Nursing (NURS)

Nursing (NURS)

NURS 700  Advanced Nursing Research  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course applies a variety of methods used for practice improvement through synthesis of the literature. The use of these methods, such as action research, program evaluation, and quality improvement will be explored through critical analysis of each.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to DNP program or Admission to the Ph.D. in Nursing Education program
Note: (BSN-DNP only)
Offered: Online
NURS 711  Advanced Physiology/Pathophysiology  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course provides the student with an understanding physiology and pathophysiology for advanced practice nurses. An emphasis on homeostasis, systems interactions, and pathophysiology will be the foundation for case-based learning of common diseases and conditions seen in primary care.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 712  Advanced Health Assessment for Nurse Practitioners  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: NURS 711
This course provides the student with knowledge, skills, and attitudes to perform physical, psychosocial, and spiritual advance health assessments of clients across the life span. Emphasis is on acquisition of advanced skills and analysis of relevant data to conduct a comprehensive history including the ability to perform client-centered health assessments. The course will focus on normal vs. abnormal findings, symptom/health problem assessment, selection and interpretation of diagnostic tests, and screenings and differential diagnosis to develop a management plan. Culturally competent patient education, health promotion and clinical prevention considerations will be integrated into the provision of care of the individual and family. This course includes lecture and lab.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 713  Advanced Pharmacology for Nurse Practitioners  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: NURS 711 and NURS 712
This course is designed to provide clinical application of the pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics of common conditions and diseases across the lifespan encountered by the advanced practice nurse in primary care. The role of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics will be applied. Emphasis is on the development of client-centered prescriptive decisions within the context of outcomes, safety, quality and costs.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program.
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 715  Theoretical Application for Advanced Practice Nursing  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course will analyze the nature of theory and theory development in nursing. Students will examine nursing theory, apply theory to practice, practice change, and scholarship. Application of advanced levels of clinical judgment and accountability in the design, development, and evaluation of evidence-based care will occur.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
NURS 716  Applications of Evidence-Based Care  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 715 and NURS 700
The course is designed to support advanced practice nurses in the translation of nursing research to the use of research that will impact nursing practice. This course will serve as a touchstone for exploring the concept of Evidence Based Care (EBC). Evidence-based practice models will be examined and contrasted. Students will have the opportunity to appraise current research in their practice interests which will support students in developing improved practice guidelines, design processes to examine and disseminate findings. The course emphasizes the evaluation of research in the discipline of nursing and its application to professional practice both at the individual, family and population levels. The assimilation of knowledge, comparison to established benchmarks and research outcomes serve as a foundation to plan and develop innovations that influence quality care across practice settings and disciplines.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctorate of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Online
NURS 718  Informatics, Technology and Trends for Transforming Health Care  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 715 and (NURS 700 or Grad Rsrch Methods (NURS 500) with a score of 3)
This course explores various applications of informatics as well as current trends for health care delivery across a variety of settings. Students will analyze and evaluate information systems and patient care technology, as well as the impact on the delivery of care in all practice settings. Advanced clinical applications of technology will be emphasized with various populations including those in clinical settings, aggregate populations at risk and the community as a whole. Students will explore utilization of technology applicable to advanced practice such as: guiding evidenced-based practice, providing patient education, promoting health and wellness, improving clinical workflow, and administrative applications. The advanced role related to information systems will be examined, including working with interdisciplinary groups to select and maintain nursing information systems and serving as a credible resource for legal and ethical situations related to information technology.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctorate of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Online
NURS 721  Leadership, Policy and Ethics  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 715
This course will provide a study of principles and knowledge of organizational leadership and advanced communication abilities that support an improved quality of care delivery as well as improved outcomes. Consultative and leadership approaches that facilitate collaboration are explored. The advanced practice role of nursing as it pertains to policy development, championing change, and inspiring clinical innovation are examined. National and global policy issues are highlighted, with specific attention placed on the ethical aspects of health policy development.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice, Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Education, or Master of Science in Nursing Health Policy programs
Offered: Online
NURS 722  Nursing Theory Development  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course examines the nature of nursing knowledge and the development of its underpinnings. Various approaches to concept and/or theory development, analysis, and evaluation are examined and applied. The course explores the connections between research, theory and practice as it relates to the development of nursing knowledge.
