Discipleship Ministries (DSMN)

Discipleship Ministries (DSMN)

DSMN 500  Discipleship Ministries  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course will examine the biblical, general and specific steps to enable a person first to be a disciple, then to discover systems, biblical principles, and methods that create a disciple making context. The connection between spiritual formation and discipleship will be analyzed in the context of a biblical community in a local church. The practical methods and models of discipleship will be thoroughly discussed and designed.
Offered: Resident and Online
DSMN 520  Spiritual Formation  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course focuses on the development of the believer's spiritual life. Attention is given to the spiritual disciplines, prayer, and the biblical nature of calling, ministry, character, and the relation of spiritual formation to the doctrine of sanctification. (Formerly PLED 520)
Offered: Resident and Online
DSMN 610  Family Discipleship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course studies the idea and practice called "family discipleship." It presents a framework in which a family leader can disciple household members beyond spiritual comprehension to a personal appropriation of the apologetic and application of Scripture. Attention will be given to the family leader's responsibilities toward spiritual leadership and biblical discipleship, specifically to responsibilities regarding the Gospel, basic doctrine, systematic theology, the Great Commission, spiritual disciplines, practical Christian living, and worldview/philosophy. Various techniques for family discipleship will be examined, including family devotions, drill and catechism, Scripture memory, storytelling, teaching moments, relational example and intentional rehearsal.
Offered: Resident and Online
DSMN 630  Small Group Ministries  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Ministry of Small Groups prepares the individual to serve and equip the church to embrace, plan for, implement and evaluate small group ministry. In addition to helping establish a clear biblical basis for small groups, this course is divided into two distinct, but related, topics. The first aspect deals with the issue of organizing and ministering small group ministry. The second aspect deals with the dynamics related to small group leadership. The focus is on one leader and one group.
Offered: Resident and Online
DSMN 660  Leading the Healthy, Growing, Multiplying Church  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course teaches the necessary areas of discipleship with a corporate-church setting. It further addresses the process of church multiplication. The course will also explore church health and growth in the early, middle, and mature years of a church's existence. (Formerly EVAN 660)
Offered: Resident and Online
DSMN 695  Directed Research in Discipleship Ministries  1-3 Credit Hour(s)  
Designed for the advanced student in good standing who has demonstrated an ability to work independently. The student will work with the instructor in developing a proposal for guided research in a specific area.
Offered: Resident
DSMN 697  Seminar in Discipleship Ministries  3 Credit Hour(s)  
An intensive study in a specific subject of educational ministries. This course allows variation in the approach and content of the regular curriculum and often will be used by visiting professors.
Offered: Resident
DSMN 698  Discipleship Ministry Practicum  1-3 Credit Hour(s)  
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