Music (MUSC)
MUSC 000 Undergraduate Music Assessment 0 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 005 Music Theory Placement Test 0 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Online
MUSC 010 Graduate Music Assessment 0 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident and Online
MUSC 020 Music Graduate Writing Assessment 0 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Online
MUSC 100 Fundamental Harmony and Musicianship 3 Credit Hour(s)
A preparatory course in the rudiments of music, stressing the reading and writing of music notation. This course is an elective and may not be used to meet requirements in general studies or for any major. Preparation for MUSC 105.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 103 Music Appreciation 3 Credit Hour(s)
An introduction to major musical styles (including representative composers and compositions) from Antiquity through the 21st century.
Offered: Resident and Online
MUSC 105 Harmonic Practices and Theory I 3 Credit Hour(s)
A practical introduction to harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic principles of music. Musical elements including key signatures, scales, intervals, chords, chord construction and chord progression are introduced as the foundation for harmonic analysis of traditional, contemporary Christian, popular, and jazz music. In addition to the study of common practice theory, special attention is given to the Nashville number system and jazz harmony practices as accepted methodology for music analysis. In-class Praxis provides students opportunity to reinforce learned concepts through collaborative group performance-based learning projects.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 106 Harmonic Practices and Theory II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 105. Harmonic analysis, part-writing techniques, and chord construction are taught in conjunction with the Nashville Number System, jazz analysis, and traditional figured bass. Principles of tonal music are explored including major-minor seventh chords, major-major seventh chords, minor seventh chords, secondary dominant and leading tone chords, and altered or borrowed chords. Harmonic analysis, part-writing, and construction of rhythm charts are emphasized. In-class Praxis provides students opportunity to reinforce learned concepts through collaborative group performance-based learning projects. (Formerly WMUS 104)
Note: Group or private piano instruction for students needing to successfully pass the Piano Proficiency Examination (PPE).
Offered: Resident
MUSC 107 Musicianship I 1 Credit Hour(s)
Listening skills are developed through rhythmic, harmonic, and melodic dictation. Skills are refined through daily sight singing and rhythm exercises from a variety of styles. Special attention is given to tonal center referencing. The ability to identify harmonic rhythm while listening to a variety of musical styles. (Formerly WMUS 105)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 108 Musicianship II 1 Credit Hour(s)
A continuation of MUSC 107. Further study of harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic dictation and continued development of tonal center referencing technique. Students continue to sharpen listening skills by identifying the harmonic rhythm of a variety of music genre. (Formerly WMUS 106)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 109 Harmonic Practices and Musicianship for Musical Theatre 3 Credit Hour(s)
A course in music theory designed for students in Musical Theatre. Emphasis is placed on essential music theory concepts and provides basic aural skill training incorporating literature of the musical theatre genre. The course introduces the study of notation, rhythm, tonality, and harmony in the context of reading and aural perception through performance and dictation of melodies, intervals, triads, major and minor scales, chord progressions, band basic chord structures. Students demonstrate and apply learned concepts through dictation and praxis presentations.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 111 Group Piano I 1 Credit Hour(s)
Enrollment by audition with Keyboard Instructor. A beginning course in piano for students with little or no experience in piano and for students needing remedial study to support MUSC 105, 120 or 121. Strategies for keyboard playing are realized through group instruction, communication of principles for good musicianship, practice room techniques, physical aspects of playing piano, and care of the instrument. MUSC 111 does not satisfy program requirements.
Note: (Lessons meet two days each week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 112 Group Piano II 1 Credit Hour(s)
A group course for students having limited but developing keyboard experience. Instruction includes technical exercises, chords and chord progressions, and development of music reading and performance skills. Fulfills the secondary instrumental requirement in keyboard. PPE preparation for one approved repertoire selection and My Country, 'Tis of Thee. (Formerly WMUS 140)
Registration Restrictions: Enrollment by permission of Instructor
Note: (Lessons meet two days each week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 118 Vocal Techniques for Musical Theatre I 1 Credit Hour(s)
This course introduces the student to musical theatre vocal performance concepts. Instruction is based on voice science that supports healthy production of styles including belt, mixed, semi-legit, and legit techniques demanded by musical theatre works.
Note: Student must be majoring in BFA in Acting or BFA in Musical Theatre
Offered: Resident
MUSC 119 Vocal Techniques for Musical Theatre II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 118
This course applies further the concepts as a continuation of MUSC 118. Technical applications are made to various styles including traditional musical theatre, country, folk, gospel, rhythm and blues, jazz, swing, rock, and pop styles according to the student's vocal build and experience.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 120 Group Voice I 1 Credit Hour(s)
Studies in vocal technique and the performance of various musical styles. Includes instruction in musicianship, and performance techniques. Fulfills the secondary vocal requirement. (Formerly WMUS 120)
Note: (Lessons meet two days each week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 121 Voice (Freshman) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Private lessons in singing, based on department policies. Admission by audition. (Formerly WMUS 125)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 122 Voice (Freshman) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 121
Continuation of MUSC 121, private lessons in singing, based on department policies.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 125 Vocal Techniques for Musical Theatre 1 Credit Hour(s)
This course introduces the student to musical theatre performance concepts based on voice science that supports healthy vocal production demanded by musical theatre works, including: belt, mixed, semi-legit, and legit techniques. Technical applications are made to various production and song style. Emphasis is placed on healthy vocal production, vigorous stage movement and blocking.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 133 Contemporary Techniques in Composition I 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
This course focuses on the new musical and technological techniques and aesthetics of contemporary film composing. Development of rudimentary skill in traditional and non-traditional composition practices using technology. Creation of short works is emphasized.
Registration Restrictions: Instructor permission
Offered: Resident
MUSC 139 Contemporary Techniques in Composition II 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 133
Continuation of MUSC 133. This course focuses on continued investigation of the new musical and technological techniques and aesthetics of contemporary film composing. Continued development of skill in traditional and non-traditional composition practices using technology. Creation of short works reflecting diverse dramatic styles is emphasized.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 141 Private Piano (Freshman) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Private lessons in piano, organ or harpsichord performance, based on department policies. Admission by audition. (Formerly WMUS 145)
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 142 Private Piano (Freshman) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 141
Continuation of MUSC 141, private lessons in piano or organ, based on department policies.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 143 Jazz Improvisation and Lab I 3 Credit Hour(s)
The development of instrumental and vocal improvisation skills incorporating harmony, melody, rhythm and form. Musical styles include traditional and contemporary jazz. Class structure is performance based. Each semester will culminate in a public performance featuring large and small groups.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 150 Group Guitar I 1 Credit Hour(s)
A group guitar course designed for students with limited experience with the instrument. Instruction includes technical exercises, chords and chord progressions, and development of music reading and performance skills in classical, contemporary, gospel, and jazz styles. Fulfills the need for secondary instrumental requirement in guitar. (Formerly WMUS 150)
Note: (Lessons meet two days each week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 151 Guitar, Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion Freshman 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Private lessons in the instruments of the band or orchestra based on department policies. (Formerly WMUS 155)
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 152 Guitar, Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion Freshman 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 151
Continuation of MUSC 151, Private lessons in the instruments of the band or orchestra based on department policies.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 178 The Worship Choir I 1 Credit Hour(s)
This large choral ensemble provides students opportunity to experience various styles of music in the choral tradition: classical, Black Gospel, pop, traditional gospel, worship and praise, scripture song, sacred classic, Southern Gospel, and more. In addition to literature, vocal, choral blend, and group discipline are developed through vocal exercises, various performance technique, and oncampus or area concert opportunity. Special attention is given to the preparation and presentation of the annual Christmas on the Boulevard and spring Night of Worship concerts. This entry level ensemble does not require an audition. (Formerly WMUS 180)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 179 Classical Guitar Ensemble I 1 Credit Hour(s)
An ensemble comprised of guitarists; performs repertoire composed or arranged for guitar. Activities include on and off campus formal concert presentations.