Offered: Online
NURS 731  School of Nursing Gate 1 DNP-FNP  0 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is intended to provide guidance and information on expectations regarding the requirements for the student program. Candidates will submit practicum requirements.
Offered: Online
NURS 732  Interprofessional Collaboration and Outcomes Management for Quality in Health Care  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 715 and NURS 716 and NURS 721 and NURS 718 (may be taken concurrently)
This course focuses on a collaborative approach to patient centered care. The emphasis is on the values and ethics of inter-professional practice, roles and responsibilities, interprofessional communication skills, and team work to manage outcomes and improve quality.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Online
NURS 733  Women's Health  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: ((NURS 736 (may be taken concurrently) or NURS 743 (may be taken concurrently)) and NURS 734 and NURS 735 )
This course focuses on the development of knowledge and skills in clinical assessment, intervention and management of women's health in diverse populations across the lifespan. The integration of research and theory underpin clinical decision making, health promotion and clinical prevention to support holistic client-focused care.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctorate of Nursing Practice Program/Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization
Offered: Online
NURS 734  Family Nursing I: Acute Health  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 711 and NURS 712 and NURS 713 and NURS 740 (may be taken concurrently)
This course focuses on the care of individuals across the lifespan and families in the primary care setting. Theory and clinical foundations of evidenced based advanced nursing practice prepare the student to manage acute health care problems common to the primary care setting. An emphasis on assessment, diagnosis and management of acute health conditions within the context of ethnic, culture and community will be promoted.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctorate of Nursing Practice: Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization or Post-Graduate Certificate in Family Nurse Practitioner
Offered: Online
NURS 735  Infant and Children's Health  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: ((NURS 734 (may be taken concurrently) or NURS 740 (may be taken concurrently)) and NURS 711 and NURS 712 and NURS 713 )
This course focuses on the development of knowledge and skills in clinical assessment, intervention, and management of acute and chronic conditions seen in infants through early adulthood in primary care. The integration of research and theory underpin clinical decision making, health promotion, and clinical prevention to support holistic client/family centered care. Students will demonstrate an understanding of genetic and genomic influences on infant's and children's health, and services including client/family education.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program/Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization
Offered: Online
NURS 737  Family Nursing II: Chronic Health  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 734 and NURS 735 and NURS 733 (may be taken concurrently) or NURS 736 (may be taken concurrently) or (NURS 743 (may be taken concurrently) and NURS 744 (may be taken concurrently))
This course focuses on the care of individuals across the lifespan and families in the primary care setting. Theory and clinical foundations of evidenced based advanced nursing practice prepare the student to manage chronic health care problems common to the primary care setting. An emphasis on assessment, diagnosis and management of chronic health conditions within the context of ethnic, culture and community will be promoted.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctorate of Nursing Practice Program/Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization
Offered: Online
NURS 738  School of Nursing Gate 2 DNP-FNP  0 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is intended to provide guidance and information on expectations regarding the requirements for the student program. Candidates will submit practicum requirements.
Offered: Online
NURS 739  School of Nursing Gate 3 DNP-FNP  0 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is intended to provide guidance and information on expectations regarding the requirements for the student program. Candidates will submit practicum requirements.
