Safety is built on the cornerstone of Christ and is guided by the principle of Protection Through Service. Our office is made up of Access Control, Environmental Health & Safety, Emergency Management & Community Engagement, and the Liberty University Police Department. We utilize a holistic strategy to ensure a comprehensive approach to safety and security. Our staff of dedicated professionals maintain the highest standards in their fields of expertise, and work closely with every department at Liberty University to maintain a safe and secure campus. It is our honor to serve this community.
Environmental Health & Safety
The Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Department is committed to making the living, working, and learning environment at Liberty University safe. It’s our goal to reduce or eliminate occupational injuries/illnesses and financial losses for the university community. EHS also oversees compliance with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure that policies and regulations are followed.
Access Control
Liberty’s Access Control office manages badge and facilities access for faculty and staff. For more information visit Liberty’s ID & Campus Services.
Emergency Management & Community Engagement
The Emergency Management and Community Engagement (EMCE) Department takes an all-hazards approach to continuously prepare the Liberty University community for any emergency. There are many kinds of threats, hazards, and emergencies that can take place, and EMCE is helping the Liberty community to be prepared. With planning and procedures in place, Liberty University is better able to respond to and recover from any incident.
Liberty University Police Department (LUPD)
The Liberty University Police Department (LUPD) is a full-service law enforcement agency staffed by professional, highly-trained personnel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
LU|ONE pursues biblical unity by providing opportunities to learn, serve, and celebrate together which helps strengthen our campus community. We do this through supporting various events and educational workshops that give Liberty University students an opportunity to see life from a different perspective. By embracing the teachings of Christ, we emphasize that, in His love, we are all truly one.
Office of Disability Accommodation Support
The Office of Disability Accommodation Support coordinates support services for Liberty University students who have documented disabilities and temporary medical conditions. These efforts empower our community members by ensuring equal access and opportunity.
Office of Opportunity and Enrichment
The Office of Opportunity and Enrichment promotes an enriched educational experience for all members of the Liberty University community. We are committed to the retention and success of our under-represented and diverse students.
International Student Center
The International Student Center trains Champions for Christ to advance the Kingdom of God throughout the world by providing academic and cultural support through advising, advocacy, and events to our faculty, staff, domestic and international students.
Campus Recreation and Logistics
Campus Recreation and Logistics is responsible for the overall vision, strategy, and operations of the divisions of Campus Recreation, Campus Logistics, and other associated departments. This division is comprised of several departments, including Student Activities, Campus Recreation, University Events Office, Event Support and Material Movement, Postal Services, Warehouse Services, Print and Mailing Services as well as the various facilities they oversee.
Campus Recreation
Campus Recreation provides diverse facilities and programs to positively impact the holistic well-being of the Liberty University community. This includes all recreational facilities on campus such as the LaHaye Recreation and Fitness Center, the Montview Bowling Alley, the Montview Game Room, David’s Place, Hydaway Outdoor Center, Liberty Mountain Snowflex Centre, Liberty Mountain Gun Club, Liberty Mountain Equestrian Center and the Liberty Mountain Intramural Complex.
Campus Logistics
Campus Logistics provides warehousing, printing, mailing, and postal services to the Liberty University community in order to support essential university operations. Several facilities fall within this area, including the Student Mail Center, Postal Services at Green Hall, and the 12th Street Warehouse Facility.
Student Activities
Student Activities serves and entertains the students of Liberty University by providing a variety of relevant events in order to develop community and present opportunities to create and foster culture. This department provides an extensive variety of entertainment opportunities, usually free or at an exclusive Liberty University discounted price. The dozens of events produced each semester include concerts featuring nationally acclaimed performers, movie nights, game nights, open mic nights, student concerts, art expos, and more. Student Activities also provides large-scale campus traditions for the entire LU Community, such as Homecoming, Block Party, Coffeehouse, and Christmas in Lights.
Event Management
Event Management serves as a central point of contact for event logistics, facility usage, and master calendaring services for the Liberty University community as well as external guests in order to provide successful and safe events. Event Management includes the University Events Office, Event Support and Material Movement, master calendar services, and the Liberty Mountain Conference Center.
