German (GRMN)
GRMN 101 Elementary German I 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is designed to teach the student to understand, speak, read and write idiomatic German at the level of Novice High. Extensive aural/oral practice will occur in the classroom and in the language laboratory.
Offered: Resident
GRMN 102 Elementary German II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: GRMN 101
This course will further the objectives of GRMN 101, expanding student's knowledge of practical vocabulary and functional grammar and thereby enabling them to communicate at the level of Intermediate Low.
Offered: Resident
GRMN 201 Intermediate German I 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: GRMN 102
This course enables intermediate students of German to continue development of the four language skills (understand, speak, read and write) to the level of Intermediate Mid. Students will also increase their cultural knowledge and begin to make use of the language in relation to their individual pursuits and callings. Classroom communication is in German.
Offered: Resident
GRMN 202 Intermediate German II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: GRMN 201
This course will further the objectives of GRMN 201 to enable students to communicate at the level of Intermediate High. Students will continue to augment their cultural knowledge and make more effective use of the language in relation to their individual pursuits and callings. Classroom communication is in German.
Offered: Resident
GRMN 495 Directed Research 3 Credit Hour(s)
Offered: Resident
GRMN 497 Special Topics in German 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: GRMN 202
An in-depth study offered on a selected topic of interest to German studies. Course may be repeated for credit, when topics differ.
Offered: Resident