New Testament Bible Studies (NBST)
NBST 500 The New Testament World 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive investigation of the historical, literary, and cultural milieu in which the New Testament revelation was given. Special attention will be given to the inter-testamental, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman sources that provide a framework for the understanding of the New Testament.
Offered: Online
NBST 510 New Testament Introduction 3 Credit Hour(s)
General introduction to the New Testament including the New Testament world, canonicity, textural criticism, inspiration, archaeological insights, and special introduction of the New Testament, including the synoptic problem.
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 515 New Testament Orientation I 3 Credit Hour(s)
A general introduction to the New Testament Gospels, General Epistles, and Revelation, emphasizing matters of text, canon, authorship, date, authorial purpose, and theme development. Also a special introduction, involving current issues of criticism and interpretation, such as the synoptic problem. The general principles of interpretation (hermeneutics) will be introduced as well as the special principles concerning parables, symbols and types, and prophecy.
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 520 New Testament Orientation II 3 Credit Hour(s)
A continuation of NBST 515 with a general emphasis and special introduction of Acts and the Pauline Epistles. The study of hermeneutics will continue with emphasis upon word meaning, figures of speech, and other linguistic matters.
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 595 Directed Research 3 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident
NBST 610 Hermeneutics 3 Credit Hour(s)
An advanced course in hermeneutics including a study of the history of interpretation, both biblical and extra-biblical, and an examination of the current status of various interpretive approaches to the Scriptures.
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 611 Life of Christ 3 Credit Hour(s)
Using a harmony of the Gospels as a basis, the life of Christ will be studied in the light of its historical background, geographical setting, political situation, and religious conditions. Special emphasis will be given to His mission and His message.
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 615 John 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive exegetical study of the Gospel of John, including an investigation of the uniqueness of this Gospel compared with the synoptic Gospels, and a study of the life and teachings of Christ which are distinctive in this Gospel.
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 616 Acts 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive study of the book of Acts, emphasizing its foundational importance to the New Testament epistles and showing the origin and establishment of the church. Attention is also given to the historical, geographical, and political background for Acts and the book's doctrinal significance for the church today.
Offered: Resident
NBST 617 Romans 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive exegetical study of Paul's epistle to the Romans. The study includes an investigation of the doctrines of justification, sanctification, and proper Christian conduct. Advanced language students will be given opportunity to use their Greek skills. A verse-by-verse exposition will follow a brief study of authorship, background, destination, and purpose.
Offered: Resident
NBST 618 The Corinthian Correspondence 3 Credit Hour(s)
An expositional study of the two letters of Paul to Corinth. Special attention is directed to discovering the major doctrinal themes developed by Paul and how these are applied to the numerous personal and institutional problems of the first century Gentile church.
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 620 Pastoral Epistles 3 Credit Hour(s)
An expository treatment of the epistles to Timothy and Titus, emphasizing the responsibilities of church leaders as stewards in God's household. Attention is given to such introductory matters as date, authorship, occasion, and purpose.
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 621 Hebrews 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive exegetical study of Hebrews. The course includes an investigation of the doctrines of Christ, especially His mediatorship and priesthood and the use of the Old Testament in this book. A verse-by-verse exposition will follow a brief study of authorship, background, destination and purpose.
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 623 I and II Peter 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive study of I and II Peter. Attention is directed to discovering the major doctrinal themes developed by Peter, and how these are applied to the personal and institutional problems of the first-century church. Application will also be made to the personal and spiritual life of each class member and to the contemporary church.
NBST 625 Revelation 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive historical, doctrinal, and critical study of the text of the book; the interpretation of the messages and visions of the Apocalypse with a consideration of the various approaches to the interpretation of this book.
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 640 Apologetics and the New Testament 3 Credit Hour(s)
An investigation of key issues in the study of the New Testament with a focus upon defending the truthfulness of the New Testament. Focused attention will be given to the Synoptic Problem, historical Jesus studies, the historicity of Acts, as well as theories of the development of New Testament Christology and claims of early, competing Christianities.
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 680 New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive study of how historical, exegetical, and theological themes of the Old Testament are developed in the New Testament. Special attention will also be given to how the hermeneutics of the New Testament writers should impact Christian interpretation of Scripture.
Note: Cross-listed with OBST 680
Offered: Resident and Online
NBST 695 Directed Research in New Testament Biblical Studies 3 Credit Hour(s)
Designed for the advanced student in good standing who has demonstrated an ability to work independently. The student will work with the instructor in developing a proposal for guided research in a specified area of the New Testament.
Offered: Online
NBST 697 Seminar in New Testament 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive study in a specific subject of the New Testament. This course allows variation in the approach and content of the regular curriculum and often will be used by visiting professors.
Offered: Resident and Online