Spanish (SPAN)
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I 3 Credit Hour(s)
This is an introductory course designed to place emphasis on functional grammar, practical vocabulary, listening skills and conversation in Spanish. This course will serve as a basis for further development of fluency in reading, writing, understanding, and speaking the language.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 101 or Spanish Placement with a score of 35
This is a continuation of the beginning course, Spanish 101, emphasizing the development of functional grammar, practical vocabulary, listening, reading and writing skills in Spanish. This course is designed to further develop fluency in reading, writing, listening comprehension and speaking in the language.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 102 or Spanish Placement with a score of 70
This is an intermediate course designed to place continued emphasis on functional grammar, practical vocabulary, listening exercises and conversation in Spanish. This course expands the basic proficiencies in speaking, listening, reading and writing the language acquired in Spanish 101 and 102. This course is conducted primarily in Spanish.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 201 or Spanish Placement with a score of 90
Readings in Spanish literature as the starting point for written and orally interactive activities in Spanish, with special emphasis on Spanish grammar, vocabulary and idioms.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 299 Internship 0 Credit Hour(s)
Application procedures processed through the Career Center. Must apply semester prior to internship.
Registration Restrictions: Sophomore status, 2.00 GPA, two courses in major, declared major, not more than one CSER behind
Offered: Resident
SPAN 301 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 202
This course features in-depth study of advanced Spanish grammar critical to increased proficiency.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 302 Advanced Spanish Composition and Conversation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 202
Development of practical vocabulary and fluency in speaking and writing.
Note: Conducted in Spanish
Offered: Resident
SPAN 304 Civilization and Culture of Latin America 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 202
Through lectures, oral presentations and selected readings in Spanish, this course will survey Latin American culture, from the conquest to the present and examine socio-economic problems and relationships with the United States.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 305 Civilization and Culture of Spain 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 202
Starting in the pre-Roman era and ending with present-day Spain, this course will chronologically analyze Spanish Culture through different artistic, sociological, and political manifestations. Emphasis will be given to historical events which have shaped modern Spanish culture for the purpose of oral and written discussion in Spanish.
Note: Conducted in Spanish
Offered: Resident
SPAN 310 Introduction to Translation: Spanish-English 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course will provide an introductory comparison of linguistic traits of both languages, enable students to apply grammatical rules, perform textual analyses, and use a number of translation procedures while translating a variety of texts from Spanish to English: newspaper editorials, magazine articles, business reports, articles in the social sciences, advertisements etc.
Note: Conducted in Spanish
Offered: Resident
SPAN 311 Advanced Span Conversation/Gra 3 Credit Hour(s)
SPAN 312 Advanced Span Conv/Gramr-Prac 3 Credit Hour(s)
SPAN 320 Cinema and Dramatic Literature 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 202
This course will use both film and dramatic literature to stimulate conversation in Spanish while fostering an in-depth knowledge of some of the dramatic masterpieces of Peninsular literature.
Note: Conducted in Spanish
Offered: Resident
SPAN 321 Modern Spanish Literature 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 202
Through lectures, oral presentations and selected readings in Spanish, this course will provide a survey of modern Hispanic literature.
Note: Conducted in Spanish
Offered: Resident
SPAN 322 Peninsular Literature 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 202
Through lectures, oral presentations and selected readings in Spanish, this course will provide a survey of modern Spanish Peninsular literature.
Note: Conducted in Spanish
Offered: Resident
SPAN 323 Latin American Literature 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 202
Through lectures, oral presentations and selected readings in Spanish, this course will provide a survey of Latin American literature since pre-Columbian times.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 324 Christianity in Latin America 3 Credit Hour(s)
Features Christianity in Latin American Culture from an historical and literary perspective that will include indigenous religions, the Catholic Church, and the recent explosive growth of Protestantism. (For Spanish majors and minors, this course may be taken for integrative credit only - not for the purpose of fulfilling core requirements within the major or minor). Class conducted in English.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 325 Modern Spanish Short Stories 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 202
Through lectures, oral presentations and discussion in Spanish, this course will provide an overview of Spanish short stories from the mid-nineteenth century to the present, for the purpose of equipping students with some of the values and knowledge necessary to impact the Spanish-speaking world.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 330 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 202
This course serves as an introduction to phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax as applied to Spanish, and includes a study of the history of the language in its development from Latin into modern dialects. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 403 Second Language Acquisition 3 Credit Hour(s)
A study of strategies for second-language acquisition and assessment. An historical approach to perspectives on second language-acquisition and proficiency.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 410 Advanced Translation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 310
This course will require students to examine more advanced modern translation theory and perform translation, primarily from Spanish to English, in various technical fields such as: sport, business, medicine, psychiatry, marketing, fashion, law, current affairs and political journalism.
Note: Conducted in Spanish
Offered: Resident
SPAN 419 Methodology and Curriculum in Teaching Modern Languages 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 403 and Undergraduate Initial Gate 2 with a score of 5 and Background Check Clearance with a score of 5
This capstone course includes the application and assessment of basic methodologies, curriculum, and activities for teaching second languages.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to Teacher Licensure Program, TESL/SPAN 403, and 6 hours of an accredited modern foreign language course, junior/senior status. Must be taken before student teaching. May not be counted toward the Modern Language Major.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 420 Methods Teaching Practicum 0 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: SPAN 419 (may be taken concurrently) and Undergraduate Initial Gate 2 with a score of 5 and Background Check Clearance with a score of 5
Students will complete reflective classroom observations in the setting of either pre K-12 or adult level education and the teaching of two to three consecutive lessons. (Crosslisted with TESL 420)
Offered: Resident
SPAN 421 Masterpieces of Spanish Literature 3 Credit Hour(s)
Selected masterpieces of Spanish literature to be studied in depth.
Note: Conducted in Spanish
Offered: Resident
SPAN 450 Senior Seminar: Comparison Between Spanish and Latin American Literature 3 Credit Hour(s)
In this capstone course, students will study works of Peninsular and Latin American literature for the purpose of discussing orally and in writing the culture and civilization in which they developed.
Registration Restrictions: Senior status; SPAN literature course, and SPAN civilization and culture course.
Offered: Resident
SPAN 495 Directed Research 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident
SPAN 499 Internship 1-6 Credit Hour(s)
Application procedures processed through the Department of Modern Languages. Must apply semester prior to completing internship.
Registration Restrictions: Junior or Senior status and required GPA
Offered: Resident