Auxiliary Services
The purpose of Auxiliary Services is to enhance the experience of our students, faculty, staff, and guests by managing outside contractors that operate all of Food Services, Vending, Laundry, the Fairfield Inn, and other ancillary processes for the university.
Food Services
There are currently over 20 dining locations on campus which are managed by Sodexo. Auxiliary Services works in tandem with Sodexo to provide exemplary products and services to all our students, faculty, staff, and guests. There are a wide variety of options available, and steps have been made to accommodate dietary restrictions students might have, as well as supporting the nutritional needs of LU athletes at an exclusive dining facility, the Athletic Training Table. The Auxiliary Services team is passionate about food service on campus and takes the initiative to research current food trends, new concepts, and new preparation equipment to make sure LU is on the cutting edge when it comes to campus dining.
To provide guests with a quick option for drinks and snacks, Auxiliary Services works with a few vending companies, including Coca-Cola Consolidated, and Canteen. New technology is being explored to increase the number of choices available, as well as giving students, faculty, staff, and guests a unique and enjoyable experience.
Auxiliary Services works with Caldwell & Gregory for our laundry services. There are over 400 machines on main campus with the goal of providing the students who live on campus with plenty of opportunities to do their laundry, without having to wait for a machine to become available. Auxiliary Services is constantly looking for ways to improve the laundry experience for our students.
Fairfield Inn
Auxiliary Services works with Hotel Equities to oversee the Fairfield Inn that the university owns on campus. The Fairfield Inn is very popular for guests visiting campus for events that might be going on or for family that might be visiting students on campus.
Dean of Students Office
The mission of the Dean of Students Office is to engage students in holistic student development programming to grow mature, mission-driven, purposeful, and resilient Champions for Christ. For additional information, visit the Dean of Students’ website.
Community Life
The mission of Community Life is to promote Christ-centered community living within The Liberty Way by providing students with educational and developmental programming that enhances their capacity for personal development, interpersonal competence, social responsibility, and cognitive and practical skills.
Center for Student Thriving
The mission of Educational Programming is to create programs and provide life skills coaching to empower students to be Champions for Christ by living healthy and purposeful lives at Liberty and beyond.
Student Honor Code
Students are expected to conduct themselves according to the rules of the University at all times. The specific rules, regulations, and policies governing student behavior are outlined in this catalog and the Student Honor Code (The Liberty Way), available on the Office of Community Life website.
The Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine and Liberty University School of Law honor codes can be found on their respective websites.
CARE and Support
The mission of CARE and Support is to bridge the gap between those who need support and those who can help by assessing specific needs, collaborating with university and community resources, and empowering individual success.
Academic Integrity
The mission of Academic Integrity is to challenge students to honor Christ in all academic pursuits by fostering a learning environment that values integrity, fairness, ownership, trust, and personal responsibility.
Office of Student Life
The purpose of the Office of Student Life is to create environments that foster spiritual growth, support academic advancement, celebrate a diverse community, and emphasize the holistic development of residential, commuter, graduate, and online students.
Residence Life
On Campus Living
Liberty University requires all unmarried students under the age of 21 to live on campus. Students living on campus must be currently enrolled in a residential program and must be attending classes on campus.
All students must complete financial check-in prior to occupancy and must agree to the terms and policies as outlined in the on-campus “Housing Agreement”. Students who are married or 25 years of age or older (at any time during the semester) are not allowed to live on campus. Rooms are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Detailed information is available online.
Residence Life employs a team of professionals and paraprofessionals on the residence hall:
Resident Director
Resident Directors (RDs) oversee the residence halls, as well as the Resident Assistant teams on each floor. Additionally, they are responsible to enforce the standards of The Liberty Way while promoting the overall well-being of the students residing in the halls.
Resident Assistant
Resident Assistants (RAs) provide leadership to students in the residence halls in the form of discipline, discipleship and overall oversight.
Off Campus Living
The off campus living policy states that single students must be 21 years of age or older or be living with an immediate family member who is 21 years of age or older in order to live off campus. For specific information regarding the off-campus living policy, contact the Office of Student Life.