Registration Restrictions: Audition and consent of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 180 University Chorale I 1 Credit Hour(s)
A mixed choral ensemble that stresses the development of strong choral skills. Activities includes major concerts on and off campus. Admission by audition.
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 181 Concert Choir I 1 Credit Hour(s)
A mixed choral ensemble focusing on repertoire for chorus and choral/orchestral ensembles which is drawn from literature of the Renaissance through the present, both sacred and secular. Admission by audition.
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 182 Chamber Singers I 1 Credit Hour(s)
A small mixed choral ensemble that performs sacred and secular music of all historical music periods, focusing on advanced choral repertoire. Annual spring tour. Admission by audition.
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 183 Jazz Ensemble I 1 Credit Hour(s)
An auditioned ensemble specializing in jazz ensemble repertoire. Reading and musical interpretation of jazz rhythms and notation are stressed. Improvisational and ensemble skills are developed. The ensemble performs frequently on and off campus.
Registration Restrictions: Fall audition
Offered: Resident
MUSC 184 Marching Band I 1 Credit Hour(s)
Open to any student with previous experience on a woodwind, keyboard, brass or percussion instrument. No audition is necessary for Marching Band. The Spirit of the Mountain Marching Band performs at home football games, at selected away football games and in various parades and competitions. Members audition for placement.
Note: Fall semesters only.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 185 Symphony Orchestra I 1 Credit Hour(s)
The Liberty University Symphony Orchestra is an instrumental ensemble for string, woodwind, brass, and percussion players. Special attention is given to the preparation and presentation of on and off campus concerts. Membership is by audition only, and open to all Liberty University students, faculty, and staff. Optional Spring Tour.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 186 Brass Choir I 1 Credit Hour(s)
A small brass ensemble. Repertoire includes music from the Renaissance through the present. Participation engenders performance proficiency and musical understanding through small ensemble rehearsal and performance, including appearances on campus, presentations in schools and concerts at local churches. Admission by permission of instructor.
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 187 University Band I 1 Credit Hour(s)
An auditioned ensemble for woodwind, brass, and percussion students. Repertoire includes original and transcribed band works form all eras. The purpose is to develop to proficiency and musical understanding of the student through large ensemble rehearsal and performance.
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 188 Woodwind Choir I 1 Credit Hour(s)
Small ensemble experiences for woodwind players. Repertoire includes music from the Renaissance through the present. Performances may include Liberty University student recitals as well as presentations in area schools and churches. Admission by permission of instructor.
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 189 Celebration Choir 1 Credit Hour(s)
The course involves participation with the choir and orchestra ministry of Thomas Road Baptist Church. Students experience the rigors of preparing for a weekly music ministry in a large, mega church. Attention is given to the study of choral blend, group discipline, programming, ministry through large choral ensemble, and broad literature selection unique to the various needs of the evangelical worship community. (Required for all music and worship majors during the 2nd semester of the freshman year) (Formerly WMUS 189)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 192 Percussion Ensemble I 1 Credit Hour(s)
Small ensemble experience for percussionists; specializing in modern percussion repertoire and world music. Reading and musical interpretation of a wide variety of musical styles are developed. The ensemble performs frequently on and off campus. Required for percussion majors in the B.M. in Music Education or the B.M. in Performance degrees. Other members admitted by permission of instructor.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 193 Chamber Music Ensemble I 1 Credit Hour(s)
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to participate in various chamber formations, receive weekly coaching, attend master classes with faculty members and guests as required, and present a public performance during the term.
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 194 Wind Symphony I 1 Credit Hour(s)
An auditioned instrumental ensemble for advanced woodwind, brass and percussion students. Repertoire includes original and transcribed wind ensemble works from all eras. Wind Ensemble performs on campus and makes an extensive Spring tour annually.
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 200 Music, Art, Worship and Culture 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: ENGL 101 (may be taken concurrently)
This course is a comprehensive survey of music, art, worship and culture in daily life, career choice and profession. Introductory concepts of formational, transformational, relational, missional, reproducible and biblical principles for artistic development are established. Application is made to the basic relationship between old and new testament worship in 21st century culture. Students complete a project that provides significant experience in research preparation and processes, including: developing literature review, building bibliography, thesis and outline construction, and crafting of meaningful narrative.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 201 Creative Worship 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is an introductory study of the practical issues involved in planning and facilitating creative corporate worship. It emphasizes the week-to-week operations of worship ministry and the skills necessary in this environment. Application is made to worship planning, service technologies, platform communication and rehearsal needs.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 202 Old and New Testament Music and Worship 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course presents principles of Old and New Testament Music and Worship. Included is a discussion of pre-tabernacle, tabernacle, temple, and synagogue music and worship. An overview of how Jesus, the disciples, and early Christians incorporated music and worship in their daily practices.
Note: Offered Fall semester.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 203 Commercial Music Theory and Harmonic Practices I 2 Credit Hour(s)
A continuation of MUSC 106. This course includes the study of modulation techniques in traditional, popular and commercial music genres. Students investigate jazz and extended harmonies used in commercial music and make application of analytical techniques to various literatures. Harmonic function is taught through "praxis" methodology. (Formerly WMUS 203)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 204 Commercial Music Theory and Harmonic Practices II 2 Credit Hour(s)
A continuation of MUSC 203. Music structure, form, and melodic contour are studied and applied to various traditional and popular music genres. Students learn principles of 2-part counterpoint, fugue, and variation technique as related to the practice of songwriting and evaluation of commercial music. Harmonic function is taught through "praxis" methodology. (Formerly WMUS 204)
Note: Offered Spring semester.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 205 Chromatic Harmony 3 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 106. Studies in chromatic harmony and formal procedures of the 18th and 19th century.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 206 Chromatic Harmony II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 205. Studies in musical forms and procedures as well as 20th century music theory, focusing on harmonic procedures.
Note: Offered Spring semester
Offered: Resident
MUSC 207 Muscianship III 1 Credit Hour(s)
A continuation of MUSC 108. Continued development of the musician's listening skills as applied to tonal center referencing, harmonic dictation, melodic identification, and rhythmic imitation. (Formerly WMUS 205)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 208 Muscianship IV 1 Credit Hour(s)
A continuation of MUSC 207. Continued development of music-reading and listening skills as applied to tonal center referencing, harmonic dictation, melodic identification, and rhythmic imitation. (Formerly WMUS 206)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 209 Supplemental Music Theory for Transfer Students 2 Credit Hour(s)
Supplemental curricular modules in music theory designed to remediate deficiencies for music majors who transfer to Liberty University from other institutions.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 210 Introduction to Music Education 1,3 Credit Hour(s)
Introduction and orientation to historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations of music education. Overview of ethical, legal, and contemporary trends and implications for music education are included.
