Worship Studies (WRSP)

Worship Studies (WRSP)

WRSP 010  Graduate Conducting Assessment  0 Credit Hour(s)  
Offered: Resident and Online
WRSP 020  Worship Studies Graduate Writing Assessment  0 Credit Hour(s)  
Offered: Online
WRSP 101  Introduction to Worship Studies  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Designed to provide an understanding of worship in the local church and para-church ministries, this course is an overview of the need for theologically sound, biblically-based worship in the evangelical church. Emphasis is given to the reason the church worships, the impact of Old and New Testament worship, the relationship between music and worship, the principles for biblical worship, the task of discipling worshipers, principles of evangelism through worship, and the use of worship in promoting the mission and purpose of the local church.
Offered: Online
WRSP 102  Introduction to Technology and Tools for Worship Leaders  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is an introductory study of common technologies used in worship ministry. Application is made to lighting design, audio and video production, presentation software, staging, planning tools, and a variety of multi-media possibilities.
Offered: Online
WRSP 106  Musicianship II  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 103 and WRSP 105 and WRSP 104 (may be taken concurrently)
A continuation of WRSP 105. Further study of harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic dictation is applied to worship leading responsibility and tasks. Continued development of tonal center referencing is emphasized. Students continue to sharpen their listening skills by identifying the harmonic rhythm of popular and contemporary Christian music genres.
Note: (Offered spring semester only)
Offered: Resident
WRSP 183  Music Ministry Team: Campus Ba  1 Credit Hour(s)  
WRSP 201  Old and New Testament Principles of Worship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course presents principles of Old and New Testament Worship. Included is a discussion of pre-tabernacle, tabernacle, temple, and synagogue worship. An overview of how Jesus, the disciples, and the early Christians worshipped is made in light of how believers will practice Worship in eternity.
Offered: Online
WRSP 204  Harmonic Practices and Theory IV  2 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 203
A continuation of WRSP 203. Music structure and form are studied and applied to various historical literature and worship genres. Principles of melodic contour are applied to basic songwriting technique. Worship students learn principles of 2-part counterpoint, fugue, and variation technique as related to new and familiar contemporary Christian music literature.
Note: (Offered spring semester)
Offered: Resident
WRSP 206  Musicianship IV  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 103 and WRSP 203 and WRSP 104 and WRSP 105 and WRSP 106 and WRSP 205
A continuation of WRSP 205. Intense Development of the worship leader's listening skills is applied to tonal center referencing, harmonic dictation, melodic identification, and rhythmic imitation.
Note: (Offered spring semester)
Offered: Resident
WRSP 281  Music Ministry Team: Exodus  1 Credit Hour(s)  
WRSP 282  Music Ministry Team: Crimson F  1 Credit Hour(s)  
WRSP 283  Music Ministry Team: Campus Ba  1 Credit Hour(s)  
WRSP 284  Fellowship Gospel Choir  1 Credit Hour(s)  
WRSP 285  Worship Orchestra  1 Credit Hour(s)  
This is an instrumental ensemble that provides students opportunity to experience and perform the various styles of music used in a worship program of a large evangelical worship ministry. The ensemble usually includes rhythm section, wind, brass, strung and percussion instruments. On occasion, the group may include vocals. A primary function of the group is to provide accompaniment to the choral ensembles in the Department of Worship and Music Studies.
Registration Restrictions: Audition
Offered: Resident
WRSP 286  The Gospel Choir  1 Credit Hour(s)  
The Gospel Choir is a 25-member choir representing the diverse African American Worship Traditions through music and ministry. The ensemble serves in an official public relations capacity for the University and Center for Worship. The Gospel Choir generally participates in annual music events, weekly convocations, TRBC worship services, Liberty University fundraising events and an annual spring tour. The singing group participates in annual missions ministry during the course of each academic calendar. The Gospel Choir is approved for credit toward the worship and music studies degree.
Registration Restrictions: Audition by Department of Worship and Music Studies.
Offered: Resident
WRSP 287  Worship Guitar Ensemble  1 Credit Hour(s)  
An auditioned guitar ensemble specializing in the study of jazz or classical music. Reading and musical interpretation or rhythms and notation are stressed. Improvisational and accompaniment skills are developed. The ensemble performs on campus once each semester.
Registration Restrictions: Audition
Offered: Resident
WRSP 289  Celebration Worship Choir  1 Credit Hour(s)  
This is a large ensemble providing students opportunity to experience the various styles of music used in the choral program of a large worship ministry: Black Gospel, traditional gospel, worship and praise, scripture song, sacred classic, Southern Gospel, and more. The choir will participate in an annual spring tour.