Offered: Online
NURS 740  Family Nurse Practitioner I  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 700 and NURS 711 and NURS 712 and NURS 713 and NURS 715 and NURS 721 and NURS 732 and NURS 734 (may be taken concurrently)
This practicum course introduces the student to nurse practitioner role in the primary care setting and focuses on wellness and the delivery of acute health care across the lifespan. Students will provide physical, psychosocial, and spiritual care through health history taking, conducting physical examinations, and build skills in diagnostic reasoning. Principles of health prevention/promotion, health maintenance and risk assessment will be applied to individual and family care within the context of culture, ethnicity, and community. The student may participate in the diagnosis and plan of care with the guidance of the preceptor.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctorate Nursing Practice program/Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization
Offered: Online
NURS 741  Family Nurse Practitioner I  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: NURS 731 and NURS 740 and NURS 734 and NURS 735 (may be taken concurrently)
This practicum course supports the student to continue in the role of nurse practitioner in the primary care setting and focuses on wellness and the delivery of acute health care across the lifespan. Students will provide physical, psychosocial, and spiritual care through health history taking, conducting physical examinations, and build skills in diagnostic reasoning. Principles of health prevention/promotion, health maintenance and risk assessment will be applied to individual and family care within the context of culture, ethnicity, and community. The student may participate in the diagnosis and plan of care with the guidance of the preceptor.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctorate Nursing Practice: Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization or Post-Graduate Certificate in Family Nurse Practitioner
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 742  Nursing Seminar: Issues in Global Health  2 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: NURS 735 and NURS 736 and NURS 737 and NURS 838 (may be taken concurrently)
This seminar is designed to provide the student with knowledge and skills to address global health issues through assessment, interventions, planning, and evaluation to promote health at the individual/family/population level. Students will explore cultural intelligence and develop strategies to deliver culturally competent care. Care and treatment of common diseases and conditions seen in low-income, middle-income, and high-income countries will be discussed within the context of issues such as poverty, societal norms and values. The impact of globalization on the delivery of health care in the United States will also be examined.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program/Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 743  Family Nurse Practitioner II  2 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 734 and NURS 735 and NURS 738 and NURS 740 and NURS 741 and NURS 733 (may be taken concurrently)
This practicum course builds on the skills obtained in Family Nurse Practitioner I. The student will continue to develop the role of nurse practitioner in the primary care setting focusing on assessment and management of chronic and more complex acute care health problems across the lifespan. The student should manage episodic and follow up visits for chronic health and complex acute care issues. The student should demonstrate evidence based practice behaviors and adhere to standards of care to order and interpret diagnostic tests, prescribe therapeutics and develop a plan of care to manage disease states or conditions under the guidance of the preceptor. The student should provide physical, psychosocial, and spiritual care to the individuals and families through the integration of ethnicity, culture, and community.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctorate Nursing Practice: Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization or Post-Graduate Certificate in Family Nurse Practitioner
Offered: Online
NURS 744  Family Nurse Practitioner II  2 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 733 and NURS 734 and NURS 735 and NURS 739 and NURS 740 and NURS 741 and NURS 743 and NURS 737 (may be taken concurrently)
This practicum course continues to build on the skills obtained in NURS 743. The student will continue to develop the role of nurse practitioner in the primary care setting focusing on assessment and management of chronic and more complex acute care health problems across the lifespan. The student should manage episodic and follow up visits for chronic health and complex acute care issues. The student should demonstrate evidence based practice behaviors and adhere to standards of care to order and interpret diagnostic tests, prescribe therapeutics, and develop a plan of care to manage disease states or conditions under the guidance of the preceptor. The student should provide physical, psychosocial, and spiritual care to the individuals, and families through the integration of ethnicity, culture, and community.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctorate of Nursing Practice program/Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization
Offered: Online
NURS 745  School of Nursing Gate 1 PMHNP-Post MSN  0 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is intended to provide guidance and information on expectations regarding the requirements for the student program. Candidates will submit practicum requirements.
Offered: Online
NURS 746  School of Nursing Gate 2 PMHNP-Post MSN  0 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is intended to provide guidance and information on expectations regarding the requirements for the student program. Candidates will submit practicum requirements.
Offered: Online
NURS 750  Spiritual Care  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course will examine the interrelatedness of spirituality and the practice of nursing. The primary orientation of the course will be that of the Christian worldview. Historical perspectives on spiritual care will be incorporated with the healing arts. Contemporary models such as parish nursing will be explored. The spiritual needs of the caregiver will be identified and support opportunities will be examined.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Online
NURS 751  Neurobiology and Differential Diagnosis of Mental Disorders  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This foundational course focuses on mental disorders across the lifespan. Based on anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology, this course examines underlying causality including injury, trauma, developmental, genetic, infection and disease including degeneration. The relationship to support homeostasis between the body and brain, and within the brain will be explored. This course also integrates the use of case-based learning to approach differential psychiatric diagnoses. Students will gain skills in interviewing, observation, and the use of and interpretation of screening, tools, behavioral assessments and diagnostic tests. Case studies will be based on the most current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM 5) and other appropriate diagnostic tools and methods.