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 213 Survey of Popular and Jazz Literature Music 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: ENGL 101
An introduction to popular and jazz music writers, influences, and trends. Emphasis is placed on a general overview of personalities and their unique influences within each of these genres. Connection to music of the evangelical culture is also considered.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 218 Fundamentals of Music Production and Audio Engineering 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides "hands-on" experience and training in studio production techniques. Students learn studio miking for instruments and voice, digital audio workstations, console mixing, and general techniques for studio producing. As part of this course, students will collaborate to produce music demo recordings.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 220 Group Voice II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 120 or WMUS 120 or WRSP 120
This is a continuation of principles learned in MUSC 120, Intermediate-level Class Voice. Continued instruction in musicianship and vocal performance technique. Students study principles of vocal diction as applied to various musical style and general rules for singing in the Italian, French, and German languages. Fulfills the secondary vocal requirement. (Formerly WMUS 220)
Note: (Lessons meet two days each week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 221 Voice Sophomore 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of private lessons in singing, based on department policies. (Formerly WMUS 225)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 222 Voice Sophomore 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 221
Continuation of private lessons in singing, based on department policies.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 233 Private Composition (Sophomore) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 139
Continuation of MUSC 139. Private instruction in film scoring/composition based on department policies. Foundational and contemporary repertoire and techniques studied. Emphasis is on preparing for Christian artist ministry in the area of film music production and television/video game scoring. Admission by audition.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 239 Private Composition (Sophomore) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 233
Continuation of MUSC 233. Private instruction in film scoring/composition based on department policies. Foundational and contemporary repertoire and techniques studied. Emphasis is on preparing for Christian artist ministry in the area of film music production and television/video game scoring. Admission by audition.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 241 Private Piano Sophomore 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 142, private lessons in piano or organ, based on department policies. (Formerly WMUS 245)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 242 Private Piano Sophomore 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 241
Continuation of MUSC 241, private lessons in piano or organ, based on department policies.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 243 Group Piano III 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 112 or WMUS 140 or WRSP 140
A continuation of MUSC 112, This is a group piano course for students wishing to develop music reading, chords and chord progressions, performance technique, improvisational and sight reading skills. Fulfills the secondary instrumental requirement in keyboard. PPE preparation for one repertoire selection, four part harmonization at the piano, and Scales. (Formerly WMUS 240)
Note: (Lessons meet two days each week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 244 Group Piano IV 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 243 or WMUS 240 or WRSP 141
A continuation of MUSC 243. This course provides continued instruction in technical exercises, chords and chord progressions, music reading and development of improvisational and performance skills. Students are expected to participate in group sight-reading exercises. Fulfills the secondary instrumental requirement in keyboard. PPE preparation for one repertoire selection, four part harmonization at the piano, chord charts, and arpeggios. (Formerly WMUS 340)
Note: (Lessons meet two days each week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 247 Jazz Piano I 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 243
For non-piano primaries. In this course, basic comping technique and harmonic continuity are emphasized. Triads, seventh chords, melody, and accompaniment are applied to standard song forms and blues.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 248 Jazz Guitar 1 Credit Hour(s)
For non-guitar primaries. In this course, basic comping technique and harmonic continuity are emphasized. Triads, seventh chords, melody, and accompaniment are applied to standard song forms and blues.
MUSC 250 Group Guitar II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 150 or WMUS 150 or WRSP 150
A continuation of MUSC 150, this course provides instruction in more advanced chords and chord progressions, continued development of music reading, contemporary lead sheets, and performance in classical, Gospel, Contemporary Christian, rock and roll and jazz styles. Improvisational techniques and chord substitutions and construction are also explored. Fulfills the need for secondary instrumental requirement in guitar. (Formerly WMUS 250)
Note: (Lessons meet two days each week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 251 Guitar, Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion Sophomore 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 152, private lessons in the instruments of the band and orchestra, based on department policies. (Formerly WMUS 255)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 252 Guitar, Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion Sophomore 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 251
Continuation of MUSC 251, private lessons in the instruments of the band and orchestra, based on department policies.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 262 Musical Theatre Production I 1 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 266 Applied Worship Voice 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Private lessons in singing with an emphasis on worship-based literature and techniques, based on department policies.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 267 Applied Worship Instrument 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Private lessons in the instruments of the worship band with an emphasis on worship-based literature and techniques, based on department policies.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 268 Worship Platform Techniques 1 Credit Hour(s)
This is a worship methods course addressing the fundamentals of platform leadership skills in the context of music ministry (vocal delivery and ministerial communication).
Offered: Resident
MUSC 269 Worship Rhythm Section Methods 1 Credit Hour(s)
This is a worship methods course addressing the fundamentals of worship band leadership skills in the context of music ministry.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 279 Artist Presentation I 3 Credit Hour(s)
Developing strategies for musically artistic and ministry effective program presentation. Principles include reading the crowd, building live performance, developing goals and objectives for platform performance; unique features of lighting, sound reinforcement, and technology; trend awareness and commerciality. Special emphasis is placed on goals of an artist as a worshiper; song selection; audience participation; presentation of the gospel; and partnership with the local church.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 285 The Worship Orchestra I 1 Credit Hour(s)
This is an instrumental ensemble that provides students opportunity to experience and perform the various styles of music used in a worship program of a large evangelical worship ministry. The ensemble usually includes rhythm section, wind, brass, strung and percussion instruments. On occasion, the group may include vocals. A primary function of the group is to provide accompaniment to the choral ensembles in the School of Music. (Formerly WMUS 285)
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 286 The Gospel Choir I 1 Credit Hour(s)
The Gospel Choir is a 25-30 member choir representing the historical and diverse traditions of African American choral music. The ensemble serves in an official public relations capacity for the University, The School of Music, and Center for Music and Worship. The Gospel Choir generally participates in Annual Christmas on University Blvd. and Spring Music Night Concerts, weekly convocations, TRBC worship services, Liberty University fundraising events and an annual weekend tours. Up to two hours credit from Gospel Choir may be applied as "approved credit" for the music and worship studies degree. (Formerly WMUS 286)
Registration Restrictions: Audition by Department of Worship and Music Studies
Offered: Resident
MUSC 287 Jazz Guitar Ensemble I 1 Credit Hour(s)
An auditioned guitar ensemble specializing in the study of jazz music. Reading and musical interpretation or rhythms and notation are stressed. Improvisational and accompaniment skills are developed. The ensemble performs on campus as needed during each semester. (Formerly WMUS 287)
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 289 The Worship Choir II 1 Credit Hour(s)
This is a large ensemble providing students opportunity to experience the various styles of music, including: Black Gospel, traditional gospel, worship and praise, scripture song, sacred classic, Southern Gospel, and more. Special attention is given to the preparation and presentation of the Annual Christmas on University Blvd. and Spring Music Night Concerts. Optional Spring Tour. (Formerly WMUS 289)
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 299 Internship 0 Credit Hour(s)
Supervised field experience at an approved site. Application procedures processed through the School of Music and Career Center. Must apply semester prior to internship.
Registration Restrictions: Sophomore status, 2.00 GPA, two courses in major, declared major, not more than one CSER behind
Offered: Resident
MUSC 301 Brass Pedagogy 3 Credit Hour(s)
Analysis and teaching of brass instrumental technique. Evaluation of private class teaching methods and materials. Brief survey of brass instrument history, construction and maintenance. Introduction to brass bibliography. A survey of brass literature styles and performance practices.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 302 Commercial Music Techniques for Worship 3 Credit Hour(s)
Principles of the development and performance practice of contemporary music Ensembles for worship. Students learn the importance of building and developing the rhythm sections, rock and roll type instrumental Ensembles, and vocal teams. Additional time is spent on rehearsal and performance technique and use of rhythm section with vocal Ensemble. (Formerly WMUS 302)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 303 Dynamics of Leading Vocal Team and Ensemble 3 Credit Hour(s)
This is a methods class that deals with principles and processes for building vocal teams in traditional and non-traditional settings. Attention is given to the role of the vocal musician, pedagogy for adult singers, repertoire development, and processes for nurturing large and small vocal ensembles.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 304 Keyboard Pedagogy 3 Credit Hour(s)
Discussion of teaching strategies and analysis of studio piano instruction. Evaluation of studio teaching methods and materials. A survey of keyboard literature, styles and performance practices.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor
Note: (Offered Spring semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 305 Woodwind Pedagogy 3 Credit Hour(s)
Analysis and teaching of woodwind instrumental technique. Evaluation of private class teaching methods and materials. Brief survey of woodwind instrument history, construction and maintenance. Introduction to woodwind bibliography. A survey of woodwind literature styles and performance practices.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 306 Form and Analysis 3 Credit Hour(s)
Instruction in principles of the analysis of small and large musical forms and procedures, including binary, ternary, rondo, variation, sonata, fugue and imitative procedures.
