Church History (CHHI)

Church History (CHHI)

CHHI 940  Seminar in American Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course offers a historical and theological investigation into the origins, theological trends, major issues and figures, and institutions of American Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism. American Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism will be examined in relation to theological liberalism, modernism, postmodernism, Pentecostalism, and Roman Catholicism. The course will attempt to place American Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism in the context of various theological, political, and social tensions of the twentieth century and to reveal their current shape in the 21st Century.
Offered: Resident
CHHI 941  Augustine  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A seminar that would consider Augustine's life, philosophy, theology, and legacy. His ministry in the context of 4th-5th century Roman Africa (with its politics, philosophy, social movements) will be explored. While readings would comprise some key secondary sources (Brown, Frend), a key component would be interacting with primary sources (Confessions, City of God, On the Trinity, Letters and Sermons).
Offered: Resident
CHHI 942  Patristic Exegesis  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A seminar studying the approach to Scripture of the church fathers in the first five centuries. While reading sermons and commentaries from exegetes like Origen, Ambrose, Augustine, Basil, Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory of Nazianzus, Athanasius and Augustine, the Alexandrian and Antiochene schools of interpretation will be considered.
Offered: Resident
CHHI 943  The Latin Fathers  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A concentrated study into the work and theology of the Latin church fathers including Lactantius, Tertullian, Cyprian, Ambrose, Augustine and Jerome, among others.
Offered: Resident
CHHI 945  Seminar in Modern Theologies and Theologians  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This seminar focuses on the work of select theologians and theological movements since the 18th Century. This seminar may be repeated as subject matter varies.
Offered: Resident
CHHI 948  Reading Seminar in Historical Theology  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A seminar focused on reading classic texts in Historical Theology.
Offered: Resident
CHHI 995  Directed Research  1-3 Credit Hour(s)  
Offered: Resident
CHHI 997  Seminar in Church History  3 Credit Hour(s)  
An intensive study in a specific subject of Church History. This course allows variation in the approach and content of the regular curriculum and often will be used by visiting professors.
Offered: Resident
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