Mathematics (MATH)
MATH 000 Math Assessment 0 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 100 Fundamentals of Mathematics 3 Credit Hour(s)
Resident Prerequisite: Placement Score-Math with a score of 40 or (CLST 103 and Assessment - Mathematics with a score of 01)
Online Prerequisite: (CLST 103 and Assessment - Mathematics with a score of 01) or Placement Score-Math with a score of 040
A review of basic arithmetic and elementary algebra. A grade of C or better is required in order to go on to a higher-numbered mathematics course. This course may not be used in meeting General Education requirements in mathematics. (Developmental Math is a component of the Bruckner Learning Center.)
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 100L Fundamentals of Mathematics Companion Lab 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 100 (may be taken concurrently)
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 105 Algebra for the Liberal Arts 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: Placement Score-Math with a score of 60 or CLST 103
Review of number systems, solving equations and inequalities, exponents, polynomials, factoring, systems of equations, radicals, and the quadratic formula, This course is designed to prepare students for college-level, general education, liberal arts mathematics and statistics courses.
Offered: Resident
MATH 108 Elementary and Intermediate Algebra 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: Assessment - Mathematics with a score of 09 or SAT Section Math with a score of 470 or ACT Math with a score of 17 or (pre2016 post1995)SAT Math with a score of 470
This course is a self-paced computer-based review of rational numbers, exponents, polynomials, factoring, roots and radicals, graphing, rational expressions, equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations, and problem solving. It meets the prerequisite requirements for MATH 115, MATH 117, MATH 121, MATH 125, MATH 201, MATH 217. Credit may not be earned for both MATH 108 and MATH 110. This course may not be used to meet the General Education Requirements. (Developmental Math is a component of the Bruckner Learning Center.)
Offered: Resident
MATH 109 Beginning/Intermediate Algebra 3 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 110 Intermediate Algebra 3 Credit Hour(s)
Review of exponents, polynomials, factoring, roots and radicals, graphing, rational expressions, equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations and problem solving. This course may not be used to meet the General Education requirement. (Developmental Math is a component of the Bruckner Learning Center.)
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 110L Intermediate Algebra Companion Lab 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 110 (may be taken concurrently)
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 112 Technical Mathematics 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: (pre2016 post1995)SAT Math with a score of 490 or SAT Section Math with a score of 490 or ACT Math with a score of 18 or MATH 100
Technical Mathematics presents a review of arithmetic, elements of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and vectors. Direct applications are made to technical study areas. Only fulfills General Education requirements for AAS degrees.
Offered: Online
MATH 114 Quantitative Reasoning 3 Credit Hour(s)
Applying mathematical tools and analysis to practical context, particularly focusing on using proportions and ratios. Basic statistical tools are developed and employed, including graphs, descriptive statistics, the normal curve, the basics of inferential reasoning and investigating correlation. Financial applications are particularly emphasized, as is the use of spreadsheets.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 115 Mathematics for Liberal Arts 3 Credit Hour(s)
A survey course for liberal arts majors including a review of algebra and an introduction to logic, probability and statistics, mathematical structures, problem solving, geometry and consumer applications.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 116 Logic and Social Reasoning 3 Credit Hour(s)
A survey course for liberal arts majors including an introduction to logic and various financial math applications. Also covers applications of mathematics to elections, measuring political power, effective ways of sharing goods and services, and apportionment of votes.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 117 Elements of Mathematics 3 Credit Hour(s)
A development of basic concepts of elementary mathematics, including problem solving, logic, sets and binary operations, the natural numbers and their properties, deductive reasoning and the nature of proof, the integers, rational numbers, real numbers and their properties, relations, functions, and graphs.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 121 College Algebra 3 Credit Hour(s)
Fundamental concepts of college algebra including sets, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, polynomials, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, linear inequalities, and linear programming.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 122 Trigonometry 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 121
Emphasizes the circular functions, their graphs and their inverses. A study of the trigonometric functions and their applications is included.
Offered: Resident
MATH 123 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics 3 Credit Hour(s)
MATH 125 Finite Mathematics 3 Credit Hour(s)
An introduction to symbolic logic, principles of counting, elementary probability, matrices, vector spaces, and linear programming.
