Financing the University

The Office of Development is designed to develop and foster lifelong relationships between the University and its constituents. By establishing opportunities for all graduates, friends, students, families, faculty, staff, corporations, and foundations to financially support the University, this office helps Liberty University maintain and enhance the outstanding quality of its faculty, students, programs, and facilities.
Provided below is an overview of ways to support Liberty University.
Annual Fund, Outright Gifts, Matching Gifts, and Gifts in Kind
Annual gifts are contributions for the current, unrestricted use of the University or any of its colleges, schools, and programs. Outright gifts include contributions of cash, securities, and written pledges. Gifts of securities are credited at market value on the date the gift is delivered or postmarked. Matching gifts are from companies or organizations that wish to encourage charitable giving by matching their employees’ contributions. Gifts in kind or noncash contributions are gifts of tangible personal or real property, such as artwork, computers, real estate, and services, which may be used by Liberty University or sold for funds to help support our continuing efforts to provide an outstanding Christian higher education. Gifts in kind may provide substantial tax benefits.
Specific information on the above plans may be obtained by contacting:
Brian C. Mentzer
Executive Vice President of Development
1971 University Blvd.
Lynchburg, Virginia 24515
(866) 602-7983
Planned Giving
Federal tax laws encourage bequests to qualified institutions like Liberty University, with an unlimited estate tax deduction for such legacies. Here is a sample form of bequest your attorney may adapt in preparing your will:
I give, devise and bequeath to Liberty University, a Virginia non-stock, non-profit corporation located in Lynchburg, Virginia 24515, __% of my estate to be used for its general purposes.
Charitable Gift Annuity
Gift Annuities provide assured fixed income for the lives of one or two qualified individuals by transferring $5,000 or more in cash and/or securities to Liberty University. An annuity agreement established during your lifetime is a good way to increase after-tax income. Your gift allows you to claim a charitable deduction on your tax return to reduce your tax liability.
Life Insurance, IRAs, and Pension Plans
A paid-up life insurance policy makes an excellent gift to Liberty University. The donor may receive significant tax benefits with this type of gift. Traditional IRAs and other qualified pension plan assets can be an excellent source of funding for charitable gifts. If these assets are transferred to an individual, the current value is subject to estate taxes, as well as federal and state income taxes (sometimes exceeding 80% of the value), but when designated to Liberty University, taxes are eliminated.
Real Estate
Land, homes, buildings, and other real property may be given to Liberty University as an outright gift or used to fund a life-income gift. A home may be given to the University and continue to be lived in throughout an individual’s lifetime. This is called a “Life Estate.” All such gifts of real estate and real property can benefit both the individual and the University.
Gifts of $50,000 or more can be used to create an endowed scholarship fund to benefit students at Liberty University. Each year the income earned from the investment may be used to provide tuition assistance for worthy students. Annual or named scholarships can be established with a gift of $5,000 or more. Donations of any amount may be made to the Liberty General Scholarship fund and a variety of other scholarship funds that benefit students in Liberty schools, colleges, departments, and programs, which may be found on Liberty's online giving page at
Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) are life income gifts. The remainder comes to the University after the passing of all income beneficiaries. Charitable Lead Trusts generate income for the University during the term of the trust, after which the assets are passed along to the heirs with significant tax savings.
Specific information on the above plans may be obtained by contacting:
Wyatt W. Wilson III
Director of Planned Giving
1971 University Boulevard
Lynchburg, Virginia 24515
(800) 543-5309