Health Sciences (HSCI )
HSCI 701 Theories and Methods of Health Science Research 3 Credit Hour(s)
Exploration of the theoretical frameworks relevant to health sciences literature and research. This course will include directed instruction on scholarly writing and will provide necessary foundations for doctoral research.
Offered: Online
HSCI 702 Health Sciences Scholarship and Literature 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: HSCI 701 (may be taken concurrently)
An intensive engagement with contemporary health sciences literature. This course will focus particularly on critical thinking, assessment, and the type of synthesis needed for writing doctoral literature reviews. Here students will be looking for how to identify gaps in the literature as well as finding literature that addresses and relates to research questions.
Offered: Online
HSCI 703 Quantitative Research Methods and Statistics I 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: HSCI 701
A part one focus on the development of applying inferential statistics to health science research questions utilizing SPSS. Focus is on performing statistical analyses, and interpretation and analysis of results.
Offered: Online
HSCI 704 Research Mentorship 1 Credit Hour(s)
This course is an opportunity for doctoral students in health sciences to explore viable research questions as they begin thinking toward their future dissertation. Students in this course must engage one-on-one with faculty regarding their ideas surrounding dissertation and research. The goal for this course is to help students to critically think about a potential research topic and the gaps in literature that are related.
Offered: Online
HSCI 705 Ethical Issues in Health Science 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course has been designed to study the ethical underpinnings for the proper conduct of research involving human participants including a brief historical review of ethics in science, laws, and regulations that address human subjects’ research.
Offered: Online
HSCI 710 Healthcare Delivery Systems 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is a study of the healthcare delivery systems and their components including programs, providers, policies, and payment systems. Students will examine the healthcare delivery system in terms of cost, quality, and access as they explore various healthcare organizations and the people they serve. The course emphasizes the U.S. healthcare delivery system, while exploring health systems across the globe.
Offered: Online
HSCI 715 Cultural Competency in Health Sciences 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to critically analyze cultural perception of health and illness as a component of the holistic delivery of health care. The student is expected to develop knowledge and respect for cultural differences among patient populations and to foster culturally sensitive and appropriate methods of health care delivery.
Offered: Online
HSCI 720 Principles and Theories of Teaching in the Health Professions 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course introduces health science professionals to the fundamentals of education. Student will learn the principles of teaching and learning, while balancing theoretical perspectives with practical application. It will emphasize the learning process, the needs and characteristics of learners, and strategies for instruction and evaluation. This course includes instruction of strategic, assessment principles, and evidence-based practice.
Offered: Online
HSCI 725 Leadership in Professional Practice 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is designed to prepare health science professionals to positively influence the attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors of others in professional practice. The course will achieve this goal by equipping students with an intimate knowledge of leadership theories and models, while providing students with opportunities to implement these models into their daily lives and reflect on the outcomes.
Offered: Online
HSCI 730 Risk Management in Health Sciences 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to proactively and reactively address incidents that may occur in the setting of the healthcare organization. The curriculum focuses on the need for healthcare managers to identify and minimize risk as a means to reduce injury to patients, staff, and visitors within a healthcare system. Students will use the knowledge and skills gained from this course to create and develop risk management plans.
Offered: Online
HSCI 735 Evidence Based Practices in Health Sciences 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is designed to teach evidence-based practice (EBP) skills that will enable the review of existing literature to improve client care. The course provides a comprehensive overview of EBP, and the components for implementation. It is designed to focus on skills needed to critically evaluate information available from research findings and conduct systematic reviews.
Offered: Online
HSCI 745 Health Policy 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: HSCI 704
This course will familiarize students with the organization, financing, and delivery of public and private healthcare systems. It will also equip students to understand the policy process that shape healthcare services to include models of delivery and structure at the local, state, and federal levels. Lastly, it will examine issues affecting policy implementation.
Offered: Online
HSCI 798 Practicum and Applied Doctoral Research Preparation 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course aims to facilitate students’ preparation for the practicum and doctoral project. This course includes the development of a resume, selection of a practicum placement site, development of practicum objectives, and advisory committee formation. The student will also develop their research topic for the purposes of the oral defense and manuscript for potential submission to a peer-reviewed journal based on the work completed in HSCI 888, HSCI 889, and HSCI 990.
