Evangelism & Church Planting (EVCP)
EVCP 810 Biblical Foundations for Evangelistic Church Planting 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: DMIN 810
This course is designed to develop a theology of the church from the biblical text in order to construct a foundation for church planting. Church planting must be principally examined from its biblical rather than its practical effectiveness. The first question is not whether church planting can be an effective evangelism tool within a community, but rather, is church planting a biblical concept? This course is designed to develop a theology of church planting from the foundation of Scripture.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to DMIN program
Offered: Online
EVCP 820 Missional Considerations for Evangelistic Church Planting 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: DMIN 810
This course will guide the student to ask and find answers to healthy questions that should be asked prior to any church planting endeavor. Based on Matthew 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8, three primary considerations before starting a church plant within any community are: the sower (character of the man), the seed (communication of the message), and the soil (contextualization of the mission). This course will help the student understand the church planter and the church plant context within the framework of the Great Commission.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to DMIN program
Offered: Online
EVCP 830 Methods and Models for Evangelistic Church Planting 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course will appraise different church planting models and systems in order to design a church plant proposal.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to DMIN program
Offered: Online
EVCP 840 Strategic Evangelism and the Local Church 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: DMIN 810
This class will explore various approaches to establishing a viable evangelism strategy for the local church. A special emphasis is placed on biblical principles, evangelism planning, contemporary spiritual movements, and multiplication as the core value.
Note: Admission to DMIN program
Offered: Online
EVCP 895 Directed Research 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Designed for the advanced student in good standing who has demonstrated an ability to work independently. This course should/can only be used if a student lacks a seminar for graduation and the needed seminar is not offered in their last semester. If approved, the student will work with the instructor in developing a proposal for guided research in a specific area.
Offered: Online
EVCP 897 Seminar in Evangelism and Church Planting 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive study in a specific subject of evangelism and church planting. This course allows variation in the approach and content of the regular curriculum and often will be used by visiting professors.
Offered: Online