Christian Leadership (CLED)

Christian Leadership (CLED)

CLED 700  Biblical & Theological Foundations of Leadership  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is a study of the biblical and theological foundations of leadership as evidenced within Scripture. Learners examine theological themes and biblical assumptions that directly impact one's philosophy and practice of leadership. Students learn to think theologically about issues and concepts drawn from the discipline of leadership.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to the EdD in Christian Leadership, the PhD in Christian Leadership program, or the Executive Certificate in Christian Leadership
Offered: Online
CLED 715  Ecologies of Christian Formation  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course will examine an ecological model of spiritual formation that attends to the role of God's people, the body of Christ in fostering individual and corporate growth. The course will also include an analysis of the function of Christian Social networks in promoting evangelism to non-Christians and facilitating edification in the Church.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to the EdD in Christian Leadership or the PhD in Christian Leadership program
Offered: Online
CLED 720  Biblical & Theological Foundations of Education  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700
This course builds on CLED 700 and is a study of the biblical and theological foundations of education as evidenced within Scripture. Learners examine the history and philosophy of Christian education and the biblical assumptions that directly impact one’s philosophy and practice of education. Students also learn about the importance of a Christian worldview when it comes to the practice of educational leadership.
Offered: Online
CLED 725  Faith-Based Consulting  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720
This course examines the role, skills, and character qualities needed for success as a faith-based consultant. Faith-based organizational and leadership consultants work with churches, Christian organizations, executive-level leaders, pastoral leaders, and teams to assist in mission and vision definition, organizational and operational development, and problem resolution. They bring the essential perspective of both a Christian worldview and an awareness of the non-profit Christian organizational context, and the integrity of character needed to support individual and organizational development.
Offered: Online
CLED 730  Research Methods for Christian Leadership I  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720
As the first of six sequenced research courses, this course provides an overview of the dissertation research and writing process. Students develop the foundational knowledge, skills, and disposition necessary for critical inquiry, research design, dissertation preparation, data analysis, data interpretation, and the evaluation of research results. The course focuses on the critical evaluation of research quality. Students learn to deconstruct dissertations as a way to understand the process.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to the EdD in Christian Leadership or the PhD in Christian Leadership program
Offered: Online
CLED 740  Organizational Assessment and Development  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720
This course examines the process of assessing organizational needs, issues, trends, and dynamics within the faith-based organization. This course will examine how to determine the causes of performance gaps and identify developmental solutions in an attempt to improve organizational effectiveness.
Offered: Online
CLED 745  Leadership & Cultural Contextualization  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720
This course assists leaders in defining "a vision for a preferred future" that is culturally and contextually appropriate. The course involves an analysis of the leader's role as a communicator within and outside the organizational structure. It includes a focus on the role of public and private communication channels in moving the vision and mission of the organization forward. The course looks at communication success and failure in the context of culture, crisis and change. Skill sets are developed for leading people within the culture and ministry leadership context.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to the EdD in Christian Leadership or the PhD in Christian Leadership program
Offered: Online
CLED 750  Coaching Leaders  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720
This course is focused on coaching current leaders or managers of faith-based organizations to improve personal performance, develop effective personal habits, and to contribute to a thriving culture of innovation and change. Additionally, students learn how to coach organizational leaders who are experiencing the challenges and conflicts that can arise from the implementation of transactional and transformational change strategies.
Offered: Online
CLED 765  Trends & Issues of Contemporary Leadership  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720
In this course students will research and present contemporary issues and trends relevant to the fields of leadership and education. Current literature and research is presented and discussed. Each topic is then examined biblically and theologically. Topics are determined in consultation with course professors as the student beings to develop a line of research that eventually leads to the development of the dissertation topic and research questions.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to the EdD in Christian Leadership or the PhD in Christian Leadership program
Offered: Online
CLED 770  Research Methods for Christian Leadership II  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 730
As the second of six sequenced research courses, this course acquaints the students with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods methodologies and the role of statistical analysis in the evaluation of research results. Students are introduced to the resources and tools available to the doctoral level researcher. Additionally, this course addresses the steps needed to successfully defend the dissertation. Lastly, students will choose their research topic for their doctoral research.