Offered: Resident
MATH 126 Elementary Calculus for Business and Science 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 121 or ACT Math with a score of 25 or (pre2016 post1995)SAT Math with a score of 570 or SAT Section Math with a score of 590
An introduction to differential and integral calculus with emphasis on applications in the areas of business and science. For non-mathematics majors only.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 128 Precalculus with Trigonometry 4 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: McGraw Hill ALEKS PPL with a score of 68 or ACT Math with a score of 25 or (pre2016 post1995)SAT Math with a score of 570 or SAT Section Math with a score of 590 or MATH 121
A pre-calculus course that includes the study of elementary functions, their graphs and applications including polynomial, rational, algebraic functions, exponential, logarithmic and circular or trigonometric functions. For students with strong high school preparation in mathematics but who are not ready for calculus.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 130 Advanced Technical Mathematics 3 Credit Hour(s)
An overview of applied mathematics related to technical fields of study. Topics include a review of the fundamentals of algebra; linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations; variation; polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, use of tables, rectangular and polar coordinates, and vectors.
Offered: Resident
MATH 131 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 4 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: ((MATH 128 or McGraw Hill ALEKS PPL with a score of 78 or (pre2016 post1995)SAT Math with a score of 620 or SAT Section Math with a score of 620 or ACT Math with a score of 27) and (MATH 121 or (pre2016 post1995)SAT Math with a score of 570 or SAT Section Math with a score of 590 or ACT Math with a score of 25))
Functions and graphs, exponential, logarithmic, inverse trigonometric, limits, the derivative, techniques of differentiation, continuity, applications of differentiation, L'Hopital's Rule, the integral.
Note: (MATH 133 is required for mathematics major or minors).
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 132 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 4 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 131 or ENGR 131
A continuation of MATH 131. Techniques of integration, improper integrals, applications of integration, introduction to differential equations, sequences, infinite series, parameterizations of curves.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 133 Calculus with Mathematica Lab 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 131 (may be taken concurrently) or ENGR 131 (may be taken concurrently)
This is intended to be an introductory Mathematica lab in which the topics of arithmetic, algebra, plotting, preparation of notebooks, limits, derivatives, related rates, optimization, integration, and other topics will be investigated.
Offered: Resident
MATH 200 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 132
This is a course in the principles of mathematical reasoning and the construction of proofs. It begins with the growth of functions, Big-O notation, and symbolic logic and then studies direct and indirect methods and proof by induction. Examples from set theory, discrete structures, axiomatic systems, recursion, and basic algebraic structures (groups, rings, fields) are used to illustrate the methods.
Offered: Resident
MATH 201 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3 Credit Hour(s)
Introduction to descriptive statistics and probability, probability distributions, estimation, tests of hypotheses, chi-square tests, regression analysis, and correlation with applications in business and science. (Crosslisted with BUSI 230)
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 202 Professional Statistics 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course provides a foundation in elementary statistics that facilitates data interpretation and statistical analysis.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 211 Introduction to Statistical Analysis 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 131
An introduction to statistical analysis for students with a background in calculus. Includes probability theory, probability distributions, expectation, statistical inference, regression and correlation.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 217 Elementary Geometry 3 Credit Hour(s)
A development of basic concepts of elementary geometry including area, volume, compass and straight-edge constructions, polyhedra, tessellations, motions in the physical world, transformations, congruence and similarity.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 221 Applied Linear Algebra 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 132
An elementary introduction to the essentials of linear algebra for SECS majors. Systems of linear equations and matrices, determinants, Euclidean vector spaces, eigenvectors, least-squares data fitting, diagonalization and numerical methods.
Offered: Resident
MATH 231 Calculus and Analytical Geometry III 4 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 132
Continuation of MATH 132. Geometry of vectors, paths, curvature, functions of several variables, graphs and parametric surfaces, partial derivatives, optimization, multiple integrals, curl, divergence, gradient, line and surface integrals, Theorems of Green, and Stokes, and Gauss.
Offered: Resident
MATH 250 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics 3 Credit Hour(s)
Logic and proofs, set theory, Boolean algebra, functions, sequences, matrices, algorithms, modular arithmetic, mathematical induction and combinatorics.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 299 Internship 0 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident
MATH 301 Methods of Operations Research 3 Credit Hour(s)
Optimization (linear programming, Lagrange multipliers, etc.), transportation problems, applied probability (queuing theory, Markov chains, elementary theory of simulations), theory of games, decisions under uncertainty.