Offered: Online
HSCI 810 Advanced Literature Review 3 Credit Hour(s)
Building off previous training on literature reviews, this course will help students conduct a review of literature that demonstrates readiness for a dissertation.
Offered: Online
HSCI 815 Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course examines and then equips students for conducting qualitative research in health sciences with a focus on five qualitative designs: narrative phenomenological, grounded theory, ethnographic, and case study.
Offered: Online
HSCI 820 Quantitative Research Methods and Statistics II 3 Credit Hour(s)
A part two focus on the development of applying inferential statistics to health science research questions utilizing SPSS. Focus is on performing statistical analyses, and interpretation and analysis of results.
Offered: Online
HSCI 850 Dissertation Mentorship 2 Credit Hour(s)
This course is intended to be the final course in the doctoral health sciences program before the dissertation journey. The aim of the course is to critically analyze dissertation directions and launch students into their first steps of their research and writing.
Offered: Online
HSCI 888 Applied Doctoral Research Project I 5 Credit Hour(s)
This semester-long course is the first in a series of 3 classes related to scholarly inquiry for students in the DHSc program. Students will build on their topic and project plans created in HSCI 789 by conducting an extensive relevant literature review. Students must submit their IRB proposal for institutional approval as appropriate for future scholarship courses. The topic must be directly related to the practicum experience.
Offered: Online
HSCI 889 Applied Doctoral Research Project II 5 Credit Hour(s)
This semester-long course is the second in a series of 3 classes related to scholarly inquiry for students in the DHSc program. This course focuses on developing the applied doctoral research project and the final defense. Following IRB approval if required, the student will collect, and analyze data related to the research question. Students will manage data to assure quality, integrity, confidentiality, and accuracy. The candidate will complete work on the project with a faculty mentor and prepare for the oral presentation.
Offered: Online
HSCI 890 Applied Doctoral Research Project III 5 Credit Hour(s)
This 8-week course is the third in a series of 3 classes related to scholarly inquiry for candidates in the DHSc program. The candidate will present their oral presentation for defense and develop a manuscript for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. Candidates will conclude with a written reflection on their experience within the program of study.
Offered: Online
HSCI 898 Practicum 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: HSCI 798
Students will complete a semester-long practicum experience to integrate and implement principles learned in a professional practice environment. With the guidance of a site mentor as well as a faculty member, the student will meet agreed-upon objectives within the learner’s practice environment or selected site. The student will also evaluate the experience and provide future recommendations based on the assessment.
Offered: Online
HSCI 987 Dissertation I 5 Credit Hour(s)
This course focuses on structure and design of Ph.D. dissertation research that includes chairperson review and scholarly discourse leading to proposal development and a draft of chapter one. Any student who is not ready for enrollment in HSCI 988 after completing HLTH 987 may be required, as determined by the student’s dissertation chair, to repeat HSCI 987 until deemed ready for enrollment in HSCI 988.
Offered: Online
HSCI 988 Dissertation II 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: HSCI 987
This course is the second step for Ph.D. candidates to develop and complete their dissertation. Doctoral candidates will develop chapters 2 and 3 which includes their methodology for conducting the study and combine it with chapter 1 into a single document. Candidates will also complete and submit their IRB package and complete their proposal defense. Any student who is not ready for enrollment in HSCI 989 after completing HSCI 988 may be required, as determined by the student’s dissertation chair, to repeat HSCI 988 until deemed ready for enrollment in HSCI 989.
Offered: Online
HSCI 989 Dissertation III 5 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: HSCI 988
This course is the final step in developing the dissertation manuscript. Doctoral candidates will conduct their field study, analyze their data, and present their findings and develop chapter 4 and 5 of their dissertation. Candidates will combine all sections into their completed dissertation manuscript in preparation for their dissertation defense. Students who do not successfully defend their dissertation must re-enroll in HSCI 989.
Offered: Online
HSCI 990 Dissertation IV 0 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: HSCI 989
This course is the last step in the Ph.D. program. Doctoral candidates will defend their dissertation and finalize their dissertation manuscript for publication.
Offered: Online