Offered: Online
CLED 780  Change, Power, and Conflict in Leadership  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720
This course provides an analysis of dynamics surrounding the innovation and strategic change process. While innovation and change are essential to the progress of any organization, they often produce conflict solutions. This course looks at how innovation brings valuable disruption to an organization. Students learn how to lead change effectively while leveraging the benefits of the disruption and conflict that innovative change created. Leaders learn to capture and capitalize on the opportunities of new technologies, creative methods, and strategic initiatives to move their church or organization forward. Additionally, this course explores the role of entrepreneurial leadership in the development of strategic initiatives within a faith-based organization and strategic partnerships outside of faith-based organization.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to the EdD in Christian Leadership or the PhD in Christian Leadership program
Offered: Online
CLED 800  Theological Anthropology in Leadership & Education  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720
This course examines the implications of the doctrine of the image of God in all persons as the central concept for the development of a philosophy, theory, and practice of leadership and education. Building upon this study of the imago dei (Image of God), this course further considers factors that define and distinguish a Christian view of leadership and educational practice that is consistent with a belief that all persons are created in the image of God.
Note: Prerequisites for PhD Psychology: Theology students will be waived
Offered: Online
CLED 805  Research Methods for Christian Leadership III  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 730 and CLED 770
This is the third course in a series of six research methods seminars. This course is designed to develop research proficiency necessary for the creation of the first chapter of the research prospectus. Students will gain a further understanding of the research process including the identification of a research problem and initial steps in the development of a literature review. Students will submit a working draft of chapter 1 "Introduction to the Research Problem".
Offered: Online
CLED 815  Character & Ethics in Leadership & Education  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720 and CLED 800
This course builds on the CLED800. Building upon this study of the imago dei (Image of God), this course further studies the essential character qualities of effective biblical servant leader-teachers, and the principles of ethical influence, communication, instruction, problem-solving, and decision-making. Ethical dilemmas will be considered in case study format to aid students in applying ethics to leadership and education decisions.
Offered: Online
CLED 820  Leadership and Management Theory  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 800
This course provides a critical examination of historic and contemporary leadership theories, principles and practices. This course also includes an analysis of each theory's worldview assumptions, scientific worthiness and potential contribution to the leadership and management of faith-based organizations. Authentic, transformational, and servant leadership theories are in light of biblical examples, principles, and theological understandings of leadership.
Offered: Online
CLED 830  Research Methods for Christian Leadership IV  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 730 and CLED 770 and CLED 805
This course is the fourth in a series of six methods seminars. This course is designed to develop research proficiency necessary for the creation of the second chapter of the research prospectus. Students will development a literature review and begin the design of a research study. In this seminar, students continue work on the prospectus and submit a working draft of chapter 2 "Literature Review".
Offered: Online
CLED 835  Organizational Theory and Development  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720 and CLED 820
This course provides a review of theoretical understandings of organizations and their development. Students gain skills in the analysis of organizational culture, the formation of an organization culture, and the role of staff training in the transmission of an organizational culture. The unique factors shaping faith-based organizations are considered.
Offered: Online
CLED 845  Group and Team Dynamics: Theory and Practice in Leadership  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720 and CLED 800
This course is a study of group theory and team processes and their application to faith-based organizational leadership. Team dynamics, team development and the role of the team leader are examined.
Offered: Online
CLED 855  Teaching & Learning: Theory & Practice in Leadership  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720 and CLED 800
This course integrates a study of teaching and learning theory in relationship to leading the faith-based organization. This course develops an understanding of the role of teaching and learning in the processes of both leader and follower development. Major theories of learning are considered, critically and theologically evaluated, and applied.
Offered: Online
CLED 885  Praxis I: Planning and Design I  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course provides an introduction to action research and the dissertation-in-praxis research model. The student identifies a dissertation-worthy praxis problem related to the cognate field of study. The first chapter of the dissertation-in-praxis proposal is developed in this course.
Registration Restrictions: GPA of 3.0 or higher
Offered: Online
CLED 886  Praxis II: Planning and Design II  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course focuses on the development of a literature framework for the proposal. The literature framework serves as both the comprehensive exams for the program and as the literature review chapter of the dissertation-in-praxis proposal. The second chapter of the dissertation-in-praxis proposal is developed in this course.
