Public Administration (PADM)
PADM 360 Introduction to Public Administration 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: GOVT 200
An introduction to the history and theory of public administration. These ideas will be applied within a variety of public institutional contexts. (Formerly GOVT 360)
Offered: Resident and Online
PADM 462 Public Financing & Budgeting 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: GOVT 200
Fiscal and military policy, taxation and the budget process in government (Formerly GOVT 462).
Offered: Resident and Online
PADM 475 Advanced Public Administration 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: GOVT 200
This course is a synthesis course for government majors. The course will apply and integrate broad concepts including the application of economic theory, management theory, administrative law, and political theory in the resolution of public sector management cases (formerly GOVT 475).
Offered: Resident and Online
PADM 480 Legal & Political Issues in Public Administration 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: GOVT 200
This course covers the key legal and political challenges associated with the public administration arena. Students will examine the principles of administrative law and federal constitutional law that provide the foundation for the operations and decision-making processes of public administrators. To that end, the interface of legal requirements with political ramifications will be explored. Students will be challenged to link core public administration functions, particularly at the leadership level, with an understanding of political accountability and legal consequences.
Offered: Online
PADM 485 Public Administration Leadership & Community Engagement 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: GOVT 200
Leadership is a key factor in any institution, especially in the public sector. As such, this course examines and develops public leadership skills for the 21st century by embracing community interaction and engagement. Students will be exposed to theoretical leadership concepts in real world situations, as well as, Biblical principles of leadership while being able to examine their own personal style of leadership.
Offered: Online
PADM 492 Public Administration Seminar 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: GOVT 200
This capstone course focuses on the context (political, legal, and social) in which public administration takes place, the meaning of public service in a democratic society, and the importance of personal and professional ethics using cases to relate principles and theories of public administration to concrete, real-world problems. Students will integrate coursework and theory as well as real-world experience into the analysis of a public policy or public management problem and produce a final seminar paper.
Offered: Online