Theology (THEO)
THEO 706 Theological Foundations 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: RTCH 805
In this course, students will explore the theological foundations that undergird ministry. Attention will be given to how these foundations inform and guide the research and application of biblical theology to the practice of ministry.
Offered: Online
THEO 725 Systematic Theology I 3 Credit Hour(s)
THEO 810 Theology of the Gospel 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: DMIN 810
An examination of the gospel and its implications for ministry and the Christian life with special focus on understanding the gospel in the context of the entire biblical narrative, cultivating a gospel-centered life, and viewing ministry through the lens of the good news of Jesus Christ.
Note: (Available to DMIN students only) Crosslisted with BIBL 810
Offered: Online
THEO 900 Seminar in Theological Method 3 Credit Hour(s)
Analyzes theological methods in various theological traditions and persuasions. Different types of biblical, systematic, and contemporary theologies will be scrutinized. Particular attention will be given to the significance of theological sources including revelation, tradition, and culture and to their role in theology.
Offered: Resident
THEO 901 Contemporary Issues in the Doctrine of God 3 Credit Hour(s)
A Seminar on the Doctrine of God with special attention to modern issues on the topic, such as Open Theism, the knowability of truths about God, proper basicity and the justification of God's existence, and the problem of evil.
Offered: Resident
THEO 903 Historical Development of Christian Thought 3 Credit Hour(s)
A critical examination of the doctrinal development of the church with special attention on the topics of the doctrine of God, the Trinity, and Christology.
Offered: Resident
THEO 904 Bibliology 3 Credit Hour(s)
An examination of the doctrine of scripture with attention to its inerrancy, and inspiration, along with a consideration of the matter of inscripturated revelation and the nature of religious language.
Offered: Resident
THEO 905 Christology in Contemporary Theological Perspective 3 Credit Hour(s)
A study of recent trends in Christological method and understanding including process christologies, the Jesus Seminar, and the "new search" for the historical Jesus.
Offered: Resident
THEO 908 Reading Seminar in Systematic Theology 3 Credit Hour(s)
The purpose of this reading seminar is to provide a base-line of readings in systematic theology focusing on reading classic texts significant to or exemplary of systematic theology. Students will read about thirty books and treatises, reading both scholarly and popular work throughout the history of the church. Students will evaluate, critique, and write critical reviews of assigned works evaluating, comparing and synthesizing their respective contribution to the development of the discipline and relation to contemporary evangelical theological concerns.
Offered: Resident
THEO 915 Natural Theology 3 Credit Hour(s)
A seminar critically examining modern and contemporary, as well as historical, approaches to natural theology. Special attention is given to recent contributions in natural theology, exploring traditional arguments for the existence of God, as well as new arguments developed in recent decades.
Offered: Resident
THEO 935 Christianity and Politics 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides an introduction to the topic of Christianity and politics, giving special attention to various Christian approaches to the Church’s relationship to its governing authorities, as well as its role within larger society on a variety of contemporary political issues.
Offered: Resident
THEO 945 Seminar in Modern Theologies and Theologians 3 Credit Hour(s)
This seminar focuses on the work of select theologians and theological movements since the 18th Century with special attention to evangelical, liberal, feminist, and world theologies.
Offered: Resident
THEO 946 Contemporary Theology 3 Credit Hour(s)
An examination and critical analysis of theologians and theological movements since 1945. Topics include Liberation and Feminist Theologies as well as Open Theism, and the work of Paul Tillich, Jurgen Moltmann, John A. T. Robinson, and Harvey Cox. This seminar focuses on the work of select theologians and theological movements since the eighteenth century. This seminar may be repeated as subject matter varies. This seminar will focus on the Twentieth and early Twenty-first Centuries.
Offered: Resident
THEO 950 Approaches to Public Theology 3 Credit Hour(s)
A seminar critically examining and analyzing various methods and approaches to public theology. This course surveys key methodologies and thinkers from the early church to the present. Emphasis is placed on the structure and defense of various systems, as well as the formulation of a personal approach to theological engagement in the public arena.
Offered: Resident
THEO 960 Christian Ethics 3 Credit Hour(s)
This seminar surveys and critically evaluates ancient and modern ethical theories and practices. This course will also provide students with the tools to formulate a biblically and theologically informed personal approach to ethics in the face of a variety of ethical issues.
Offered: Resident
THEO 968 Current Issues in Theology 3 Credit Hour(s)
A seminar examining current issues in theology, with special attention to differing approaches to theological inquiry.
Offered: Resident
THEO 993 Readings in Christian Thought and Comprehensive Examination 3 Credit Hour(s)
Analysis of the major primary sources and scholarly research of Christian Thought leading toward a comprehensive examination.
Registration Restrictions: Once the student completes 15 hours of the Major Area of Focus, the student can be registered for the Major Area of Focus Directed Research and Comprehensive Examination course. Once the student completes 9 hours of the Major Area of Focus, the student can be registered for the Minor Area of Focus Directed Research and Comprehensive Examination course. Must be approved by the Director of the PhD in Theological Studies.
Offered: Resident
THEO 995 Directed Research in Theology 3 Credit Hour(s)
Designed for the advanced student in good standing who has demonstrated an ability to work independently. The student will work with the instructor in developing a proposal for guided research in a specified area of theology.
Offered: Resident
THEO 997 Seminar in Theological Studies 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive study in a specific subject in theological studies. This course allows variation in the approach and content of the regular curriculum.
Offered: Resident