Registration Restrictions: Enrollment in the Post MSN DNP PMHNP program or Post Graduate PMHNP Certificate program
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 752  Clinical Psychopharmacology  2-3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: NURS 751 (may be taken concurrently)
This course provides a case-based approach to utilizing best practices and principles for using psychopharacology to treat mental illness and disorders across the lifespan. The course examines neuropharmacological mechanisms, pharmacodynamics, and drug interactions of commonly used psychotropic drugs. Emphasis is on the development of client-centered prescriptive decisions within the context of outcomes, safety, quality, and costs.
Registration Restrictions: Enrollment in the Post MSN DNP PMHNP program or Post Graduate PMHNP Certificate program
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 753  Psychotherapeutic Theories, Frameworks, and Modalities  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: NURS 752 (may be taken concurrently)
This course provides an overview of theories, frameworks, modalities and best practices related to psychotherapeutic treatments and management of mental health disorders across the lifespan. The integration of the application of evidence-based psychotherapies and psychotherapeutic case formulation, treatment for the management of disorders, symptoms and issues. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing will be integrated through a case-based learning experience.
Registration Restrictions: Enrollment in the Post MSN DNP PMHNP program or Post Graduate PMHNP Certificate program
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 754  Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Practicum I Adult/Gero  4 Credit Hour(s)  
Resident Prerequisite: NURS 745 and NURS 751 and NURS 752 and NURS 753
Online Prerequisite: NURS 751 and NURS 752 and NURS 753
This practicum course provides extensive experience to prepare the student for the professional role of a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. Students will provide interviewing, screening, diagnostic testing, episodic, acute and chronic care to adult and geriatric clients. The student should demonstrate evidence based practice behaviors and adhere to standards of care to order and interpret screening/diagnostics tests, prescribe therapeutics, and develop health prevention/promotion and health maintenance plans. Students should be able to assess adults and geriatric clients and develop a plan of care in consultation with the preceptor. The student should provide holistic care through the integration of ethnicity, culture and community.
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 755  Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Practicum II Pediatrics/Family  5 Credit Hour(s)  
Resident Prerequisite: NURS 746 and NURS 751 and NURS 752 and NURS 753 and NURS 754
Online Prerequisite: NURS 751 and NURS 752 and NURS 753 and NURS 754
This practicum course provides extensive experience to prepare the student for the professional role of a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. Students will provide interviewing, screening, diagnostic testing, episodic, acute, and chronic care to pediatrics, clients and families. The student should demonstrate evidence based practice behaviors and adhere to standards of care to order and interpret screening/diagnostic tests, prescribe therapeutics, and develop health prevention/promotion and health maintenance plans. Students should be able to assess the pediatric client, and families and develop a plan of care in consultation with the preceptor. The student should provide holistic care through the integration of ethnicity, culture and community.
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 756  School of Nursing Gate 1 PMHNP-Post BSN  0 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is intended to provide guidance and information on expectations regarding the requirements for the student program. Candidates will submit practicum requirements.
Offered: Online
NURS 757  School of Nursing Gate 2 PMHNP-Post BSN  0 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is intended to provide guidance and information on expectations regarding the requirements for the student program. Candidates will submit practicum requirements.
Offered: Online
NURS 764  Learning Theories and Teaching Methods for Nurse Educators  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course provides an overview of major research based theories of adult learning and knowledge development. Application of theory to the planning and execution of various phases of curriculum across a variety of educational settings is explored. Students will engage in self-reflection to improve teaching practices through strategies such as use of personal attributes, demonstrating enthusiasm for nursing and the teaching-learning process, use of technology, and respect for the learner. Individual learning styles and unique needs of students will be explored, including international, adult, multicultural, educationally disadvantaged, physically challenged, at-risk, and second degree learners. Students will be encouraged to develop an individual teaching style utilizing research based theory and engage in continuous self-evaluation as life-long learners.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Online
NURS 765  Curriculum Development and Program Evaluation for Nurse Educators  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course prepares the student to design, implement, and evaluate curriculum. Research and evidenced-based theories will be applied to the process of curriculum development and program evaluation. The role of the faculty member in curriculum design and program evaluation will be explored.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Online
NURS 766  Advanced Evaluation Strategies for Nurse Educators  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 764 and NURS 765
This course provides an overview of theories on educational measurement and evaluation. Methods of evaluating teaching effectiveness, student learning, and student performance are explored with emphasis on test construction and analysis.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the PhD in Nursing Education, Doctor of Nursing Practice program or Executive Certificate in Nursing Educational Leadership.
