Education Gifted Learner (EDGL)
EDGL 520 Twice-Exceptional Learners 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides an overview of twice-exceptional learners and their unique educational and social/emotional needs. Emphasis is placed on the importance of recognizing unidentified strengths and underlying disabilities, as well as the role of collaboration among general educators, special educators, and gifted educators in order to design educational programs that meet the diverse needs of gifted students with disabilities.
Offered: Online
EDGL 526 Identification and Education of the Gifted Learner 3 Credit Hour(s)
Candidates will explore in detail the characteristics of gifted students, appropriate assessments and procedures for the identification of these learners with emphasis on those from special populations. Selection, comparison, and interpretation of standardized formal assessment tests, and other measures such as authentic assessments, teacher and parent interviews and surveys, student observations, checklists, and rating scales are addressed. A general overview of the history and current practices and strategies popular in the field of Gifted Education are provided. Practical components such as the role and expectations of the teacher of the gifted as well as parent education are addressed.
Offered: Online
EDGL 598 Field Experience Practicum: Gifted Learners 0 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: EDGL 620 (may be taken concurrently) and (Background Check Clearance with a score of 5 or Background Clear International with a score of 5 or Background Clear Out of State with a score of 5 or Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5)
This course will be used to provide field experiences for students desiring licensure in conjunction with certificate programs.
Offered: Online
EDGL 619 Supporting the Social, Emotional, and Guidance Needs of the Gifted 3 Credit Hour(s)
Candidates will explore the contemporary research on affective issues and supporting theory in gifted education. Topics of study include supportive curriculum, special populations, emotional characteristics, vocational concerns, self-concept, self-esteem, and support for the teacher's role in preventing or remediating affective problems related to giftedness. Guidance topics and support for these students and the role of the family and community are emphasized.
Offered: Online
EDGL 620 Curriculum and Methods for Teaching Gifted Learners 3 Credit Hour(s)
Candidates will examine the concept of a defensible curriculum for gifted students and explore strategies for heterogeneous and homogeneous groupings. Strategies and techniques for teaching the gifted student are presented. Candidates will also create lessons using methods to enhance creativity and critical thinking skills for all students as well as develop an understanding of what it means to provide an appropriate education for gifted learners with emphasis on pre and post assessment and state and national learning standards. Research supporting the development of gifted students from various backgrounds and in a variety of settings will also be introduced. The concepts of sharing strategies with peers, teacher leaders, co-teaching and collaboration, acceleration, cluster grouping, and the creation and evaluation of honors courses are addressed.
Offered: Online
EDGL 627 Program Design and Services in Gifted Education 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course focuses on theoretical frameworks and fundamental principles for organizing and implementing evidence-based programs for the varied populations of the gifted including service delivery models, program evaluation, data collection, supervision models, and systemic development of programming and support structures including the roles and functions of committees (including the Advisory Committee), and strategies for engaging parents and community.
Offered: Online
EDGL 698 Directed Practicum Capstone: Gifted Learners 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: (Background Check Clearance with a score of 5 or Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5 or Background Clear Out of State with a score of 5 or Background Clear International with a score of 5) and (Add-On Licensure Gate 3 with a score of 5 or EDUC 681)
A planned program of practice in an educational setting under the direct supervision of University faculty and/or appropriate school administrator.
Offered: Online