Psychology (PSYC)
PSYC 510 Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology I 3 Credit Hour(s)
Overview of research methodology and statistical techniques for psychological research. Emphasis on the three basic types of research - descriptive, predictive, and experimental. Also, addresses ethics in research. A computer package is used for analysis of data. (Crosslisted with MSPS 500).
Offered: Online
PSYC 512 Social Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Examination of scientific literature involving individual behavior in relation to social contexts. Topics include attribution, social perception, socialization, attitude formation/change, group dynamics, prosocial behavior, aggression, social influence, and applications. (Crosslisted with MSPS 513)
Offered: Online
PSYC 515 Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Resident Prerequisite: PSYC 510
This course examines advanced research methodology and statistical techniques for psychological research. This course equips students to design, conduct, and present research using APA formatting guidelines. A computer software package is used for analysis of data. (Crosslisted with MSPS 505)
Offered: Online
PSYC 516 Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Exploration of current theory and research in industrial/organizational psychology. Focus on talent acquisition and management, leadership, job attitudes, and organizational development. (Crosslisted with MSPS 526)
Offered: Online
PSYC 520 Psychology and Christianity 3 Credit Hour(s)
Exploration of the relationship between psychological science and Christian faith. Topics include philosophical foundations and models of conceptualizing the relationship between the disciplines. (Crosslisted with MSPS 521)
Offered: Online
PSYC 525 Developmental Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Advanced study of developmental processes across the lifespan. Examination of theories and current research in physical, mental, emotional, and social domains. Special consideration given to varying social situations and cultural contexts. (Crosslisted with MSPS 540)
Offered: Online
PSYC 541 Introduction to Public Mental Health: Theories, Practice, and Prevention. 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides students with an overview of the theoretical background, practice, and prevention strategies used in mental health care. Topics include the need for community mental health care, trends in utilization, and predictors of mental health treatment-seeking in community settings. Special emphasis is placed on the impact of stigma in the community, the treatment gap, and barriers to care.
Offered: Online
PSYC 545 Test Construction/Validation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 510
Discussion of principles to produce and improve tests and assessments of knowledge, skills, and other psychological constructs. A focus on techniques for evaluating existing measures for reliability and validity evidence and guidelines for the rigorous development of new instruments.
Offered: Online
PSYC 565 Psychology of Learning 3 Credit Hour(s)
Advanced study of associative learning. Special emphasis on instrumental conditioning, motivation, and affect as they relate to the field of developmental psychology. (Crosslisted with MSPS 570)
Offered: Online
PSYC 575 Cognitive Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Discussion of theory and research in cognitive psychology. Topics include attention, memory, language, learning, reasoning, and decision-making. (Crosslisted with MSPS 531)
Offered: Online
PSYC 620 Intervention and Behavior Support 3 Credit Hour(s)
Discussion of traditional and contemporary intervention strategies. Special emphasis on evidence-based practices and application to real-world scenarios. (Crosslisted with MSPS 625)
Offered: Online
PSYC 621 Child Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 525
Advanced study of developmental processes from conception until adolescence. Focus on contemporary research in biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional development. (Crosslisted with MSPS 627)
Offered: Online
PSYC 631 Adolescent Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 525
Advanced study of developmental processes during adolescence. Focus on contemporary research in biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional development. (Crosslisted with MSPS 637)
Offered: Online
PSYC 635 Adult Psychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 525
Advanced study of developmental processes in adulthood. Focus on contemporary research in various domains, such as work, marriage and family, personality, cognition, and physical change. (Crosslisted with MSPS 647)
Offered: Online
PSYC 636 Geropsychology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 525
Review of empirical literature in gerontology. Topics include cognition, personality and adjustment, physical change, social roles, and more. (Crosslisted with MSPS 657)
Offered: Online
PSYC 640 Organizational Behavior and Development 3 Credit Hour(s)
Discussion of organization theories and organizational change. Consideration also given to group structure and processes. (Crosslisted with MSPS 646)
Offered: Online
PSYC 641 Public Mental Health from Patients to Systems 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 541
Students will explore mental health care in individuals, organizations, and systems. The primary focus will be on practical skills within each of the three levels of care delivery within the context of case management and patient navigation as well as community-based support. Mental health care topics explored include historical trends in U.S. mental health care, governance and financing, quality and outcomes of care, and services and treatments across the life span.
Offered: Online
PSYC 642 Human Resource Training and Development 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 516
Evaluation of techniques for training and motivating personnel. Focus on design, implementation, and evaluation of training, continuing education, and staff development programs, looking to organizational improvement. (Crosslisted with MSPS 650)
Offered: Online
PSYC 644 Organizational Ethics 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 516
Exploration of ethical/legal issues confronted by organizations, and discussion of ethical theories pertaining to decision-making and problem solving in organizations. Special consideration given to how Christian faith informs ethics. (Crosslisted with MSPS 655)
Offered: Online
PSYC 645 Developmental Psychopathology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Exploration of developmental pathways, including specific disorders and their contexts, and risk/resilience. Special attention devoted to normal and deviant development, and principles of adaptive functioning. (Crosslisted with MSPS 610)
Offered: Online
PSYC 648 Leadership and Motivation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Review of psychological theories of and research on motivation and their application to work. Highlights how leadership relates to motivation, workplace climate and attitudes, and group performance. (Crosslisted with MSPS 658)
Offered: Online
PSYC 651 Personnel and Performance Management 3 Credit Hour(s)
Examination of personnel psychology. Topics include workforce planning, recruitment and selection of employees, performance criteria and appraisal, job analysis, job evaluation, and compensation. (Crosslisted with MSPS 660)
Offered: Online
PSYC 661 Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 541
This course prepares students to develop evidence-based mental health programs within organizations and evaluate their effectiveness. Students will learn methods for conducting program evaluations, the role and function of evaluation within program life cycles, and the basics of formative, process, outcome, and cost evaluation. Emphasis is given to developing evaluation questions with appropriate data sources, data collection methods, analytic techniques, and the use of logic models and work plans to guide evaluation.
Offered: Online
PSYC 662 Substance Abuse and Severe Mental Health Problems 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSYC 541
This course will look at the prevalence, characteristics, and outcomes associated with severe mental health and substance use disorders on the individual, community, providers, and public health workers. Differences among ethnic groups, cultures, socio-economic levels, and men and women will be explored across the life span, focusing on cultural competencies and addressing disparities.
Offered: Online