Note: (Offered Fall semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 308 Percussion Pedagogy 3 Credit Hour(s)
Analysis and teaching of percussion technique. Evaluation of private class teaching methods and materials. Brief survey of percussion history, construction and maintenance. Introduction to percussion bibliography. A survey of percussion literature styles and performance practices.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 309 Orchestration 3 Credit Hour(s)
Principles of instrumental scoring for orchestra, symphonic band, wind ensemble, pop-orchestra with rhythm section or any number of other combinations. Course assignments are primarily scoring for the various instrumental sections, culminating in a setting of a select keyboard work for large ensemble.
Note: (Offered Spring semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 310 Principles of Arranging 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides basic arranging technique for various pop-music genres. Special attention is given to developing arranging technique for rhythm sections, small vocal and instrumental ensemble, studio recordings, and larger vocal and instrumental ensemble. Students complete a major arranging project for presentation in an end of the semester concert setting. (Formerly WMUS 310)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 311 Music History: Antiquity - 1750 3 Credit Hour(s)
A survey of Western European music from Antiquity to 1750 A.D.
Note: (Offered Fall semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 312 Music History: Since 1750 3 Credit Hour(s)
A systematic survey of music history since the Baroque era.
Note: (Offered Spring semester)
Offered: Resident and Online
MUSC 313 History of Music and Worship 3 Credit Hour(s)
This is a historical study of the changes in music and worship practice as shaped by: the Great Awakenings; the four periods of music history (Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and Romantic); and, the influences in culture, ecclesiastical norms, and various modern worship movements.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 314 Music in World Cultures 3 Credit Hour(s)
A comprehensive overview of cultural traditions, belief systems, and practices of world cultures as approached through the study and analysis of the music of ethnic groups. (Formerly ETHM 411)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 315 Basic Conducting 2 Credit Hour(s)
Rudimentary instruction in conducting techniques for traditional and non-traditional settings. Knowledge and skill areas stressed are: basic conducting gestures and patterns; score interpretation; rehearsal management and technique; programming considerations; and special problems in vocal and instrumental situation.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 316 Choral Conducting 2 Credit Hour(s)
Practical training in directing choral ensembles. Development of basic conducting techniques with emphasis on musical interpretation of selected works. Includes ensemble management, score study, rehearsal techniques, and performance techniques.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 317 Instrumental Conducting 2 Credit Hour(s)
Practical training in directing instrumental ensembles. Development of baton and left-hand techniques with emphasis on musical interpretation of selected works. Includes score study, rehearsal techniques and performance techniques.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 318 Choral Arranging 2 Credit Hour(s)
A study of the techniques and procedures required in arranging and composing for voices. Skills will be developed through extensive written assignments.
Note: (Offered Fall semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 319 Choral Literature 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 206
A survey of sacred and secular choral literature, medieval to the present; emphasis on the madrigal, oratorio, contemporary British and American music.
Note: (Offered Fall semester, even numbered years, on demand)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 320 Group Voice III 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 220 or WMUS 220 or WRSP 220
This is a continuation of principles learned in MUSC 220 including instruction in: vocal technique; various musical styles; musicianship; performance techniques; principles of vocal diction; and singing in the Italian, French and German languages. Fulfills the secondary vocal requirement. (Formerly WMUS 320)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 321 Voice (Junior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of private lessons in singing, based on department policies. (Formerly WMUS 325)
Registration Restrictions: Successful completion of the Junior Candidacy Performance review
Offered: Resident
MUSC 322 Voice (Junior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 321
Continuation of MUSC 321, private lessons in singing, based on department policies.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 323 Leadership, Philosophy, Music and Organization 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course addresses the practical principles of music and worship leadership including: issues of integrity and character; developing and implementing philosophy; establishing chains of command; dangers of insubordination; time management, staff relationships; administrative responsibilities for musicians; journaling; building a calendar; budgeting, and discipleship training; building staff; and family.
Note: Offered Fall semester
Offered: Resident
MUSC 325 Technology and Assessment for Music Education 3 Credit Hour(s)
The study of technology and computer applications in music education, including competencies in the use of music notation software, sequencing, sorting and retrieving data from a file and printing music. Other technologies include the study of microphones, recording and amplification equipment, smartboards, software, interactive websites, and other advancements in music education technology. Students will focus on the effective use of technology in learning environments, with special attention to instructional practice, assessment development and student engagement. This course is designed to allow the teacher candidate to be competent in the application of learning technologies needed for teachers.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 326 History of Jazz 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 203
This course presents an overview of the development of jazz traditions during the 20th century. Key innovators from jazz' multifaceted history are discussed. As a distinctly American music form, jazz has often challenged existing distinctions between "art" and "popular" music, and today is an internationally respected art form. These distinctions are explored related to the changing roles and meanings of jazz within society.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 327 Jazz Styles and Analysis 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 203
Survey and analysis of jazz styles including ragtime, early jazz, swing, bebop, the cool school, hard bop, modal and contemporary styles. Repertoire, improvisation, instrumentalism, role of instruments, major innovators and important groups are discussed. Includes transcription of jazz solos and their stylistic analysis.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 329 Fundamentals of Sound Reinforcement 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides "hands-on" experience and training in sound system setup, design, implementation and live front of house and monitor mixing for venues, tours and houses of worship. Students will apply their live production skills in sound mixing projects using digital console show files and virtual sound check.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 330 Music Technology: Notation and DAW 3 Credit Hour(s)
The study of computer applications in music, including competencies in the use of music notation software, sequencing, sorting and retrieving data from a file and printing music.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 331 Composition I 2 Credit Hour(s)
Building on the foundations of music theory and other areas of musical training, this course is an applied study of the musical and creative process for composing original music.
Note: May be repeated.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 332 Composition II 2 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 331
A continuation of MUSC 331. This is a more advanced experience in the creative process of composing original music, building on the foundations of music theory and other areas of musical training, and including coverage of stylistic integrity and standard notation. Emphasis is on greater use of extended harmony, chromaticism and twentieth-century procedures.