Offered: Resident
MATH 302 Introduction to Experimental Design in Statistics 3 Credit Hour(s)
Analysis of variance and block designs; simple linear regression, correlation and multiple regression; nonparametric statistics, chi-square tests.
Offered: Resident
MATH 304 Financial Mathematics 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 132
An introduction to the concepts of interest theory, with particular emphasis on the mathematics, with actuarial applications. Time value of money, annuities and cash flows, loans, bonds, portfolios, and immunization.
Offered: Resident
MATH 305 Modern Geometry 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 200
A treatment of the foundations of modern Euclidean geometry and an introduction to non-Euclidean geometry with emphasis on hyperbolic geometry. Especially recommended for prospective high school mathematics teachers. Required for Virginia Licensure.
Offered: Resident
MATH 307 Introductory Number Theory 3 Credit Hour(s)
Divisibility, Division Algorithm, Euclidean algorithm, primes, greatest common divisor, Diophantine equations, congruencies, Chinese Remainder Theorem, number-theoretic functions, cryptology and other applications.
Note: This course will not be offered online, but will be made available to online students.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 311 Probability and Statistics I 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 132
Probability concepts, moment generating functions, discrete and continuous distributions, bivariate distributions, distributions of functions of random variables. (Formerly MATH 401)
Offered: Resident
MATH 321 Linear Algebra 3 Credit Hour(s)
A beginning course in linear algebra and its applications. Includes systems of linear equations, linear programming, nullspace and rank of matrices, determinants, abstract vector spaces, bases, linear independence, spanning sets, linear transformations, characteristics and minimal polynomials, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, similarity, coordinate change, orthogonality, and matrix factorizations. Applications are added as time permits.
Offered: Resident
MATH 331 Complex Variables 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 231
Field of complex numbers, polar representation and DeMoivre formula, complex functions, limits, continuity, differentiation, analytic and harmonic functions, elementary functions, contour integration, Taylor and Laurent series, residues, and applications.
Offered: Resident
MATH 332 Advanced Calculus 3 Credit Hour(s)
Euclidean topology for n-dimensions, continuity and differentiability for vector-valued functions of several variables, the differential and derivative, Jacobian, applications of inverse and implicit function theorems, method of Lagrange multipliers, introduction to differential forms, generalized Stokes' Theorem and applications.
Offered: Resident
MATH 334 Differential Equations 3 Credit Hour(s)
Differential equations of the first order and first degree, linear equations, variation of parameters, methods of undetermined coefficients, inverse operators, Laplace transforms, systems of differential equations, and applications.
Offered: Resident
MATH 345 Introduction to the History of Mathematics 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MATH 301 or MATH 302 or MATH 305 or MATH 307 or MATH 311 or MATH 321 or MATH 331 or MATH 332 or MATH 334 or MATH 350 or MATH 352 or MATH 400 or MATH 401 or MATH 405 or MATH 411 or MATH 419 or MATH 420 or MATH 421 or MATH 422 or MATH 423 or MATH 431 or MATH 450 or MATH 495 or MATH 497
This course covers major events in the evolution of mathematical thought from ancient times to the present.
Offered: Online
MATH 350 Discrete Mathematics 3 Credit Hour(s)
Recurrence relations, relations, graph theory, languages, grammars, and finite-state machines.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 352 Numerical Analysis 3 Credit Hour(s)
Introduction to numerical techniques for problems such as interpolation, approximation, numerical differentiation and integration, differential equations, zeros of functions, solutions of linear systems, and error analysis.
Offered: Resident
MATH 400 History of Mathematics 3 Credit Hour(s)
The development of mathematics from ancient to modern times (19th century BC-19th century AD). Special emphasis is given to the period of the Greeks (600 BC - 200 AD), the development of the calculus (17th century), and the "modern" period (19th century).
Offered: Resident
MATH 401 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 3 Credit Hour(s)
Probability concepts, moment generating functions, discrete and continuous distributions, bivariate distributions, distributions of functions of random variables, estimation.
Offered: Resident
MATH 402 Linear Regression 3 Credit Hour(s)
A study of linear regression and generalized linear models. Simple and multiple linear regression, residual analysis, linearization and variance stabilization transformations, polynomial models, variable selection, and generalized linear models, utilizing technology in all solutions.
Offered: Resident
MATH 405 Fundamentals of Modern Geometry 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MATH 250
A treatment of the foundations of modern Euclidean geometry and an introduction to non-Euclidean geometries with emphasis on hyperbolic geometry. The course focuses on demonstrating and explaining geometric concepts through axiomatic methods.