Registration Restrictions: Audition by director
Offered: Resident
WRSP 302  Dynamics of Instrumental Worship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 103 and WRSP 104 and WRSP 105 and WRSP 106 and WRSP 203 and WRSP 204 and WRSP 205 and WRSP 206
Principles of the development and performance practice of instrumental music in the traditional and non-traditional worship service. Students learn the importance of building the rhythm section. Additional time is spent on rehearsal and performance techniques for building and directing praise band, rhythm section with small, medium and large orchestra, and praise band with vocal ensemble.
Offered: Resident
WRSP 303  Dynamics of Worship Leading  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 103 and WRSP 104 and WRSP 105 and WRSP 106 and WRSP 203 and WRSP 204 and WRSP 205 and WRSP 206 and WRSP 302
This is a worship methods class that deals with principles and processes of building a music program for the non-traditional worship service. Attention is given to pedagogy of vocal groups for adult singers. Students also learn the development, role, and repertoire of large and small ensembles in the worship service.
Offered: Resident and Online
WRSP 310  Arranging for Contemporary Worship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 103 and WRSP 104 and WRSP 105 and WRSP 106 and WRSP 203 and WRSP 205 and WRSP 206 and WRSP 330
This course is designed to teach the basics of arranging for a small ensemble focusing on contemporary worship styles. Two areas are covered: (1) a study of the principles of arranging for, coordinating, and directing a contemporary vocal ensemble, and (2) proper instrumental arranging, both independent of, and in accompaniment of vocal ensembles.
Offered: Resident
WRSP 311  Worship Practicum I  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 320
Practical, supervised application of worship in a leadership role at Thomas Road Baptist Church, or with an approved local church, is taken the first semester of a student's junior year. Application of leadership principles may include, but are not limited to: participation and presentation of praise team; praise band; youth or children's music; orchestra; multi-media software; radio or television ministry; drama; worship movement; banner; or any other area deemed essential to a growing worship program.
Offered: Resident
WRSP 312  Worship Practicum II  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 311 and WRSP 321
This is a continuation of the practical, supervised application of leadership in a worship ministry at Thomas Road Baptist Church, or with an approved local church. Students are placed in a supervisory role and learn principles of team management in the preparation, planning, and presentation of worship. The course is taken second semester of a student's junior year and builds on principles learned the previous semester.
Offered: Resident
WRSP 315  Basic Conducting for the Worship Leader  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 105 and WRSP 103 and WRSP 104 and WRSP 106
Rudimentary instruction in conducting techniques for worship leaders in non-traditional worship settings. Knowledge and skill areas stressed are: basic conducting gestures and patterns; score interpretation; rehearsal management and technique; programming considerations; and special problems in vocal and instrumental situation.
Offered: Resident and Online
WRSP 320  History and Philosophy of Worship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course invites students to develop a philosophy of worship through a survey of historical and contemporary worship practices. Beginning with the biblical foundations of worship, the course moves chronologically through the Middle Ages, Reformation, Revival Movement, Great Awakenings, and more recent Evangelical worship practices up to the present day. Concurrently, students will encounter and evaluate modern-day approaches to worship, which will serve as models for their own philosophical approaches.
Offered: Online
WRSP 321  Principles of Worship Leadership  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: WRSP 320
This course is about the worship leader's responsibility to build relationships with Christ, the family, people inside and outside the church, the pastoral staff, praise team ministry, the profession, and the congregation. Practical principles of Church ministry including time management, budgeting, and discipleship training are part of this course.
Offered: Online
WRSP 330  Worship Technology I: Music Notation  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 103 and WRSP 104 and WRSP 105 and WRSP 106 and WRSP 203
The study of computer competencies for the use of Finale music notation software in the church music and Christian Music Industry setting. This includes, but is not limited to, the creation of: lead sheets, piano-vocal, guitar, praise band, choral charts and full orchestrations. Musical knowledge is combined with technological skill in entering music notation and producing written music of a publishing level.
Note: Offered every semester.