Registration Restrictions: GPA 3.0 or higher
Offered: Online
CLED 887  Praxis III: Planning and Design III  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 886
This course continues the development of the dissertation-in-praxis proposal. Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student will continue to plan and design an approved program, product, or process that serves as an artifact demonstrating and applying the student’s doctoral-level scholarship and professionalism as related to their cognate field of study. This course will focus on developing the third chapter (the strategic plan) of the proposal, the finalization of the proposal and its approval, and the IRB application process.
Offered: Online
CLED 888  Praxis IV: Implementation I  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 887
Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student will initiate the implementation of an approved program, product, or process that serves as an artifact demonstrating and applying the student’s doctoral-level scholarship and professionalism related to their cognate field of study.
Offered: Online
CLED 889  Praxis V: Implementation II  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 888
A continuation of CLED888, the student will complete the implementation of an approved program, product, or process that serves as an artifact demonstrating and applying the student’s doctoral-level scholarship and professionalism related to their cognate field of study.
Offered: Online
CLED 890  Praxis VI: Assessment  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 889
Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student will assess an approved program, product, or process that serves as an artifact demonstrating and applying the student’s doctoral-level scholarship and professionalism as related to their cognate field of study.
Offered: Online
CLED 900  Research Methods for Christian Leadership V  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720 and CLED 730 and CLED 770 and CLED 800 and CLED 805 and CLED 815 and CLED 820 and CLED 830 and CLED 835 and CLED 845 and CLED 855
This course is designed to develop research proficiency necessary for the creation of the third chapter of the research prospectus. The course will include content on population and sampling procedures, instrument design and validation, data collection and analysis, and data reporting, as these concepts apply to quantitative and qualitative research. As part of this course, students will complete the comprehensive exam requirement of the program, details of which are found in the program handbook.
Registration Restrictions: Manual Registration with Director Approval
Offered: Online
CLED 905  Research Methods for Christian Leadership VI  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 900
This course is the final course in a six-course sequence on research methodology. Students continue in a guided mentorship begun in CLED 900 as the student continues to prepare for the submission of dissertation prospectus under the supervision of the faculty member. During the course, students will develop and submit the full prospectus (comprised of chapter 1-3) for approval. Upon successful supervisor and IRB approval of the prospectus, students will then enter the field research phase of the dissertation process.
Registration Restrictions: Manual Registration with Director Approval; GPA of 3.0 or higher
Offered: Online
CLED 987  Research Methods for Christian Leadership V  5 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 700 and CLED 720 and CLED 730 and CLED 770 and CLED 800 and CLED 805 and CLED 815 and CLED 820 and CLED 830 and CLED 835 and CLED 845 and CLED 855
This course is designed to develop research proficiency necessary for the creation of the third chapter of the research prospectus. The course will include content on population and sampling procedures, instrument design and validation, data collection and analysis, and data reporting, as these concepts apply to quantitative and qualitative research. As part of this course, students will complete the comprehensive exam requirement of the program, details of which are found in the program handbook. (Formerly CLED 900)
Registration Restrictions: Manual Registration with Director Approval; GPA of 3.0 or higher
Offered: Online
CLED 988  Research Methods for Christian Leadership VI  5 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 900 or CLED 987
This course is the final in a six-course sequence on research methodology. The student is assigned to a supervisor who will guide the student through the research prospectus (chapters 1-3) development and approval process. Upon successful supervisor approval of the prospectus and submission of the IRB application, students will enter the dissertation process's field research phase.
Registration Restrictions: Manual Registration with Director Approval
Note: Formerly CLED 905
Offered: Online
CLED 989  Dissertation Research & Writing  5 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 905 or CLED 988
This course exists so that the student, upon receiving approval from the IRB, can conduct dissertation research, analyze research findings, and compile conclusions based on the research under the guidance of the student's assigned supervisor.
Registration Restrictions: Manual Registration with Director Approval
Offered: Online
CLED 990  Dissertation Defense  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLED 989
This course exists for students to defend the methodology of the research design, the gathering of the research data, the analysis of the research findings, and the conclusions derived from the research.
Registration Restrictions: Manual Registration with Director Approval
Offered: Online
CLED 995  Directed Research  1-6 Credit Hour(s)  
CLED 997  Seminar in Biblical Leadership  3 Credit Hour(s)  
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