Offered: Online
MATH 410 Matrix and Linear Algebra 3 Credit Hour(s)
Develop an understanding of vector spaces, systems of linear equations, matrix algebra and linear transformations.
Registration Restrictions: BS Applied Statistics students will have MATH 250 prerequisite overridden
Offered: Online
MATH 411 Probability and Statistics II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 311
Descriptive statistics, point and interval estimation, sample size, regression, hypothesis testing, goodness of fit, analysis of variance.
Offered: Resident
MATH 419 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: (MATH 301 or MATH 302 or MATH 305 or MATH 321 or MATH 331 or MATH 332 or MATH 334 or MATH 350 or MATH 401) and Undergraduate Initial Gate 2 with a score of 5 and (Background Check Clearance with a score of 5 or Background Clear International with a score of 5 or Background Clear Out of State with a score of 5 or Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5)
Special readings in the field of Mathematics Education, planning for mathematics instruction, and evaluation components of this course. May not be counted toward the Mathematics major.
Registration Restrictions: Admission to the Teacher Licensure Program
Note: Must be taken the semester prior to student teaching in mathematics.
Offered: Resident and Online
MATH 420 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools Practicum 0 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 419 (may be taken concurrently) and Undergraduate Initial Gate 2 with a score of 5 and (Background Check Clearance with a score of 5 or Background Clear International with a score of 5 or Background Clear Out of State with a score of 5 or Background Clear Virginia with a score of 5)
As the students are developing proficiency in planning for mathematics instruction, evaluating and learning, they will also gain practical experiences by delivering instruction in a peer setting and/or regular school setting with videotaping. Each presentation is to be critiqued by the "teacher," the course instructor and the student peers.
Offered: Resident
MATH 421 Elementary Abstract Algebra I 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 321
Elementary number theory, the theory of groups, sets and mappings, isomorphisms and homomorphisms of groups, the first isomorphism theorem, and a brief introduction to rings.
Offered: Resident
MATH 422 Elementary Abstract Algebra II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: MATH 421
A continuation of MATH 421. The theory of rings and fields, integral domains, and the theory of polynomials.
Offered: Resident
MATH 423 Abstract Algebraic Structures 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course focuses on developing an understanding of basic algebraic concepts and the structures of groups, rings, fields and homomorphisms through both examples and proofs.
Offered: Online
MATH 430 Multivariable Calculus 3 Credit Hour(s)
Develop an understanding of multivariate calculus, its structure, and applicability to functions and analytic geometry.
Offered: Online
MATH 431 Real Analysis 3 Credit Hour(s)
The real number system, sets and cardinality, topology of the real numbers, sequences and series, limits, continuity, uniform continuity and convergence, differentiation, and Riemann integration.
Offered: Resident
MATH 432 Applied Differential Equations 3 Credit Hour(s)
Selected topics in differential equations for applied mathematics.
Offered: Online
MATH 441 Probability I 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MATH 132
Set notation and operations, properties of probability, expectation, and discrete and continuous probability distributions of a single random variable.
Offered: Online
MATH 442 Probability II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MATH 441
Bivariate and multivariate probability distributions, functions of random variables, order statistics, risk and insurance, and foundations of an actuarial career. This course, when combined with Math 441, provides general coverage of all topics on SOA Exam P/CAS Exam 1.
Offered: Online
MATH 450 Mathematics Capstone Seminar 2 Credit Hour(s)
Integrate previous mathematical coursework and prepare and present mathematical research, both orally and in written form. Consider the relevance of the Christian worldview and a Biblical ethical approach to the fields of science, mathematics and technology. Introduction to professional and graduate opportunities available to mathematics graduates.
Offered: Resident
MATH 460 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Formulation, analysis & critique of methods of mathematical modeling.
Offered: Online
MATH 491 Computational Mathematics Capstone 3 Credit Hour(s)
Online Prerequisite: MATH 432
Senior level capstone for Computational Mathematics.
Registration Restrictions: Senior status
Offered: Online
MATH 495 Directed Research 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Exploration of a topic beyond that covered in any core course as preparation for graduate level mathematics or a professional career. It may be taken for credit more than once.
Registration Restrictions: Approval by department chairman
Offered: Resident
MATH 497 Special Topics in Mathematics 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident