Global Studies (GLST)
GLST 200 Introduction to Global Studies 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course introduces the history, principles, and theoretical foundations for global engagement with attention to global events and trends. (Formerly ICST 200)
Offered: Resident and Online
GLST 220 Intercultural Communication and Engagement 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course will explore principles for effective intercultural communication and cultural competency. Students will evaluate the cultural values that have influenced their experience and will learn to identify and navigate other cultural values and worldviews.
Offered: Resident and Online
GLST 290 Cultural Anthropology 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course will study how people from around the world survive, live, and thrive as a community through the perspective of culture. Key issues discussed include social structure, language, subsistence, power, religion, kinship, and globalization.
Offered: Resident and Online
GLST 301 Global Exposure 1-3 Credit Hour(s)
This experiential learning course provides exposure to the needs, realities, opportunities and cultures found in major cities and global contexts. Students will engage in cross-cultural training, travel exposure, social interaction, and guided reflection of their experiences.
Registration Restrictions: A student must be approved by LU Send OR have received written approval from the Global Studies Department Chair to register for this course.
Offered: Resident
GLST 380 Global Studies Practicum 1,3 Credit Hour(s)
An elective seminar that exposes the student to the needs, duties, conflicts, and cultural barriers of working as a career professional in a selected area of the world. The seminar requires on-site involvement and engagement in a country outside the United States and is accompanied with reading, lectures, and interaction with expatriate workers and nationals of the host country.
Registration Restrictions: A student must have been accepted through LU Send and the Department of Global Studies for the Global Experience class OR have received written approval from the professor of GLST 380 for an alternative international experience. It is the student's responsibility to make up any prerequisite deficiencies, as stated in the Liberty University Catalog, which would prevent the successful completion of this course.
Offered: Resident and Online
GLST 385 Career Preparation for Global Workers 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course prepares potential global workers to explore the realities of and thrive in an intercultural career.
Offered: Resident and Online
GLST 387 Living Abroad 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course, taken concurrently with the field internship, will give students tools to enable them to grow and thrive while engaging with other cultures.
Offered: Resident
GLST 388 Ethnographic Research 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course, taken concurrently with the field internship, requires students to conduct an ethnographic research project in the culture in which they are completing their field internship. (Formerly GLST 488)
Offered: Resident
GLST 389 Barefoot Language Learning 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course, taken concurrently with the field internship, focuses on learning a language of the host culture through immersion and practice. (Formerly GLST 489)
Offered: Resident
GLST 390 Engaging Oral Communicators 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: GLST 220
This course is an introductory study of orality - the preference for spoken word and other oral means as a primary form of communicating thoughts, observations, and experiences. Skills will be developed in communicating and working among oral cultures through the telling of stories and use of other oral communication strategies.
Offered: Resident
GLST 421 Roman Catholicism 3 Credit Hour(s)
This is a study of the historical development, global influence and major doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church.
Offered: Resident
GLST 425 Animism 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is a survey of the phenomena of Animism, its underlying worldview and expressions in various cultures.
Offered: Resident
GLST 431 Introduction to Islam 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course explores the historic rise and expansion of Islam as well as basic Muslim beliefs and practices. Attention is also given to the diversity within the world of Islam. (Crosslisted with APOL 431)
Offered: Resident
GLST 461 Becoming a Global Facilitator 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course trains leaders how to be effective global catalysts in their current roles in their home cultures.
Offered: Resident
GLST 485 Engaging Tribal Cultures 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course covers practical aspects of living, learning language, and understanding worldviews relevant to tribal engagement using both instructional and experiential methods.
Offered: Resident
GLST 490 Trends and Issues in Global Studies 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course explores and analyzes current trends and issues in global studies.
Offered: Resident and Online
GLST 491 Global Studies Capstone 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: GLST 499
This course prepares seniors for success after graduation in their personal lives and in career next steps.
Offered: Resident
GLST 495 Directed Research 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is an individual study of advanced topics in Global Studies that includes periodic meetings with the instructor.
Registration Restrictions: Junior or senior status and permission of the department chair
Offered: Resident
GLST 497 Special Topics in Global Studies 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course explores specialized topics in global studies. The topic varies each time the course is offered and the course may be repeated.
Offered: Resident
GLST 499 Global Studies Internship 3-9 Credit Hour(s)
A supervised field experience in which the principles and theories learned in the classroom are applied in intercultural and global contexts. This course, required for GLST majors and optional for GLST minors, must be completed in an approved context.
Note: Online: Students should apply through the Department of Global Studies at least two semesters prior to the internship.
Offered: Resident and Online