Speech Communication (SCOM)
SCOM 110 Media and Culture 3 Credit Hour(s)
A global survey of digital communication (news, information, entertainment), including cultural impact, targeted messaging, collaborative solutions, and trust-relationships between content producers and their participating users. Course focus is on the application of these new forms of media in personal lives, organizations and business. (Formerly COMS 110)
Offered: Resident and Online
SCOM 201 Public Speaking 3 Credit Hour(s)
Explores public speaking theory and hands-on practical application of alternative organization and construction techniques beyond the basic course; students will critically examine and evaluate their personal speaking skills and those of their peers, and apply appropriate techniques according to the audience, context, and situation.
Offered: Resident
SCOM 210 Theoretical Foundations in Communication 3 Credit Hour(s)
As a broad-based introduction to communication theory, this course surveys scientific and interpretative approaches to the study, analysis, and explanation of communication within a variety of contexts. (Formerly COMS 210)
Offered: Resident
SCOM 212 Criticism of Popular Culture 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is designed to provide an introduction to the nature and functions of film in its narrative, documentary, and experimental forms. We will look at the various components of film expression, developments in screen narrative, and its role as an instrument of social and cultural expression. Additionally, this course examines the cultural medium of film as theological text and as a visual medium of re-presenting formative sociological narratives about race, genders, and class. The class will theologically and sociologically interrogate films about the enforcement and/or inversion of culturally constructed narratives of oppression and liberation for social transformation. A critical method rooted in theological, biblical, and visual fundamentals, expanded by literary, cultural/theological social analysis, will guide this inquiry into film as theological text.
Offered: Resident and Online
SCOM 220 Communication & Diversity 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course broadly examines factors and issues related to communication and diversity, such as race, nationality, regionality, gender, religion, disability, age, technological access and content, and/or other topics of interest.
Offered: Resident
SCOM 226 Interpersonal and Group Communication 3 Credit Hour(s)
An introduction to interpersonal communication, relationships, methods of small group communication, and problem solving. Personal skills in becoming team players and resolving conflict are examined and developed.
Offered: Resident
SCOM 299 Internship 0 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident
SCOM 300 Communication Research 3 Credit Hour(s)
The course is designed to introduce you to the social scientific research methods in the Communication discipline so that you can conduct and translate empirical research. In this class, you will learn about the various principles and techniques of research methods, which will allow you to more critically analyze and translate empirical studies. You will have a better understanding of the process of research and its importance in various career paths. Aspects of communication research will be explored through readings, lectures, published research, and statistical problems.
Offered: Resident and Online
SCOM 315 Narrative, Story-telling and Performance 3 Credit Hour(s)
Study and practice of the art of using speech to communicate literature to an audience.
Offered: Resident
SCOM 325 Interpersonal Communication 3 Credit Hour(s)
A study of the nature of interpersonal communication and relationships. Attention is focused upon personal responsibilities, interactive factors, and message and contextual variables in relationships. Personal skills in stimulating friendships and resolving conflict are examined through exposure to theory, practical exercises, and analysis of personal relationships. (Formerly COMS 325)
Offered: Resident
SCOM 330 Creative Problem Solving in Teams 3 Credit Hour(s)
Study and practice of the theories and methods of group communication. (Formerly COMS 330)
Offered: Resident
SCOM 335 Argumentation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Study and practice of principles of analysis, reasoning, evidence, organization and speaking needed to logically demonstrate and defend a position before an audience. (Formerly COMS 335)
Offered: Resident
SCOM 345 Persuasion 3 Credit Hour(s)
Resident Prerequisite: RSCH 201 or Inquiry Research with a score of 80 or Research Assessment with a score of 80 or Research (prior to 2017-2018) with a score of 80
Analysis and practice of techniques used to change attitudes, beliefs, and behavior in various communication contexts. (Formerly COMS 345)
Offered: Resident and Online
SCOM 355 Organizational Communication 3 Credit Hour(s)
A theoretical overview of communication functions and issues in a variety of contexts within organizations. Study and development of effective communication skills within the challenging, diverse workplace, and other organizational settings. (Formerly COMS 355)
Offered: Resident
SCOM 358 Essentials of Customer Service 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course examines customer relationship management (CRM) as a key strategic process within all organizations. CRM is defined as the overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering value and satisfaction to the customer. Focusing on process, strategy and technology, this course leads students from understanding the fundamentals of CRM through the implementation of CRM systems and analysis of customer data. It discusses the CRM philosophy as well as the systems in place that incorporate and integrate information from sales, marketing and service.
Offered: Resident
SCOM 360 Leadership Communication 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides a practical and theoretical study of the use of communication techniques and approaches that enhance leadership in social, organizational, and personal leadership contexts. General leadership principles of leadership styles, power, influence, organizational and small group leadership, credibility and ethics arc discussed with an emphasis on the impact of effective communication style and development.