Note: May be repeated.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 333 Private Composition (Junior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 239
Continuation of MUSC 239. Private instruction in film scoring/composition based on department policies. Foundational and contemporary repertoire and techniques studied. Emphasis is on preparing for Christian artist ministry in the area of film music production and television/video game scoring. Admission by audition.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 334 Music Technology: Logic and ProTools 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course investigates processes of music production within the contexts of two of the most significant digital mechanisms: Logic Pro and ProTools. Course assignments address competencies in the use of music recording, sequencing, music programming, loops in live and recording application, and integrated midi and digital audio. The coursework includes the capture, editing, and storage of digital audio data within multitrack music production projects.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 335 Introduction to Film Scoring 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course addresses the prevalent and recurrent need in films to emulate a wide variety of stylistic scoring approaches appropriate to the period setting and or/specific ethnic locale of a screenplay. Discussion includes approaches to research and adaptation of authentic musical styles. (Such styles include, for example, 17th century European, African, 1920s American, etc.). Emphasis is placed on careful attention to instrumentation, arranging, orchestration, and dramatic theme development.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 336 Orchestration for Film and Media 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course focuses on the exploration and application of traditional and contemporary orchestration techniques to support and achieve intended dramatic effect. Regular assignments involve the use of orchestration as an important compositional tool to successfully meet the emotional requirements of a wide variety of dramatic situations.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 337 Scoring Techniques for Film and Media 3 Credit Hour(s)
Techniques used in composing and scoring music for television and film productions; practical writing experience. Assignments representing realistic situations will be recorded synchronously to the specific needs of film scenes.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 338 Groove Writing 2 Credit Hour(s)
Development of groove writing skills in a variety of styles. Use of technology, loop creation, and sequencing skills.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 339 Private Composition (Junior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 333
Continuation of MUSC 333. Private instruction in film scoring/composition based on department policies. Foundational and contemporary repertoire and techniques studied. Emphasis is on preparing for Christian artist ministry in the area of film music production and television/video game scoring. Admission by audition.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 340 Technology and Media for Worship 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 218
In this course students receive instruction on the foundational skills required for technical production for a contemporary worship experience including lighting, stage design, video cameras & projection, video streaming, recording and other aspects of event production management. An emphasis is placed on servant leadership, effective communication, and technical excellence. Registration
Note: Prerequisite requirement of MUSC 218 or permission of instructor.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 341 Private Piano (Junior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 241 or WMUS 245
Continuation of private lessons in piano or organ, based on department policies. (Formerly WMUS 345)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 342 Private Piano (Junior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 341
Continuation of MUSC 341, private lessons in piano or organ, based on department policies.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 343 Jazz Improvisation and Lab II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 143
This course is a continuation of Jazz Improvisations I. Students will explore advanced techniques of jazz performance and improvisation. Students will also explore the process of integrating new materials and improvisation methods into their playing. Class structure is performance based. Each semester will culminate in a public performance featuring large and small groups, jazz standards or original compositions.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 345 Group Piano V 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 244 or WMUS 340
A continuation of MUSC 244, this is a group piano course for students continuing to broaden music experiences, develop chords and chord progressions, music reading, and improvisational and performance skills. PPE preparation for the Star-Spangled Banner and Sight-reading. (Formerly MUSC 245 and WMUS 440)
Note: (Lessons meet two hours each week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 346 Group Piano VI 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 345 or MUSC 245 or WMUS 440 or WRSP 340
A continuation of MUSIC 345, this course provides class instruction that helps broaden music experiences, develop chords and chord progressions, music reading, published jazz and pop band charts, and improvisational and performance skills. Additional attention is given to developing skills as a member of jazz, gospel, worship or rock and roll band. (Formerly MUSC 246)
Note: (Lessons meet two hours each week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 347 Jazz Piano II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 247
For non-piano primaries. Continuation of MUSC 247. In this course, advanced comping techniques and chord voicings are emphasized. Intermediate accompaniment techniques are applied to standard song forms and blues.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 348 Jazz Guitar II 1 Credit Hour(s)
For non-guitar primaries. Continuation of MUSC 248. In this course, advanced comping techniques and chord voicings are emphasized. Intermediate accompaniment techniques are applied to standard song forms and blues.
MUSC 349 Ethnic Music Ensemble 1 Credit Hour(s)
An ensemble for beginning and proficient musicians that explores, through performance, some of the world's musical instruments, styles, and playing techniques.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 350 Group Guitar III 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 250 or WMUS 250 or WRSP 250
A continuation of MUSC 250, this course provides instruction in more advanced chords and chord progressions, music reading, improvisational techniques, chord substitutions, chord construction, contemporary lead sheets, and performance in classical, Gospel, Contemporary Christian, rock and roll, and jazz styles. Scale studies and extended chords are stressed. Designed to fulfill the need for secondary instrumental requirement in guitar. (Formerly WMUS 350)
Note: (Lessons meet two hours each week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 351 Guitar, Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion Junior 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 252, private lessons in the instruments of the band and orchestra, based on department policies. (Formerly WMUS 355)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 352 Guitar, Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion Junior 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 351
Continuation of MUSC 351, private lessons in the instruments of the band and orchestra, based on department policies.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 355 Brass Techniques 2 Credit Hour(s)
Preparation for teaching brass instruments. Emphasis on teaching technique and actual playing of brass instruments.
Note: (Offered Spring semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 357 Woodwind Techniques 2 Credit Hour(s)
Preparation for teaching woodwind instruments. Emphasis on teaching technique and actual playing of woodwind instruments.
Note: (Offered Fall semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 358 The Musical Director 3 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident and Online
MUSC 360 Commercial Improvisation Techniques 2 Credit Hour(s)
This is a praxis-based course that provides opportunity for students to develop skill in strategic areas of vocal or instrumental improvisational technique. Investigative studies include the relationship between improvisation and harmonic context in contemporary popular, rock, black gospel, and jazz idioms.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 362 Studio Producing, Mixing, and Audio Engineering 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides the fundamentals of audio recording and producing including equipment function and application, recording console operation, microphone technique, first and second engineer skill sets, session setup, signal processing, troubleshooting, and critical listening as well as fundamentals for music production and album creation.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 363 Percussion Techniques 2 Credit Hour(s)
Preparation for teaching the basic percussion instruments and drum kit. Development of demonstration and playing abilities.
Note: (Offered Spring semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 364 Contemporary Styles Survey I 1 Credit Hour(s)
This course covers rhythm chart reading through the use of detailed transcriptions and arrangements in a wide range of styles including pop, rock, funk, country, black gospel, and contemporary instrumental. Emphasis is placed on production of rhythmic groove, management of rhythm section, and basic arranging concepts.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 365 Contemporary Styles Survey II 1 Credit Hour(s)
In this course, students learn contemporary rhythm chart reading through extensive use of transcriptions and professionally written arrangements. Focus is placed on sight-reading, pitch and improvisation concepts within diverse styles.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 366 Jazz Arranging 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 330
This course focuses on arranging and orchestrating music for jazz ensemble. Basic and intermediate techniques for creative writing in the jazz idiom are applied to small and large jazz ensembles. Major projects are required for the completion of this course. Computer notation is required for all projects. Select student projects are submitted for reading session.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 367 Jazz Pedagogy 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course introduces students to the methodologies and resources of jazz pedagogy. Students will learn appropriate literature for a variety of age levels, approaches to improvisation, and rehearsal techniques for both the large and small jazz ensemble.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 368 Junior Commercial Music Program 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 362
A faculty-supervised 30 minute program devoted to the presentation of literature representative of commercial music styles and reflective of the student's commercial music emphasis. The student must demonstrate ability to prepare, rehearse, organize, and promote their program. Use of a variety of media, Scripture, lighting, and video are expected. The student's final commercial music program must be approved by Faculty Committee.
