Human Services (HSER)

Human Services (HSER)

HSER 201  Survey of Human Services  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course explores the complexities of the Human Services field, such as, the macro-mechanics of the service delivery system, the variety of professionals within the field, and the diversified population groups receiving specialized services. It provides the student with a historical perspective and it explores the societal values that served as a catalyst for the implementation of the policies that influence the delivery of human services.
Offered: Resident and Online
HSER 270  Ethics in Professional Helping  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: ENGL 102 and (SOWK 101 or PSYC 101)
Ethics in Professional Helping is the study of values and principles of ethical decision making. Topics in the course are ethical dilemmas, critical thinking, professional code of ethics, and common morality. Each topic is evaluated through a biblical worldview.
Note: This course is an equivalent to SOWK 270.
Offered: Online
HSER 301  Administration & Case Management  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: ((SOWK 101 or PSYC 101 or SOCI 200) and (HSER 270 or SOWK 270) and (PSYC 210 or SOWK 300) and (PSYC 430 or SOWK 431) and HSER 201 and ENGL 102 and PSYC 317 and SOWK 260 )
Administration & Case Management prepares students for work in human services. Students will examine the dynamics of clients, agency, and the self as the representative and provider of services. Students will develop foundational practical skills and communication, preparing them for the case management process. The course will help students understand the complex religious, moral, economic, and political aspects of human services practice when interacting with a variety of people. The student will be exposed to a broad range of ideas about the philosophies and practices of the various agencies and will be challenged to identify their own beliefs about the role of helping others in a professional context.
Offered: Resident and Online
HSER 315  Human Services Policy and Ethics  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: PSYC 101 and PSYC 210 and SOWK 101 and (SOCI 200 or SOCI 201)
The course provides an overview of the professional realities and ethical issues surrounding human services practices and procedures. It focuses on the dialectical relationship of social welfare and public policy as well as the benefits and dangers related to professional interventions in society through the lens of a Christian biblical ethos. It pays special attention to individual and public social work, municipal and federal government interaction, historical precedent and development of general work policies, youth and elderly programs, philanthropic community work, and related behavioral science professional contributions. Additionally, it provides insight on common philosophical, theological, and cultural presuppositions in the formation and application of various ethical theories and moral practices in social work
Offered: Resident
HSER 415  Case Management Practice in Human Services  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: ((SOWK 101 or PSYC 101 or SOCI 200) and (HSER 270 or SOWK 270) and (PSYC 210 or SOWK 300) and ENGL 102 and HSER 201 and PSYC 317 and SOWK 260 )
The purpose of this course is to prepare students for work in human services serving a variety of population groups. The focus is on developing practical skills, communication and intervention techniques, training students in the case management process from intake and assessment to referrals and termination. Students will examine the dynamics of clients, agency, and the self as the representative and provider of services. The course will help students understand the complex aspects of human services practice when interacting with diverse clients. The student will be challenged to identify their own beliefs about the role of helping others in a professional context, to develop an approach that reflects ethical standards of the profession and an integration with biblical thought.
Offered: Online
HSER 465  HSER Internship Proposal and Preparation  0 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: ((HSER 201 or SOWK 101) and (HSER 270 or SOWK 270) and (HSER 415 or SOWK 350))
This zero-credit course must be completed prior to the HSER 499 internship course. HSER 465 will provide structure and support for students to submit their internship proposals and prepare for HSER 499.
Offered: Online
HSER 497  Human Services Capstone  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: HSER 201 and HSER 270 and HSER 301 and HSER 415 and HSER 465 and Undergraduate GPA with a score of 2000
This HSER capstone course provides an alternative to completing an internship at a human services organization. During this experience, students will participate in a bi-weekly synchronous seminar as well as direct service opportunities in their community. Students will learn to employ the theories and skills foundational to direct service, will apply ethical standards for human service workers, analyze the needs of diverse clients, and evaluate concepts within the field as they relate to biblical thought. Students will demonstrate a synthesis of skills learned in preceding HSER courses and will process experiences through case studies and discussion and will secure feedback from peers and instructor.
Registration Restrictions: Senior Status; enrollment in BS Human Service major, 2.0+ overall GPA, HSER 201, HSER 270, HSER 301, HSER 415, HSER 465, approval by the department. All applicants must apply and receive approval during the semester prior to starting the course.
Offered: Resident and Online
HSER 499  Internship  3-6 Credit Hour(s)  
Resident Prerequisite: HSER 201 and HSER 270 and HSER 415 and HSER 465
Online Prerequisite: HSER 201 and HSER 270 and HSER 415
During this internship experience, students will participate in activities at a social service organization under the supervision of an experienced human services worker. Students will learn to employ the theories and skills foundational to direct service, will apply ethical standards for human service workers, analyze the needs of diverse clients, and evaluate concepts within the field as they relate to biblical thought. Students will process this experience through case studies and discussion and will secure feedback from peers and instructor.
Registration Restrictions: Senior Status; Human Service Major, 2.0+ overall GPA, HSER 201, HSER 270, HSER 415, suitable internship site, completed internship application approved by department. All applicants must apply and receive approval during the semester prior to starting the internship.
Offered: Resident and Online
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