The Office of Student Life provides an online “Apartment Finder” that lists apartments, houses, rooms, etc. that are available for rent or for sale in the Lynchburg area. Rental fees generally range from $500 to $800 per month.
Housing seeks to maintain quality housing services that address the needs of students in the residential environment with efficiency and timeliness.
Commuter Life
Commuter Life seeks to provide programming and resources for commuter students that develop their relational skills, leadership potential, and spiritual maturity
Contact Us:
Phone: (434) 592-3067
Graduate Life
Graduate Life seeks to conduct events and services that encourage graduate student engagement in the areas of professional development and interpersonal collaborations.
Contact Us:
Phone: (434) 592-3067
Online Life
Online Life offers digital platforms and events that promote online student engagement, holistic growth, and the development of interpersonal relationships with other students, staff, and faculty.
Contact Us:
Phone: (434) 592-3067
Student Government Association
Liberty University’s Student Government Association (SGA) builds a bridge between the students and the administration. SGA assists in promoting the well-being of students by encouraging them to participate in our three branches of government, lead other students by becoming a class officer or joining one of our student-led clubs. Students gain a sense of responsibility as they engage with our administration and serve others on campus, within our Lynchburg community and beyond. SGA also provides a platform to hear student concerns and convey an understanding of student needs to the administration.
Membership in the Student Government Association is open to all currently-enrolled undergraduate residential and commuter students who are not on probation or suspension.
For additional information, visit the SGA’s website.
Student Clubs and Organizations
Student Government Association is home to 120+ student led clubs. Students who participate in our clubs are sure to gain confidence and make long lasting friendships as they engage and connect with other students who have similar passions and interests. SGA clubs provide the opportunity for students to enrich their campus life by building valuable social skills that will assist them in becoming Champions for Christ.
Students who wish to form an SGA club must complete an application process and be approved by the Liberty University administration before they meet on campus, advertise, distribute or post materials or use any University facilities for activities or events. All club or organization-sponsored activities or events must be consistent with the University’s mission and must be and remain in compliance with The Liberty Way and any policies or procedures promulgated by the University. The University reserves the right to refuse the use of its facilities for any reason to any student club, organization, activity, or event.
Information and policies regarding student clubs, as well as a list of approved clubs and organizations is available online at
Student Health Center & Wellness Initiatives
The department of Student Health Center and Wellness Initiatives seeks to provide quality medical health services and educational programming that promotes healthy living in the university community.
Department Objectives
- Provide designated clinics and services that are cost-effective and responsive to student needs.
- Promote campus-wide wellness initiatives so as to reduce the impact of illness and other health concerns which may interfere with student success.
- Maintain the security of student health records and oversee the official release of information to comply with federal and state regulations.
- Coordinate the distribution of self-disclosed student medical information among university departments so that students with health related needs might secure the necessary support services.
Liberty University Student Health Center, located in Commons III on main campus, is a service of Central Virginia Family Physicians (CVFP), providing quality medical care and assisting students and faculty in maintaining and optimizing their health. Liberty University and its counseling program will be partnering with nationally recognized CVFP-Medical Group to provide students with quality medical and mental health services, health promotion, and preventive care. A $150 student health fee built into tuition and fees each semester will cover a wide variety of services in our Student Health Center.
Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The office is closed from 12:00 PM to 1 PM. To schedule an appointment, please call (434) 338-7774. Additional information is provided on the Health Services webpage.
Student Affairs Office Locations
Office | Location |
Executive Vice President for Student Affairs | GH 2750 |
Security and Public Safety | GH Terrace Level |
LU ONE | GH 1569 |
Campus Recreation and Logistics | GH 2900 |
Auxiliary Services | GH 2668 |
Dean of Students Office | GH 1880 |
Community Life | GH 1880 |
CARE and Support | GH 1880 |
Academic Integrity | GH 1880 |
Office of Student Life | |
Residence Life | Commons II- Terrace Level |
Housing | Commons II- Terrace Level |
Commuter Life | Green Hall 1887 |
Graduate Life | Green Hall 1887 |
Online Life | Green Hall 1887 |
Health and Wellness | |
Health Center and Wellness Initiatives | Commons III |
LU Student Health Center | Commons III |
Student Government Association | Montview Student Union, Room 3560 |