Registration Restrictions: Approval of the student's commercial music faculty advisor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 369 Principles of Audio Mixing and Producing 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 362
This course provides an in-depth study of music production, audio engineering, critical listening, and studio work-flow including complex recording scenarios such as rhythm section tracking, big band and orchestra recording. Also included is an in-depth study of music album production covering complex and sensitive production situations.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 370 Private Songwriting 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 371 or WMUS 371 or WRSP 371
Weekly private instruction in developing and crafting the skill of songwriting. The study includes principles for writing melody, harmony, rhythm, lyric, song form, building demos and producing songs suitable for publishing in a commercial market. Application will be made to contemporary worship practices. Students will perform original songs. Audition and recommendation of instructor required. (Formerly WMUS 370)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 371 Survey of Songwriting Literature 3 Credit Hour(s)
An introduction to the craft, development and history of songwriting. Attention will be given to the study and evaluation of song form, both historic and contemporary. General techniques of songwriting and the specific approaches of selected songwriters will be explored in connection with biblical doctrine and theologies, music practices, and worship practices in the Evangelical community. (Formerly WMUS 371)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 372 Entrepreneurship in the Christian Music Community 3 Credit Hour(s)
An introduction to the music industry, both old and new. Recent developments in this field will be emphasized, including entrepreneurship as a freelance musician. This course will specifically highlight the impact of biblical principles for a Christian working in the music industry. Basic principle of music performance, publishing and distribution will be defined and developed including copyright law, song royalties and mechanicals, booking, promoting, copyright management, performance rights organizations (ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, and CCLI), song demo creation, music producing and publishing, and market presence.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 373 Artist Spiritual Formation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Foundational principles for the discipleship of Christian artists and songwriters. Students define their pursuit for an identity and significance, ministry, relationships, excellence, integrity, and disciplined living. In addition, students study creativity and art, journaling, developing communication skills, musicianship as applied to the contemporary Christian music industry. (Formerly WRSP 373)
Note: Admission to songwriting or artist development programs.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 374 String Techniques 2 Credit Hour(s)
Preparation for the teaching of violin, cello and double bass. Study of the history, construction, maintenance and acoustical phenomena of string instruments.
Note: (Offered Fall semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 375 String Pedagogy 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 374
Review of the teaching methods of Applebaum, Muller-Rusch, Rolland and Suzuki. Strongly recommended for Instrumental Teacher Licensure Students with strings as the principal performance area.
Note: (Offered on demand)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 376 Principles for Songwriting I 2 Credit Hour(s)
Principles of song writing, including elements of writing melody; melodic structure; lyric form-understanding verse/chorus /bridge structures; melodic style; lyric style - gospel to classical, southern gospel to praise and worship and country to rock 'n roll; and co-writing lyrics with other musicians. Students are required to participate in the Songwriter's Showcase presented by the Center for Worship each semester. (Formerly WMUS 332)
Registration Restrictions: Admission to program and permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 377 Principles for Songwriting II 2 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 376 or WMUS 332 or WRSP 332
A continuation of MUSC 376, this course provides practical application of songwriting principles through group collaboration. (Formerly WMUS 333)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 378 Music Industry Process and Copyright Law 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course addresses the process for songwriters, artists, entrepreneurs and producers to self-publish or start a record label. It covers a number of critical business and legal elements of the music industry, including current copyright laws and procedures. The course content and assignments allow students to begin interpreting artist, record label and publishing contracts and agreements.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 379 Artist Presentation II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 279
Developing strategies for musically artistic and ministry effective program presentation. Principles include reading the crowd, building live performance, developing goals and objectives for platform performance; unique features of lighting, sound reinforcement, and technology; trend awareness and commerciality. Special emphasis is placed on goals of an artist as a worshiper; song selection; audience participation; presentation of the gospel; and partnership with the local church. (Formerly WMUS 335)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 380 Instrumental Overview 2 Credit Hour(s)
A study of basic instructional techniques of woodwind, brass, string and percussion instruments for Choral Teacher Licensure students. This course is designed to prepare vocal music teachers for teaching school instrumental music at the basic skills level.
Note: (Offered Fall semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 381 Guitar Literature 2 Credit Hour(s)
This course will survey guitar and lute literature from the Renaissance to the present, including solo works, chamber music, and concerti. The course will include music written for lute and guitar as well as transcriptions for guitar of music written for other instruments. Activities used to facilitate learning will include listening to recordings and music performances, score study, lectures, discussion, and selected readings.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 382 Woodwind Literature 2 Credit Hour(s)
Literature for flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, and saxophone. Elementary and advanced exercises, etudes, methods for class and private instruction, clef and transposition studies, and orchestral repertoire are explored. Survey and evaluation of sources and materials.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 383 Brass Literature 2 Credit Hour(s)
Literature for horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, and tuba. Elementary and advanced exercises, etudes, methods for class and private instruction, clef and transposition studies, and orchestral repertoire. Survey and evaluation of sources and materials.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 384 Percussion Literature 2 Credit Hour(s)
Literature for percussion solo, ensemble and chamber groups. Elementary and advanced exercises, etudes, methods for class and private instruction are explored. Survey and evaluation of sources and materials.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 385 The Worship Orchestra II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 285. (Formerly WMUS 385)
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 386 The Gospel Choir II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 286. (Formerly WMUS 386)
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 387 Jazz Guitar Ensemble II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 287. (Formerly WMUS 387)
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 388 String Literature 2 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides a survey of string literature through the present day, including solo works, chamber music, and concerti. Special emphasis is placed on etudes, exercises, instructional, and performance literature for class and private instruction.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 389 The Worship Choir III 1 Credit Hour(s)
A continuation of MUSC 289. (Formerly WMUS 389)
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 390 Foundations of Vocal Technique 2 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 106 or WMUS 104 or WRSP 104
This course provides preparation in the vocal area for Instrumental Teacher Licensure students. This course is designed to prepare instrumental teachers for teaching school vocal music at the basic skills level.
Note: (Offered Fall semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 391 Keyboard Literature 2 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides a general survey of keyboard literature through the present day. Special emphasis is placed on etudes, exercises, instructional, and performance literature for class and private instruction.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 392 Ethnic Music Program 1 Credit Hour(s)
A juried lecture/demonstration of student progress in ethnic music performance. The student shall provide a 25-30 minute presentation demonstrating knowledge of the selected genre and level of performing skill. Specifically designed to meet Music in World Culture curriculum expectations. (Formerly WMUS 390)
Registration Restrictions: Approval of student's primary faculty
Offered: Resident
MUSC 393 Vocal Diction 3 Credit Hour(s)
The study of English, Italian, German and French pronunciation (enunciation and articulation) as applied to vocal texts in these languages, through use of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Note: (Offered Fall semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 394 Practicum I 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 106
Practical, supervised application of music leadership at approved publishing company, church, para-church organization, recording studio, artist group or other approved organization. Taken the first semester of student's junior year, students are placed in a supervisory role and learn principles of team building, management, planning, program presentation and more. (Formerly WRSP 311)
Registration Restrictions: Approval of School of Music Coordinator of Practica
Offered: Resident
MUSC 395 Practicum II 1 Credit Hour(s)
This is a continuation of MUSC 394. Students are placed in a supervisory role and learn principles of team building, management, planning, program presentation and more. Taken the second semester of a student's junior year, students are also required to meet with the Coordinator of Practica for instruction on resume preparation, principles of interviewing and expectations for completion of an internship. (Formerly WRSP 312)
Registration Restrictions: Approval of School of Music Coordinator of Practica
Offered: Resident
MUSC 396 Junior Artist or Worship Program 1 Credit Hour(s)
A faculty-supervised 20-30 minute program devoted to the presentation of literature representative of contemporary Christian, worship and praise, gospel song, or hymn-style music. The student must demonstrate ability to organize a program using a variety of media, Scripture, drama, lighting, video, band and praise team. The student's final worship/artist program must be approved by Faculty Committee.
