Environmental Science (ENVR)

Environmental Science (ENVR)

ENVR 215  Principles of Environmental Science  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: ACT Composite with a score of 20 or (pre2016 post1995)SAT Math with a score of 530 or SAT Section Math with a score of 530 or MATH 115
This course surveys the principle components of ecosystems and the structure and dynamics of populations and communities. These principles are then integrated and applied to environmental issues including: biological and sociological impacts of human population growth; use and management of natural resources; sources and regulation of pollution; and biological and economic aspects of conservation.
Offered: Resident
ENVR 220  Physical Geology  3 Credit Hour(s)  
An introduction to the materials and processes of the geosphere. Topics include: minerals; rocks; and geological resources; surficial features and processes; natural hazards; plate tectonics; fossils; hydrology; and soils.
Offered: Resident
ENVR 221  Physical Geology Laboratory  1 Credit Hour(s)  
A hands-on investigation of geological materials, features, and processes. Emphasis is placed on techniques to identify rock and mineral samples, utilize topographic and geologic maps, identify and interpret geological structures, and measure rates in geological settings (e.g., plate motion, erosion, and water flow). Includes local field trip(s).
Offered: Resident
ENVR 320  Environment and Sustainability  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: Any BIOL NASC PHSC PHYS CHEM with a score of 5
This course surveys the major components of ecosystems and the structure and dynamics of populations and communities. These components are then integrated and applied from a sustainability perspective to environmental issues including human population growth, land, water and air resource management and use, conservation of biodiversity and energy sources and use.
Registration Restrictions: Students are required to successfully complete any 3 credit hour 100-400 level BIOL, NASC, PHSC, PHYS, or CHEM course with a grade of D or higher prior to enrolling in this class.
Offered: Online
ENVR 330  Energy Resources and Efficiencies  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: ENVR 320
An analysis of the various sources of energy (both fossil and renewable) utilized by modern societies, including the means by which these sources are acquired, produced, distributed, and consumed. Includes a survey of methods by which user-end efficiencies and/or alternatives can reduce the amount of energy consumed.
Offered: Online
ENVR 350  Environmental Science and Policy  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: ENVR 320
This course will investigate the scientific and policy-based aspects of several controversial environmental issues as well as their impacts on businesses and private citizens. It will present multiple perspectives for each issue and will take a debate-style format that stimulates student interest and develops critical thinking skills. Readings and discussions will focus on the interplay between scientific results and the policies proceeding from them including the appropriateness of such policies.
Offered: Online
ENVR 370  Geographic Information Systems I  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is designed to provide practical experience in spatial database design and analysis using Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
Offered: Online
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