Offered: Online
NURS 767  Transition to the Nurse Educator Role  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 766
In this course, students will engage in the development of classroom, laboratory, and clinical teaching assignments in nursing. Students will integrate philosophical foundations, educational theory, and nursing knowledge to promote active learning.
Offered: Online
NURS 768  Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Practicum I Adult/Gero  4 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 751 and NURS 752 and NURS 753 and NURS 756
This practicum course provides extensive experience to prepare the student for the professional role of a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. Students will provide interviewing, screening, diagnostic testing, episodic, acute and chronic care to adult and geriatric clients. The student should demonstrate evidence based practice behaviors and adhere to standards of care to order and interpret screening/diagnostics tests, prescribe therapeutics, and develop health prevention/promotion and health maintenance plans. Students should be able to assess adults and geriatric clients and develop a plan of care in consultation with the preceptor. The student should provide holistic care through the integration of ethnicity, culture and community. This practicum course includes a one-week campus based skills intensive lab. Offered: Online synchronous practicum with campus based intensive
Offered: Online
NURS 769  Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Practicum II Pediatrics/Family  5 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 751 and NURS 752 and NURS 753 and NURS 757 and NURS 768
This practicum course provides extensive experience to prepare the student for the professional role of a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. Students will provide interviewing, screening, diagnostic testing, episodic, acute, and chronic care to pediatrics, clients and families. The student should demonstrate evidence based practice behaviors and adhere to standards of care to order and interpret screening/diagnostic tests, prescribe therapeutics, and develop health prevention/promotion and health maintenance plans. Students should be able to assess the pediatric client, and families and develop a plan of care in consultation with the preceptor. The student should provide holistic care through the integration of ethnicity, culture and community. This practicum course includes a one-week campus based skills intensive lab.
Note: Offered online synchronous practicum with campus based intensive.
Offered: Online
NURS 784  Assessment and Accreditation for Nursing Programs  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course examines the process of curriculum design and development from the perspective of faculty and administration. Curricula are analyzed from the context of program evaluation and accreditation standards. Various instructional design models are applied to nursing courses.
Offered: Online
NURS 815  Quantitative Methods of Research  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: EDUC 812
This course is designed for those planning to write a dissertation. An examination of quantitative designs for Nursing research topics will be considered. These are: Developing a research problem, Reviewing the Literature, The Hypothesis, Descriptive Statistics, Sampling and Inferential Statistics, Tools of Research, Validity and Reliability, Experimental Research Designs, Ex Post Facto Research, Correlational Research, Survey Research, Guidelines for Writing a Quantitative Research Proposal, and Interpreting and Reporting Results of Quantitative Research.
Offered: Online
NURS 817  Qualitative Methods of Research  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: EDUC 812
This course examines qualitative methods used in educational research, focusing primarily on participant-observation, asking questions, writing field notes, and on the transformation of these primary field data into written ethnographic documents.
Offered: Online
NURS 820  Comprehensive Exam  0 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 721 and NURS 716 and NURS 834 and NURS 718 and NURS 836 and NURS 832 and NURS 732 and NURS 731
The comprehensive exam/university predictor exam must be completed successfully prior to enrollment in NURS 839. The exam will be administered during NURS 820, a non-credit course designed to administer the comprehensive exam/university predictor exam. Students may repeat the exam twice for a total of three attempts at passing the comprehensive exam/university predictor exam during this course. Failures will follow the repeat and dismissal policy in the DNP Handbook.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to DNP
Offered: Online
NURS 821  Comprehensive Exam: Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner  0 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 751 and NURS 752 and NURS 753 and NURS 754
The comprehensive exam/university predictor exam must be completed successfully prior to enrollment in NURS 840 or completion of the post graduate Certificate program. The exam will be administered during NURS 821, a non-credit course designed to administer the comprehensive exam/university predictor exam. Students may repeat the exam twice for a total of three attempts at passing the comprehensive exam/university predictor exam during this course. Failures will follow the repeat and dismissal policy in the DNP Handbook.
