Education Administration & Supervision (EDAS)
EDAS 588 Practicum I – School Administration 0 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: (EDGT 691 or Advanced Gate 2 with a score of 5 or Advanced Gate 2-Doctoral with a score of 5) and (EDAS 640 (may be taken concurrently) or EDAS 741 (may be taken concurrently)) and (Background Check Clearance with a score of 5 or Background Clear Out of State with a score of 5 or Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5 or Background Clear International with a score of 5)
A planned program of practice in an educational setting under the direct supervision of University faculty and/or appropriate school administrator. A minimum of 60 clock hours is required.
Offered: Online
EDAS 640 School Administration 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: (Background Check Clearance with a score of 5 or Background Clear International with a score of 5 or Background Clear Out of State with a score of 5 or Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5) and EDAS 588 (may be taken concurrently)
An examination of the administration roles in the design, implementation and improvement of the total educational program in private and public schools. Specific areas of study include curriculum and instruction, pupil and staff personnel, student activities, school organization and management.
Offered: Online
EDAS 641 Supervision of Instruction 3 Credit Hour(s)
Methods, theories and research applying to supervision at all levels of education: analyses made concerning the work of curriculum directors, general supervisors, special supervisors, supervising principals department heads; study of supervisory methods, current plans for staff utilization and use of instructional materials; and stress on evaluation of educational programs and the effects of supervision.
Offered: Online
EDAS 645 Foundations for Educational Leaders 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: Advanced Gate 1 with a score of 5
A study in the philosophy, precepts, and principles of education applied to Christian leadership in the educational setting. Emphasis is placed on self-investigation and analysis of leadership skills, strengths, and styles.
Offered: Online
EDAS 646 School-Community Relations 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: (Background Check Clearance with a score of 5 or Background Clear International with a score of 5 or Background Clear Out of State with a score of 5 or Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5) and EDAS 688 (may be taken concurrently)
Concepts and specific techniques in school-community relations involving the development and maintenance of purposeful programs of communication and collaboration between school personnel and the community. Includes appropriate field projects relating theory to practice.
Offered: Online
EDAS 647 School Law 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: Background Check Clearance with a score of 5 or Background Clear International with a score of 5 or Background Clear Out of State with a score of 5 or Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5
An examination of the legal aspects of education affecting administrators, teachers, students, parents and board members; various forms of liability; separation of church and state.
Offered: Online
EDAS 648 School Finance and Management 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: Background Check Clearance with a score of 5 or Background Clear International with a score of 5 or Background Clear Out of State with a score of 5 or Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5
Basic methods of school finance and business management and principles of plant, finance, budgeting and accounting will be discussed. Federal and State regulations and grants will be studied.
Offered: Online
EDAS 688 Practicum II – School Administration 0 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: (EDGT 691 or Advanced Gate 2 with a score of 5 or Advanced Gate 2-Doctoral with a score of 5) and (EDAS 646 (may be taken concurrently) or EDAS 742 (may be taken concurrently)) and (Background Clear International with a score of 5 or Background Check Clearance with a score of 5 or Background Clear Out of State with a score of 5 or Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5)
A planned program of practice in an educational setting under the direct supervision of University faculty and/or appropriate school administrator. A minimum of 60 clock hours is required.
Offered: Online
EDAS 699 Internship 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: Advanced Gate 3 with a score of 5 or Advanced Gate 3-Doctoral with a score of 5 or Advanced Gate 3-Out of State with a score of 5 or Adv Gate 3-Out of State-Doc with a score of 5
This course serves as the culminating field experience internship for the candidate seeking the administration and supervision licensure endorsement. The course requires the completion of class assignments, field-based projects, and the minimum number of hours served as specified in the proposal. An overall performance assessment is provided to gauge the candidate’s effectiveness and document the successful completion of the internship.
Note: Proposal submitted one semester in advance and approved by the Chair of the Graduate Program.
Offered: Online