Offered: Resident
SCOM 365 Communication and Christian Ministry 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course teaches students effective communication skills practiced in the Christian ministry setting, including: communication and accountability dyads, study groups, problem solving committee work, teaching various age groups, prayer, witnessing, testimonies, giving devotionals and recruiting for ministry events.
Offered: Resident
SCOM 370 Motivational Speaking 3 Credit Hour(s)
An advanced public speaking course that aims to develop and polish public speaking skills through the use of contemporary speech construction and delivery methods. Special emphasis will be placed on understanding of audience needs and the development of oral communication strategies for effective inspiration and motivation in the contexts of ministry, business and various professions.
Offered: Resident
SCOM 380 Vendor Communication & Strategic Relations 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is designed to apply the principles of strategic communication and public relations to the specialized area of developing sound relationships with the vendors, suppliers, and other specialized affiliates of an organization.
Offered: Resident
SCOM 387 Forensics Practicum 1 Credit Hour(s)
Introduction, theory, training, and instruction necessary to develop speech performance skills required for success on a competitive forensic speaking team. Students participate in multiple intercollegiate speaking events on campus and at other schools. Emphasis is on individual speaking events including platform, limited preparation, and oral interpretation events. Students must attend weekly coaching sessions and travel or present their work on a regular basis to receive credit. These credits may be repeated. (Formerly COMS 387)
Offered: Resident
SCOM 388 King's Players Practicum 1 Credit Hour(s)
Practical application of dramatic and ministry principles. Student activities include acting, costuming, publicity/ promotion, set construction, sound reinforcement, and stage lighting. (Formerly COMS 388)
Offered: Resident
SCOM 410 Communication in a Technological Age 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course focuses on designing theoretical communicative approaches for implementation in specific contexts such as conferences, professional meetings, celebratory events and programs for community outreach. Working from a praxis approach, students engage the development marketplace through professional, interpersonal, and organization coordination of information and people.
Registration Restrictions: JR/SR Status
Offered: Resident
SCOM 420 Advanced Public Communication 3 Credit Hour(s)
This performance driven course is designed to provide an overview of basic presentational skills and expand presentational poise, adaptability and performance, across a broad variety of speaking scenarios.
Registration Restrictions: JR/SR Status
Offered: Resident
SCOM 430 Event Planning & Communicative Coordination 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course frames event planning from a communication-centered, theory-informed, integrative approach - applicable in the contemporary marketplace. Students will learn to ethically negotiate external and internal stakeholders, coordinate information and people, while attending to unanticipated 'rhetorical interruptions' in a constructive, creative manner.
Registration Restrictions: JR/SR Status
Offered: Resident
SCOM 440 Communication in the Family 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course examines the role of communication within the family, exploring current academic research and applying communication theory to the study of family dynamics and interactions, including decision-making, management of conflict, and changes and stresses within the family.
Registration Restrictions: JR/SR Status
Offered: Resident
SCOM 450 Political Rhetoric 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course will examine the connections and relationships between human communication and political communication including aspects of: rhetorical theory, the role of Christians in political activism, political advertising, media coverage in elections, and political campaigns.
Offered: Resident
SCOM 455 Communication Theory 3 Credit Hour(s)
A study of modern theories of communication with application to various contexts of speech communication. (Formerly COMS 455)
Registration Restrictions: Junior / Senior Status
Offered: Resident
SCOM 460 Communication in the Marketplace 3 Credit Hour(s)
Students research and explore the types of Strategic Communications opportunities available to them upon graduation. This course emphasizes jump-starting careers by undertaking a professional job search and awareness of current job market conditions. (Formerly COMS 360)
Registration Restrictions: Junior / Senior Status
Offered: Resident
SCOM 465 Rhetorical Theory and Criticism 3 Credit Hour(s)
A historical survey and study of rhetorical theory in the past and present. Attention is given to Greek and Roman rhetorical theory, theories prevalent in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and modern rhetorical theory. (Formerly COMS 465)
Registration Restrictions: Junior / Senior Status
Offered: Resident
SCOM 475 Criticism of Public Address 3 Credit Hour(s)
The investigation of public address through historical and rhetorical critical methods. Focus on the development of competent critics through oral and written presentations. (Formerly COMS 475)
Registration Restrictions: Junior / Senior Status
Offered: Resident
SCOM 490 Crisis Communication and Negotiation 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course will examine modern crisis communication, and provide the students with exposure to and practice in organizational communication, gathering information and providing analysis, and oral and written communication skills, essential for handling crisis situations. (Formerly COMS 490)
Registration Restrictions: Junior / Senior Status
Offered: Resident