Offered: Online
NURS 827  School of Nursing Gate 4 DNP-FNP  0 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is intended to provide guidance and information on expectations regarding the requirements for the student program. Candidates will submit practicum requirements.
Offered: Online
NURS 828  School of Nursing DNP Practicum Gate  0 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is intended to provide guidance and information on expectations regarding the requirements for the student program. Candidates will submit practicum requirements.
Offered: Online
NURS 829  Leadership in Healthcare Transformation  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Leadership in Healthcare Transformation prepares nurse scholars and leaders to excel in driving positive change and fostering innovation within the dynamic and complex healthcare environment. This course will equip students with the necessary competencies to lead transformational initiatives, enhance quality improvement in healthcare, and ensure the safety and efficiency of healthcare delivery systems.
Offered: Online
NURS 830  Public Health Administration and Leadership  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Public Health Administration and Leadership is designed to equip nurse scholars with advanced knowledge and skills to excel in leadership roles. This course integrates a comprehensive understanding of administrative and management practices in public health organizations' healthcare delivery systems, applying leadership theories and a global perspective on emerging trends in public health practices.
Offered: Online
NURS 831  Policy in Health Care  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Policy in Health care is designed to empower nurse scholars to become leaders and experts in healthcare policy analysis and reform. This course comprehensively explores the factors that shape healthcare delivery, including economic, financial, and political influences. It also explores the policy reform process, examining it through legal, ethical, social, organizational, and regulatory lenses.
Offered: Online
NURS 832  Clinical Prevention and Biostatistics  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 715 and NURS 716 and NURS 718 and NURS 721 and Grad Biostatistics with a score of 3
This course provides an overview of epidemiologic principles and biostatistical methods for evaluation and implementation of evidence based changes in clinical practice to enhance the quality of care and to predict and analyze outcomes. Students will apply descriptive and inferential statistics to examine aggregate data. Health data will be disseminated to further enhance global clinical prevention efforts.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctorate of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Online
NURS 833  Higher Educational Leadership  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course examines a various topic relevant to nursing leaders in higher education. Leadership demands specific to higher education are examined. The structure and function of college and university settings are explored. Current issues that affect higher education are discussed.
Offered: Online
NURS 834  Health Care Operations and Financial Management  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 832
This course will examine the constructs of health care operations and students will apply these for the purposes of strengthening the advanced nurses' practice effectiveness in organizational collaboration and leadership. Students will demonstrate conceptual ability and skills to evaluate and monitor outcomes through data extrapolation. Students will examine the principles of public and private financing as they apply. Problem-based activities will assist the student in developing a working knowledge of subsidization, vulnerable populations, and the impact of global health system shocks.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Online
NURS 835  Theories of Nursing  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course explores the scholarly development of the discipline of nursing. The historical, educational, contemporary, scientific, and professional influences of theoretical knowledge in nursing are explored. The conceptual basis of various nurse theorist are analyzed. This course prepares students to select an appropriate theoretical framework for use in their dissertation.
Offered: Online
NURS 836  Translational Research in Health Care  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 715 and NURS 716 and NURS 718 and NURS 832
This course is designed to support an understanding of concepts in knowledge translation (KT), methods, and models for evaluation of research, and findings to translate knowledge into best practice protocols. A translational model is used to support knowledge translation from scholarly evidence that will influence outcomes. The steps in the research process are examined to support a comprehensive plan in preparation for the scholarly project. The content includes the development of a research question, identifying an appropriate sample, identifying appropriate strategies for data collection and analysis, and emphasizing the importance of the protection of human subjects. The course provides the students with a foundation for developing a scholarly proposal.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Online
NURS 837  Grant Writing and Publication  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is designed to provide writing experiences which prepare the learner for manuscript and grant proposal submissions. This introductory experience into the grant process from proposal to funding to management will include project management, funding sources, and funding challenges. Other course requirements include a research proposal (manuscript) that is ready for submission for publication and development of a dissertation proposal.