Registration Restrictions: Approval of the student's primary faculty
Offered: Resident
MUSC 398 Junior Recital 1 Credit Hour(s)
Preparation and presentation of a solo musical performance recital under the supervision of the principal performance teacher. A requirement for B.M. (performance) and B.S. in Worship and Music degree programs. (Formerly WMUS 390)
Registration Restrictions: Completion of the Sophomore Review; completion of one semester of junior level private music performance instruction. Co-requisite: must be taken concurrently with the second semester of junior level private music performance instruction
Offered: Resident
MUSC 400 Music Resources and Literature 3 Credit Hour(s)
A study of the materials used in program building of instrumental and choral ensembles in traditional and non-traditional music settings. Evaluation is made of select publishers to investigate musical, audio, video, and software recourses availability. Application to pop music, contemporary Christian worship, public and private school, civic, patriotic and seasonal events.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 401 Art of Accompaniment 2 Credit Hour(s)
Vocal and instrumental, solo and ensemble literature from various periods of music history will be studied from the viewpoint of the accompanist.
Note: (Offered on demand)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 402 Ethnic Music Theory 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 314
The study of non-Western theories of music, with an emphasis on both existing systems of art and folk music as well as systems without an articulated theory. (Formerly ETHM 400)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 404 Accompanying I 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 401
Continuation of the development of accompanying techniques highlighted in MUSC 401. Pianists work in collaboration with one or more vocalists or instrumentalists under the supervision of applied music teachers at the School of Music. Students will perform in one or more live performance settings such as recitals, studio classes, auditions, and performance juries.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 405 Accompanying II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 404
Continuation of the techniques of accompanying emphasized in MUSC 404. Pianists work in collaboration with one or more vocalists or instrumentalists under the supervision of applied music teachers at the School of Music. Three hours of weekly contact with teachers and students are expected in this course, including rehearsals, studio lessons, and coaching with course faculty. Students will perform in one or more live performance settings such as recitals, studio classes, auditions, and performance juries.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 407 Solo Vocal Literature 3 Credit Hour(s)
A survey of solo literature for the voice from the Baroque period to the present. Emphasis on Italian song, German Lieder, French Melodie, and English Art Song. (Recommended for all voice majors)
Note: Required for all voice majors. Offered Spring semester, odd numbered years
Offered: Resident
MUSC 408 Vocal Pedagogy 3 Credit Hour(s)
Study of the physiology of the voice and methods of voice training, with emphasis on techniques used in developing posture, breathing, phonation, resonance, articulation, and artistic interpretation of standard vocal literature.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor
Note: (Offered Spring semester, even numbered years)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 411 Marching Band Techniques 2 Credit Hour(s)
A study of the methods and materials employed in the development of marching band drill design. Strongly recommended for the BM in Instrumental Music with the music education concentration student.
Note: (Offered on demand in Fall semesters)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 412 Instrumental Pedagogy Lab for Instrumental Music Education 1 Credit Hour(s)
This course will provide opportunities for instrumental music education majors to have laboratory experience in teaching beginning instrumental students individually. Students will be trained in various pedagogical skills and approaches.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 413 Vocal Pedagogy Lab for Music Education 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 222
This course will provide opportunity for vocal music education majors to have laboratory experience in teaching beginning vocal students individually. Students will be trained in various pedagogical skills and approaches.
Registration Restrictions: Completion of Junior level applied studies
Offered: Resident
MUSC 420 Group Voice IV 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 320 or WMUS 320 or WRSP 221
A continuation of MUSC 320, this course involves group study for advanced vocalists. Students sing on a weekly basis for one another in a "master class" setting. Significant emphasis is given to vocal quality, resonance, flexibility, articulation, dynamics, expression, performance technique, vocal health and preparation for presentation in various vocal venues. Fulfills the secondary requirement in voice. May substitute for private voice upon recommendation of vocal faculty. (Formerly WMUS 420)
Note: (Meets 2 hours per week)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 421 Voice (Senior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 322, private lessons in singing, based on department policies. May be repeated as needed.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 422 Voice (Senior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 421
Continuation of MUSC 421, private lessons in singing, based on department policies. May be repeated as needed.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 423 Congregational Contextualization and Leadership 1,3 Credit Hour(s)
This is a study of congregational worship practices in the evangelical traditions. Special attention is given to establishing methodology for evaluating ministry context and demographic. Attention is given to song selection, programming, conducting concepts, vocal and band rehearsal techniques and the integration of multimedia, drama, and creative movement into the congregational ministry.
Note: Offered Spring semester
Offered: Resident
MUSC 424 Arts in Global Outreach 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course will explore important fieldwork theories, methods, and techniques that may be used to advocate for culturally relevant music and arts in a global worship setting. Students will learn how to become artistic catalysts and so assist in church plants, deep discipleship, meaningful worship, and effective outreach through music and the arts.
Registration Restrictions: Junior or Senior Standing
Offered: Resident
MUSC 425 Worship Contextualization Capstone 1 Credit Hour(s)
This senior-level course for worship majors addresses the cultural factors of local churches necessary for effective service crafting and leadership. It will have a seminar/forum context with guest lectures and interactions; emphasis on contextualization will focus greatly on church case studies and contemporary ministry community challenges.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 429 Sound Reinforcement II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 329
This course is designed to advance the student utilizing the skills and knowledge gained in the Fundamentals of Sound Reinforcement (MUSC 329) course. Students will gain deeper training in mixing different kinds of concerts, mix in various venues while on tour, and with varied groups and live sound situations as an in-house engineer. Practical mixing experience will be gained through hands-on projects.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 430 Music Resources, Literature, and Technology 2 Credit Hour(s)
A study of the materials and technologies used in program building of instrumental and choral ensembles in traditional and non-traditional music settings. Evaluation is made of select distributors, publishers, and technology interconnectors to investigate the availability of musical, audio, video, and software resources.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 433 Private Composition (Senior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 339
Continuation of MUSC 339. Private instruction in film scoring/composition based on department policies. Foundational and contemporary repertoire and techniques studied. Emphasis is on preparing for Christian artist ministry in the area of film music production and television/video game scoring. Admission by audition.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 436 Christian Music Industry Seminar 1 Credit Hour(s)
Student artists and songwriters study privately and in group settings with professionals. Students premiere their programs and songs at the conclusion of the seminar. (Formerly WRSP 436)
Registration Restrictions: Permission of Instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 437 Elementary Music Methods and Materials 2 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 438 (may be taken concurrently) and Undergraduate Initial Gate 2 with a score of 5 and Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5
An exploration of elementary music school methods and materials. Topics include philosophy, objectives, materials, current trends, and procedures for teaching music at the elementary grade school level.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to the Music Education concentration
Note: (Offered Spring semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 438 Elementary Music Methods and Materials Practicum 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 437 (may be taken concurrently) and Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5 and Undergraduate Initial Gate 2 with a score of 5
Classroom teaching observation and practice. Fifteen hours of monitored classroom observation and teaching in an elementary music school classroom; written evaluation of observing and teaching experiences required.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to the Music Education concentration
Offered: Resident
MUSC 439 Private Composition (Senior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 433
Continuation of MUSC 433. Private instruction in film scoring/composition based on department policies. Foundational and contemporary repertoire and techniques studied. Emphasis is on preparing for Christian artist ministry in the area of film music production and television/video game scoring. Admission by audition.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 440 Ethnic Music Seminar 3 Credit Hour(s)
Concentrated study of a selected ethnic music culture. In scheduling each seminar, consideration will be given to student interest and the availability of appropriate guest musicians. (Formerly ETHM 440)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 441 Private Piano Senior 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of private lessons in piano or organ, based on department policies. (Formerly WMUS 445)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 442 Private Piano Senior 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 441
Continuation of private lessons in piano or organ, based on department policies.