Offered: Resident
WRSP 334  Artist and the Business Community  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 372
Principles of booking, copyright management, promoting, financial accountability and organization, business integrity, exposure to the market and business administration.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to program
Offered: Resident
WRSP 335  Artist and Worship Ministry Presentation  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 334 and WRSP 373
Developing strategies for musically artistic and ministry effective program presentation. Principles include reading the crowd, building live performance, developing goals and objectives for platform performance; unique features of lighting, sound reinforcement, and technology; trend awareness and commerciality. Special emphasis is placed on goals of an artist as a worshiper; song selection; audience participation; presentation of the gospel; and partnership with the local church.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to program
Offered: Resident
WRSP 372  Christian Music Industry  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 101
An introduction to the Christian music industry, both old and new. Recent developments in this field will be emphasized, specifically highlighting the impact of biblical principles for working in the Christian music industry. Basic principle of music publishing and distribution will be defined and developed including copyright law, song royalties and mechanicals, copyright management, performance rights organizations (ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, and CCLI), song demo creation, music producing, song pitching, and publishing.
Note: Offered Spring semester only.
Offered: Resident
WRSP 373  Artist Spiritual Formation  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Foundational principles for the discipleship of Christian artists and songwriters. Students define their pursuit for an identity and significance, ministry, relationships, excellence, integrity, and disciplined living. In addition, students study creativity and art, journaling, developing communication skills, musicianship as applied to the contemporary Christian music industry.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to program
Offered: Resident
WRSP 381  Music Ministry Team: Exodus  1 Credit Hour(s)  
WRSP 382  Music Ministry Team: Crimson F  1 Credit Hour(s)  
WRSP 384  Fellowship Gospel Choir  1 Credit Hour(s)  
WRSP 385  Worship Orchestra  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Continuation of WRSP 285.
Registration Restrictions: Audition by Director
Offered: Resident
WRSP 386  The Gospel Choir  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Continuation of WRSP 286.
Registration Restrictions: Audition by Director
Offered: Resident
WRSP 387  Worship Guitar Ensemble  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Continuation of WRSP 287.
Registration Restrictions: Audition by director
Offered: Resident
WRSP 389  Celebration Worship Choir  1 Credit Hour(s)  
A continuation of WRSP 289
Registration Restrictions: Audition by director
Offered: Resident
WRSP 400  Music Literature for Worship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: WRSP 302 and WRSP 303
A study of the materials used in program building of instrumental and coal ensembles in non-traditional worship settings. Evaluation is made of select publishers to investigate musical, audio, video, and software recourses availability with application to contemporary Christian worship ensemble.
Offered: Resident and Online
WRSP 401  The Dynamics of Corporate Worship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
WRSP 410  The Mission and Mandate for Worship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This is a study of the biblical purposes and mandate for worship according to the principles of Romans 12:1-21. The study of worship is viewed in light of a lifestyle of worship.
Offered: Online
WRSP 420  Current Issues for 21st Century Worship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This worship course examines several cultural challenges and biblical solutions to 21st-century evangelical worship.
Offered: Online
WRSP 421  Congregational Ministry  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This is a study of the worship leader's role in congregational worship practices within evangelical traditions. Key areas of interest include the reason the church worships corporately in local congregations, hindrances to corporate worship, understanding the congregation's worship language, the various responsibilities of the worship leader in relation to the congregation and worship team, and the essential elements of a corporate worship service.
Offered: Online
WRSP 430  Building Relationships through Worship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This is a course that deals with the biblical principle of relationship. Attention is given to the worship leader developing relationships with the pastor, worship team, choir and orchestra, and media team.
Offered: Online
WRSP 440  Strategies for Worship Leading  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This is a methods course that deals with strategic planning for worship ministry. Attention is given to the principles for developing services that encompass a variety of worship models. Students will learn about established patterns of worship and how they can be adapted not only for worship style, but also for churches of all sizes.
Offered: Online
WRSP 480  Tools and Techniques for the Contemporary Worship Leader  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A study of the current available resources and techniques employed by contemporary worship leaders. Consideration is given to practical issues related to rehearsal techniques, programming, midi technology, sound reinforcement, use of drama, and worship events.
WRSP 489  Supervised Praise and Worship Ensemble  1 Credit Hour(s)  
Practical experiences for the worship leader in training in small mixed instrumental/vocal ensembles common in contemporary worship settings. These experiences are supervised by qualified faculty.
Offered: Resident
WRSP 497  Worship Seminar  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Offered: Resident and Online
WRSP 499  Internship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: WRSP 421
Directed applicable work experience under the supervision of an administrator or professional within music or church ministry. Applications are processed through the School of Music. Applicants must apply at least one semester prior to starting the internship.
Registration Restrictions: Junior or Senior status; 2.00 GPA; Approval of School of Music Internship Coordinator.
Offered: Online
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