Offered: Online
NURS 838  Family Nurse Practitioner Practicum III  5 Credit Hour(s)  
Resident Prerequisite: ((NURS 736 or NURS 744) and NURS 827)
This practicum course provides extensive experience to prepare the student to enter the professional role of a family nurse practitioner. Students will provide wellness exams, episodic, acute, and chronic care to individuals across the lifespan. The student will demonstrate evidence-based practice behaviors and adhere to standards of care to order and interpret diagnostic tests, prescribe therapeutics, and develop clinical prevention/health promotion and health maintenance plans. Students will be able to assess individuals and/or families and develop a plan of care in consultation with the preceptor. The student will provide physical, psychosocial, and spiritual care to individuals and families through the integration of ethnicity, culture, and community.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 839  Proposal Development  2 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: NURS 716 and NURS 832 and NURS 836 and (NURS 700 or Grad Rsrch Methods (NURS 500) with a score of 3)
This course is designed to apply the knowledge and skills developed in previous research and related coursework and apply them to the Scholarly Project process. Students will be required to apply scholarly writing skills and an understanding of expectations of the scholarly project to develop a scholarly proposal. Students will be guided through the development of a Scholarly Project proposal and must successfully defend the proposal at the end of the course. At the completion of this course, CITI training and all Scholarly Project tutorials must be completed.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program or Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization
Offered: Resident and Online
NURS 840  DNP Practicum I  2 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: ((NURS 820 or NURS 821) and NURS 828 and NURS 832 and NURS 834 and NURS 836 )
This course provides the student an opportunity to develop in the role as a systems leader at the micro level under the supervision of a preceptor, guided by a faculty member. Students will execute their practicum at a pre-approved site. Students will establish individualized practicum goals and objectives that create a framework for the experience. A learning contract will be developed between the student and preceptor(s), and must receive faculty approval prior to accrual of practicum hours. Students must complete all pre-practicum requirements including practicum/health clearances prior to enrollment in this course.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program. NURS 820 or NURS 821 prerequisite is only necessary if applicable to the student's degree completion plan
Offered: Resident
NURS 841  DNP Practicum II  2 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: NURS 840
This course provides students an opportunity to engage more deeply in the role as a systems leader at the micro level under the supervision of a preceptor, guided by faculty member. Students will execute their practicum at a pre-approved site where theories and concepts of health care administration, leadership and clinical practice can be applied. Progression toward attainment of the individualized practicum goals and objectives will continue, aided by preceptor and faculty guidance. Approval of practicum activities that support achievement of goals and objectives must be obtained by the faculty prior to starting practicum hours. Students must complete all pre-practicum requirements including practicum/health clearances prior to enrollment in this course.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Resident
NURS 842  DNP Practicum III  2 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: NURS 841
This course provides the student an opportunity to engage in the role as a systems leader at the meso level. Students will execute their practicum at a pre-approved site where theories and concepts of health care administration, leadership and clinical practice can be applied. Progression toward attainment of the individualized practicum goals and objectives will continue, aided by preceptor and faculty guidance. Approval of practicum activities that support achievement goals and objectives must be obtained by the faculty prior to starting practicum hours. Students must complete all pre-practicum requirements including practicum/health clearances prior to enrollment in this course.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Resident
NURS 843  DNP Practicum IV  2 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: NURS 842
This course provides the student an opportunity to engage in the role of the advanced practice nurse at the macro level. Students will execute their practicum at a pre-approved site where theories and concepts of health care administration, leadership and clinical practice can be applied. Progression toward attainment of the individualized practicum goals and objectives will continue, aided by preceptor and faculty guidance. Approval of practicum activities that support achievement goals and objectives must be obtained by the faculty prior to starting practicum hours. Students must complete all pre-practicum requirements including practicum/health clearances prior to enrollment in this course.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Resident
NURS 844  DNP Practicum V  2,4 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: NURS 843
This course provides the student an opportunity to lead macro systems change based on dissemination of evidence based practice findings at the highest level of advanced practice nursing. Students will execute their practicum at a pre-approved site where theories and concepts of health care administration, leadership and clinical practice can be applied. Progression toward attainment of the individualized practicum goals and objectives will continue, aided by preceptor and faculty guidance. Approval of practicum activities that support achievement goals and objectives must be obtained by the faculty prior to starting practicum hours. Students must complete all pre-practicum requirements including practicum/health clearances prior to enrollment in this course. Students will participate in a weekly synchronous meeting where relevant topics to the course will be assigned in advance.
