Public Health (PUBH)
PUBH 500 Introduction to the Science and Practice of Public Health 2 Credit Hour(s)
This course is designed to provide an overview of the field of public health and population health science, to canvass current themes, to hear from a variety of experts, to consider future career roles in the field, and to set the stage for ongoing studies in the public health curriculum.
Offered: Resident
PUBH 630 Statistical Software Lab I 1 Credit Hour(s)
This course introduces the student to SAS software (© SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) and its use in data management and analysis. We will cover topics frequently used in public health applications.
Note: Must be taken concurrently with PUBH 632
Offered: Resident
PUBH 632 Advanced Research Methods in Epidemiology 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides an overview of principles, designs, and strategies for conducting research about health among human populations. Also, it provides a foundation for advanced study in research methods.
Note: Must be taken concurrently with PUBH 630
Offered: Resident
PUBH 689 Applied Practical Experience 0 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: ((HLTH 620 and HLTH 622 and HLTH 623 and HLTH 624 and HLTH 625) or (HLTH 630 and HLTH 632 and HLTH 633 and HLTH 634 and HLTH 635) or (HLTH 640 and HLTH 642 and HLTH 643 and HLTH 644 and HLTH 645) or (HLTH 552 and HLTH 625 and HLTH 642 and HLTH 650 and HLTH 651) or (HLTH 637 and HLTH 660 and HLTH 661 and HLTH 662 and HLTH 663) and HLTH 501 and HLTH 503 and HLTH 505 and HLTH 507 and HLTH 509 and HLTH 511 and PHGT 514 and PUBH 500 and PUBH 630 and PUBH 632 )
In this experience, the student applies knowledge and skills related to public health in a supervised setting.
Offered: Resident