Political Science (PSCI)
PSCI 500 Scientific Inquiry and Research Design 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course introduces students to the philosophy of social science and the basic principles of the scientific method. Students will also examine various research tools and methodologies commonly employed in political science.
Offered: Online
PSCI 501 American Government 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course establishes the major facets of the study of American government and politics, including its historical foundations, institutions, and political processes. American political institutions along with political behavior will be considered in light of a Biblical perspective. Students will be challenged to evaluate American government through the lens of collective action.
Offered: Online
PSCI 600 Comparative Politics 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides comparative frameworks for alternative models of politics, government, international relations, and statesmanship. Students will compare not only the American system of government and politics to other systems, but also examine the key philosophical and theoretical influences of these various systems, particularly in light of a Biblical perspective on government, politics, and statesmanship.
Offered: Online
PSCI 610 Contemporary Political Process & Trends 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course examines the current challenges and opportunities facing those who would lead as statesmen and women in the political context. Contemporary philosophical influences, electoral and demographic changes, and geopolitical realignments and forces will all be considered in light of a Biblical perspective. Students will be challenged to apply key concepts of political science to these discussions.
Offered: Online
PSCI 688 Thesis Proposal 3 Credit Hour(s)
Students will collaborate with a faculty advisor to develop their thesis proposal. It is expected that the proposal for the thesis project will be relevant to the student's studies in their master's degree program and will direct their research to make an academic contribution to the body of knowledge in political science. At the completion of this course, the student will be ready to begin data collection and research.
Registration Restrictions: Completion of 30 hours of coursework toward the degree program with a GPA of 3.0. No more than two grades of C may be applied to the program.
Offered: Online
PSCI 689 Thesis Research 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSCI 688
This course is designed to help students complete their master's thesis in political science. It is expected that research for the thesis project will be relevant to the student's studies in the master's degree program and will make an academic contribution to the body of knowledge in political science.
Offered: Online
PSCI 690 Thesis Defense 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: PSCI 689
Intended to demonstrate a student's ability to carry out original research. Thesis may be designed to answer practical research questions, or address theoretical or ethical issues of interest to scholars and professionals in the field of political science. Credit is not awarded until the thesis has been accepted.
Offered: Online