Registration Restrictions: Admission into the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Offered: Resident
NURS 915  Advanced Quantitative Methods of Nursing Research  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 815
This course addresses the skills and knowledge necessary for completion of a quantitative dissertation, including research design, analysis, and associated statistical procedures. This course also addresses sampling, assumptions, data interpretation, validity, reliability, and instrumentation.
Offered: Online
NURS 917  Advanced Qualitative Methods of Nursing Research  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 817
This course addresses the skills and knowledge necessary for completion of a qualitative dissertation, including research design, data analysis and representation, methods for increasing trustworthiness, and ethical considerations in research with human subjects.
Offered: Online
NURS 947  Scholarly Project Planning  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 836
This course provides the student an opportunity to work with the chair to study the topic for the scholarly project, an EBP project using an EBP model as a framework. The initial steps in the model will be followed to conduct a thorough review of the literature, develop a literature matrix, PICO and start to prepare the scholarly project proposal. These initial steps will include focused study of the problem, purpose, background, clinical question, literature review and methodology. Students will prepare the proposal. Students may defend the proposal during this course if approved by the chair.
Offered: Online
NURS 948  Scholarly Project I  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 947
This is the second scholarly project course. Students will defend their proposal if not already done so and progress through the IRB approval process including CITI. After approval of the chair and the IRB, the student will begin the project. (This course may be repeated up to two times).
Offered: Online
NURS 949  Scholarly Project II  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 948
Students will conduct work on the scholarly project, including collecting and analyzing data, disseminating findings and recommendations. Students will prepare for the final defense. (This course may be repeated up to two times).
Offered: Online
NURS 950  Scholarly Project Defense  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 949
Students will defend the scholarly project, and prepare the final project for publication. Student projects must be submitted and accepted in the Liberty University Scholar's Crossing upon completion of a successful defense.
Registration Restrictions: Scholarly Project Chair Approval
Offered: Online
NURS 979  School of Nursing PhD Gate  0 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is intended to provide guidance and information on expectations regarding the requirements for the student program. Candidates will submit practicum requirements.
Offered: Online
NURS 980  Nursing Comprehensive Exam  0 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: ((NURS 915 or NURS 917) and NURS 700 and NURS 721 and NURS 722 and NURS 835 and EDUC 703 and NURS 764 and NURS 765 and NURS 766 and NURS 784 and NURS 833 and EDUC 812 and NURS 815 and NURS 817 and NURS 837 and NURS 979 )
A comprehensive examination must be taken no earlier than completion of the course requirements for the program of study. The comprehensive examinations must be successfully completed prior to submission to the dissertation planning.
Registration Restrictions: Completion of all PhD in Nursing: Concentration in Nursing Education coursework prior to dissertation courses
Offered: Online
NURS 987  Dissertation Planning  5 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 980
This course is the initial step for students and faculty to actualize the student's research project. It provides a focused study of the problem, purpose, significance, theoretical framework, biblical integration, and important literature relevant to the proposed project. Students will prepare and defend their doctoral dissertation proposal during this course.
Offered: Online
NURS 988  Dissertation I  5 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is the second step for students and faculty to actualize the student's dissertation. Students will also progress through the IRB process and begin to conduct their research.
Offered: Online
NURS 989  Dissertation II  5 Credit Hour(s)  
During this course students will conduct their analysis, present their findings, comments, and recommendations, and prepare for final defense of their dissertation.
Offered: Online
NURS 990  Dissertation Defense  0 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: NURS 989
This course is the last step in the dissertation process. Students will defend their dissertation and finalize their dissertation manuscript for publication.
Registration Restrictions: Dissertation Chair Approval
Offered: Online
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