Music (MUSC)
MUSC 801 Historical Developments Influencing Music Education 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course examines the historical, philosophical, and pedagogic trends that have shaped the modern discipline of music education in practice. Application is made to curricular concerns of K-12 general education, vocal and instrumental ensemble development, national and state-level learning outcomes, and principal learning methodologies.
Offered: Online
MUSC 805 Foundations of Doctoral Research in Music Education 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course introduces students to doctoral music education research and the requirements for a Ph.D. in Music Education. Critical thinking skills, scholarly writing, and empirical research are discussed to equip students for success in the doctoral program.
Offered: Online
MUSC 807 Literature Review for Music Education 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MUSC 805
This course provides music educators in the doctoral program with research skills and strategies for conducting a literature review. Critical thinking skills, synthesis of information, and application of the literature are emphasized to support the feasibility and relevance of a research study.
Offered: Online
MUSC 820 The Music Educator 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is a study of the social, psychological, and spiritual formation of the music educator as leader and practitioner. This course assists the music educator in analyzing their career and establishing a professional development plan. The course emphasizes pedagogical application to spiritual formation within the contexts of music-learning.
Offered: Online
MUSC 835 Philosophies of Music Education 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course emphasizes inquiry into the various philosophies of music education and the psychology of music. This includes social, structural, and psychological concerns of music learning and music making. Implications derived from cognition, assessment approaches, and metatopics of art, folk, and popular music will inform research that shapes the scholarly narrative of music education philosophies.
Offered: Online
MUSC 840 Current Issues in Music Education 3 Credit Hour(s)
Study of current issues influencing the state of music education in schools. Focus on the interpretation, implementation, and development of policy. Topics include public policy, advocacy, diversity, exceptional students, behavior management, teacher evaluation, and curriculum.
Offered: Online
MUSC 843 The Music Educator as Advocate 3 Credit Hour(s)
Study of advocacy for music education. Discusses how to defend the value of music education programs, including budgetary, curriculum, and policy considerations.
Offered: Online
MUSC 845 The Role of the College Music Teacher 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course aids in preparation for careers in post-secondary education. Application is made to the development of teaching skills, higher-education assessment, curriculum development, classroom technology, and working with adult learners.
Offered: Online
MUSC 846 The Role of the Music Education Administrator 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course aids in the preparation for careers in music education administration, whether as a district music administrator at the K-12 level or as a higher-education music administrator. Application is made to leadership, curriculum development, and administrative best practices.
Offered: Online
MUSC 850 Applied Music 3 Credit Hour(s)
Lessons in Guitar, Piano, Voice, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, Conducting, or Songwriting.
Registration Restrictions: Student must have the requisite experience or consent of the instructor.
Offered: Online
MUSC 851 Community, Culture and Relationship in Music Education 3 Credit Hour(s)
Study of how the music educator builds community and culture in the music program and grows relationships with other groups in the educational system and beyond. To sustain a thriving music program, the music educator must build a healthy culture and sense of community within the music program. It is also important for the music educator to build strategic partnerships with administration, other arts programs, academic programs, sports programs, community arts organizations, venues, and more.
Offered: Online
MUSC 870 Curriculum Development 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course prepares students to develop music curricula for K‐12 and/or university contexts. Consideration is given to various instructional models and curricular approaches.
Offered: Online
MUSC 880 Introduction to Thesis Writing Project 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course prepares the student to begin the thesis writing project.
Offered: Online
MUSC 888 Thesis Project Proposal Research I 4 Credit Hour(s)
This is the first course for doctoral candidates in the process of developing and completing the research study and doctoral thesis. Doctoral candidates will finalize the thesis proposal and develop chapters 1 & 2 of the thesis to include a detailed literature review relevant to the research study.
Offered: Online
MUSC 889 Thesis Project Proposal & Research II 3,5 Credit Hour(s)
This is the second course for doctoral candidates in the process of developing and completing the research study and doctoral thesis. Doctoral candidates will develop chapters 3, 4, & 5 of the thesis and prepare a presentation for the final thesis defense.
Offered: Online
MUSC 890 Thesis Project Defense 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MUSC 889
This is the final course for doctoral candidates completing the doctoral thesis. Doctoral candidates will defend their thesis and finalize the thesis manuscript for publication.
Offered: Online
MUSC 892 Comprehensive Exam 0 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MUSC 888 (may be taken concurrently)
This course is a written and oral examination that serves as a culminating assessment for the Doctor of Music Education. The comprehensive exam will be based on the content of courses taken in the Doctor of Music Education program.
Offered: Online
MUSC 897 Seminar in Music 3 Credit Hour(s)
A focused study in a specific subject musical topic. This course allows variation for specialized content not included in the regular curriculum.
Offered: Online
MUSC 915 Quantitative Methods of Research 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MUSC 805
The value of quantitative research is examined with an emphasis on various statistical techniques and quantitative methods.
Offered: Online
MUSC 917 Qualitative Methods of Research 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MUSC 805
This course examines qualitative methods used in research, including participant‐observation, asking questions, writing field notes, and the transformation of these primary field data into written documents.
Offered: Online
MUSC 982 Qualitative Comprehensive Exam 0 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MUSC 987 (may be taken concurrently)
This course is a written and oral examination that serves as a culminating assessment for the PhD in Music Education. The comprehensive exam will be based on the content of courses taken in the PhD in Music Education program and will include content regarding qualitative research.
Offered: Online
MUSC 983 Quantitative Comprehensive Exam 0 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MUSC 987 (may be taken concurrently)
This course is a written and oral examination that serves as a culminating assessment for the PhD in Music Education. The comprehensive exam will be based on the content of courses taken in the PhD in Music Education program and will include content regarding quantitative research.
Offered: Online
MUSC 987 Dissertation I 5 Credit Hour(s)
In this course, students will complete chapters 1-2 of their dissertation.
Offered: Online
MUSC 988 Dissertation II 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MUSC 987
In this course, students will refine chapters 1-2 of their dissertation, complete chapter 3, and begin their research.
Offered: Online
MUSC 989 Dissertation III 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MUSC 988
In this course, students will complete their research and chapters 4-5 of their dissertation.
Offered: Online
MUSC 990 Dissertation Defense 0 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MUSC 989
In this course, students will submit their dissertation, to include the abstract and chapters 1‐5. Students will conclude this course with an oral defense of their dissertation.
Offered: Online