Note: May be repeated as needed.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 450 Group Guitar IV 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 350 or WMUS 350 or WRSP 251
Continuation of MUSC 350, this is a group guitar course that further develops instruction in advanced chords, chord progressions, more advanced improvisational techniques, music reading, sight-reading of classical literature, contemporary lead sheets and performance in classical, contemporary Christian, rock and roll and jazz styles. Fulfills the need for secondary instrumental requirement in guitar. (Formerly WMUS 450) Meets 2 hours per week
Offered: Resident
MUSC 451 Guitar, Strings, Brass, Woodwinds Percussion (Senior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 352, private lessons in instrument for band or orchestra, based on department policies. (Formerly WMUS455)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 452 Guitar, Strings, Brass, Woodwinds Percussion (Senior) 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 451
Continuation of MUSC 451, private lessons in instrument for band or orchestra, based on department policies. May be repeated as needed.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 461 Marketing Commercial Music and Record Label Operations 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 378
Students will learn the elements of marketing commercial music within the record label setting. They will study the latest technologies being employed for digital music marketing, artist and music promotions, digital marketing content creation, social media integration and digital platform distribution. Students will become familiar with the procedures of taking a recorded product from the budget stage through the release date. Additionally, students will become familiar with the roles of key record label operations personnel including A&R and producer and learn about key partnerships in the industry.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 462 Advanced Digital Audio Production 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: CINE 272
This course provides advanced development of real-world digital audio workstation skills and techniques for digital editing: alignment, tuning, sound replacement, time stretching, pitch shifting, as well as a continued implementation of MIDI and Electronic music sound synthesis, sound samples and virtual instruments.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 463 Music Mixing and Post Production 3 Credit Hour(s)
Students will learn to create polished music content with mastered, album quality mixes in stereo and surround sound using all available tools to achieve professional sound, develop a personal sonic identity and apply all techniques learned in the Audio Production program. Students will also learn to employ critical and analytical listening skills in music mixing as well as compare and contrast the attributes of differing mix processes. Students will apply their production and mixing skills in a capstone studio mixing and mastering project as well as a live digital console mixing project.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 468 Senior Commercial Music Program 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: RSCH 201 or Inquiry Research with a score of 80 or Research Assessment with a score of 80 or Research (prior to 2017-2018) with a score of 80
A faculty-supervised 45 minute program devoted to the presentation of literature representative of commercial music styles and reflective of the student's music emphasis. The student must demonstrate ability to prepare, rehearse, organize, and promote their program. Use of a variety of media, Scripture, lighting, and video are expected. The student's final commercial music program must be approved by Faculty Committee.
Registration Restrictions: Approval of the student's commercial music faculty advisor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 470 Opera Workshop I: Opera Production 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
A synthesis of performance practice and stage movement related to opera. The course culminates in a performance of a work rehearsed during the semester. Entrance based on an audition. Fall semesters culminate in a full music theater production.
Registration Restrictions: Audition by Instructor
Note: (Offered Fall semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 471 Opera Workshop II: Opera Scenes 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
A synthesis of performance practice and stage movement related to opera. The course culminates in a performance of a work rehearsed during the semester. Entrance based on an audition. Spring semesters culminate in a presentation of opera scenes.
Registration Restrictions: Audition and/or permission of instructor
Note: (Offered Spring semesters)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 477 Guitar Pedagogy 3 Credit Hour(s)
Analysis of the elements of classical guitar technique and development of guitar teaching skills. Students observe, evaluate and implement techniques used in guitar classes and private lessons. Students also survey proven pedagogical approaches to guitar instruction.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 479 Classical Guitar Ensemble II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 179
Continuation of MUSC 179.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 480 University Chorale II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 180
Continuation of MUSC 180.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 483 Jazz Ensemble II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 183
Continuation of MUSC 183.
Registration Restrictions: Fall Audition
Offered: Resident
MUSC 486 Brass Choir II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 186
Continuation of MUSC 186.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 488 Woodwind Choir II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 188
Continuation of MUSC 188.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 489 Supervised Praise and Worship Ensemble 1 Credit Hour(s)
Practical experiences for the worship leader in training for mixed instrumental/vocal ensembles used in various evangelical traditions. Ensembles may include, but are not limited to: Official Department of Ministry Teams groups; Center for Worship Hand bell Ensemble; CFW House Band; E-41; and Lift. Groups provide music for various on campus events. Up to two hours credit from MUSC 489 may be applied as "approved credit" for the music and worship studies degree. (Formerly WMUS 489)
Registration Restrictions: Audition by Director
Offered: Resident
MUSC 490 Secondary Music Methods and Materials 2 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: Undergraduate Initial Gate 2 with a score of 5 and Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5
An exploration of middle school and high school music methods and materials. The development of general music programs and choral and instrumental programs are emphasized. Topics include: methods of assessment, communication, and classroom teaching procedures.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to the Music Education concentration
Note: (Offered Fall semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 491 Secondary Music Methods and Materials Practicum 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: Undergraduate Initial Gate 2 with a score of 5 and Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5
Classroom observation and teaching practice. Fifteen hours of monitored classroom observation and teaching in middle and high school music classroom situations; written evaluation of observing and teaching experiences.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to the Music Education concentration
Offered: Resident
MUSC 493 Chamber Music Ensemble II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MUSC 193
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to participate in various chamber formations, receive weekly coaching, attend master classes with faculty members and guests as required, and present a public performance during the term.
Registration Restrictions: Permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
MUSC 494 Wind Symphony II 1 Credit Hour(s)
Continuation of MUSC 194.
Note: (Offered Spring semester)
Offered: Resident
MUSC 495 Directed Research in Music or Music and Worship 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Directed research into musicological, ethnomusicological, or worship studies type topics. The research is presented as a completed research paper, lecture or lecture-recital. Students are directed individually or in small seminar groups, as may be appropriate. May be taken more than once, but no research topic may be repeated.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 496 Senior Artist or Worship Program 1 Credit Hour(s)
A faculty-supervised 35-45 minute program devoted to the presentation of literature representative of contemporary Christian, worship and praise, gospel song, or hymn-style music. The student must demonstrate ability to organize a program using a variety of media, Scripture, drama, lighting, video, band and praise team. The student's final worship/artist program must be approved by Faculty Committee.
Registration Restrictions: Approval of the student's primary faculty
Offered: Resident
MUSC 497 Special Topics: Music or Music and Worship 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Topics of special interest not included in the regular School of Music offerings. May be taken more than once, but no topic may be repeated.
Offered: Resident
MUSC 498 Senior Recital 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: RSCH 201 or Inquiry Research with a score of 80 or Research (prior to 2017-2018) with a score of 80 or Research Assessment with a score of 80
Preparation and presentation of a solo recital under the supervision of the principal performance instructor. MUSC 498 is a graduation requirement for all B.M. and B.S. in Worship and Music degree programs. (Formerly WMUS 490)
Registration Restrictions: Completion of the Sophomore Review; completion of two semesters of private music performance instruction following the completion of the Junior Candidacy Review; co-enrollment in 400 level private music instruction
Offered: Resident
MUSC 499 Internship 1-6 Credit Hour(s)
This is a capstone course usually completed the summer between the junior and senior year or after completing all other coursework. Special consideration is given to course completion during last semester of a student's senior year. Internship includes a 400-hour (10-week) minimum of supervised, practical experience in an approved organization. Application procedures processed through the School of Music. Student must make application to the Director of Practica the semester prior to completing the internship.
Offered: Resident