Dobson Marriage & Family Studies (DBMF)

Dobson Marriage & Family Studies (DBMF)

DBMF 300  Child and Adolescent Issues and Helping Strategies  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course examines the tough issues facing today's children and adolescents and identifies appropriate strategies and interventions for effective growth and change. Developmental stages, learning styles, personality factors and social influences are examined, as well as the efficacy of community counseling resources and programs. Ethical concerns and multicultural factors are also considered.
Offered: Online
DBMF 400  Marriage and Family Systems: Foundations, Models and Techniques  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course provides an overview of marriage and family dynamics, specifically looking at various foundations and models for effective people helping. A wide range of marriage and family issues and definitions are examined. Ethical concerns and multicultural factors are also considered.
Offered: Online
DBMF 405  Divorce, Remarriage and Blended Families  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course provides background to the causes of divorce, the emotional and relational consequences for both children and parents, factors that challenge positive adjustment after a divorce, strategies for successful remarriage, blended family dynamics, current policy issues, and the legal, cultural, and theological implications. Ethical concerns and multicultural factors are also considered.
Offered: Online
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