Communication Studies (COMS)
COMS 101 Speech Communication 3 Credit Hour(s)
Study and practice in communicating ideas competently in public speaking. Students are also given a foundation for development of communication skills in other human communication contexts, including dyadic and small group communication.
Offered: Resident and Online
COMS 113 Intro to Design:Principles/Ele 3 Credit Hour(s)
The investigation of design principles/elements. The elements of design will be covered in depth as well as the principles of design. Through exercises the student will demonstrate the use of these elements and principles of design.
COMS 301 Basic Photography 3 Credit Hour(s)
Introduction to the techniques of taking and processing black and white photographs with consideration of the composition of both still and moving photography. Techniques of taking color transparencies for use in slide and slide-tape presentations, including title boards, graphics, and other imaging techniques. Legal and ethical implications. Portfolio preparation. 35mm camera with interchangeable lens required. Lab fee.
COMS 315 Oral Interpretation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Study and practice of the art of using speech to communicate literature to an audience.
Note: Offered fall semester
Offered: Resident
COMS 325 Interpersonal Communication 3 Credit Hour(s)
A study of the nature of interpersonal communication and relationships. Attention is focused upon personal responsibilities, interactive factors, and message and contextual variables in relationships. Personal skills in stimulating friendships and resolving conflict are examined through exposure to theory, practical exercises, and analysis of personal relationships.
Note: Offered fall semester
Offered: Resident
COMS 330 Small Group Communication 3 Credit Hour(s)
Study and practice of the theories and methods of group communication.
Note: Offered fall semester
Offered: Resident
COMS 335 Argumentation 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: COMS 101
Study and practice of principles of analysis, reasoning, evidence, organization and speaking needed to logically demonstrate and defend a position before an audience.
Offered: Resident
COMS 340 Publication Design 3 Credit Hour(s)
COMS 346 Advertising Copywriting and Design 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: (COMS 110 and COMS 220 and COMS 307 and VCAR 222) or (COMS 110 and COMS 220 and COMS 307 and ARTS 222)
An introduction to advertising writing techniques for commercial, public service and direct marketing organizations with experience in various types of electronic and print media. Portfolio preparation.
Offered: Resident
COMS 351 Digital Imaging 3 Credit Hour(s)
Importing digitized images into the computer via a scanner, a digital camera, or the Internet. Then modifying the digitized art and preparing it for electronic media or the printed page through electronic pre-press techniques such as black and white t1 targeting; color corrections; rotating, scaling, and cropping photographs; retouching; selecting color models; making color separations; and trapping. Training in a professional image-editing program. Lab fee.
COMS 355 Organizational Communication 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: COMS 101
A theoretical overview of communication functions and issues in a variety of contexts within organizations. Study and development of effective communication skills within the challenging, diverse workplace, and other organizational settings.
Note: Offered spring semester
Offered: Resident
COMS 357 Public Relations Writing 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course builds upon the news writing techniques taught in COMS 220 and COMS 234 and the principles of advertising and public relations taught in COMS 307, while orienting the student toward the types of written products generated by public relations professionals. This advanced course will refine a student's writing skills while playing close attention to the various formats such as press releases, media advisories, crisis plans, press kits, etc.
Offered: Resident
COMS 367 Public Relations Strategies 3 Credit Hour(s)
A comprehensive study of public relations strategy, decision-making and program planning featuring a case-study approach to learning.
Offered: Resident
COMS 368 Media Sales & Audience Measure 3 Credit Hour(s)
COMS 369 Chronicle of Motion Pictures and Television 3 Credit Hour(s)
The historical development and convergence of motion pictures and television, from their simultaneous origins in the 1890s through the new millennium.
Offered: Resident
COMS 371 Advanced Graphic Design 3 Credit Hour(s)
Advanced study in graphic design, which integrates desktop publishing, digital illustration, digital imaging, page layout, and pre-press techniques with emphasis on the design process from visualization to production. Design and production of major projects for print including an extensive business identity package and a magazine project produced through both individual and group work. Critiquing designs. Portfolio preparation and presentation. Lab fee.
COMS 387 Forensic Practicum 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: (ARTS 110 and COMS 222 and COMS 232 and COMS 341) or (ARTS 110 and COMS 200 and COMS 232 and COMS 341)
Introduction, theory, training, and instruction necessary to develop speech performance skills required for success on a competitive forensic speaking team. Students participate in multiple intercollegiate speaking events on campus and at other schools. Emphasis is on individual speaking events including platform, limited preparation, and oral interpretation events. Students must attend weekly coaching sessions and travel or present their work on a regular basis to receive credit. These credits may be repeated.
Offered: Resident
COMS 388 King's Players Practicum 1 Credit Hour(s)
Practical application of dramatic and ministry principles. Student activities include acting, costuming, publicity/ promotion, set construction, sound reinforcement, and stage lighting.
Offered: Resident
COMS 389 Selah Practicum 1 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: COMS 222 or VCAR 222 or ARTS 222
This course provides opportunities to apply what has been explored in the classroom through Selah, Liberty University's yearbook. Designed to enhance acquired skills and knowledge and provide the student with the opportunity to build a portfolio for employment.
Offered: Resident
COMS 455 Communication Theory 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: COMS 101 and COMS 210
A study of modern theories of communication with application to various contexts of speech communication.
Note: Offered fall semester
Offered: Resident
COMS 465 Rhetorical Theory 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: COMS 101 and COMS 210
A historical survey and study of rhetorical theory in the past and present. Attention is given to Greek and Roman rhetorical theory, theories prevalent in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and modern rhetorical theory.
Note: Offered spring semester
Offered: Resident
COMS 472 Interactive Multimedia Design 3 Credit Hour(s)
Study of both visual media design concepts and site management for web development. Practical experience in the preparation of digital materials while developing standards to evaluate the presentation of information with these tools. Training in industry-standard digital media and multimedia authoring programs guided by principles of design, including graphic design and user interface design. Lab fee.
COMS 474 Advanced Audio Production 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: COMS 101 and COMS 110 and COMS 220 and COMS 324 and COMS 334
Writing and production of dramatic and documentary programs for radio and Internet distribution. Portfolio development.
Note: Offered spring semester
Offered: Resident
COMS 475 Criticism of Public Address 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: COMS 101 and COMS 210
The investigation of public address through historical and rhetorical critical methods. Focus on the development of competent critics through oral and written presentations.
Note: Offered fall semester
Offered: Resident
COMS 490 Crisis Communication 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course will examine modern crisis communication, and provide the students with exposure to and practice in organizational communication, gathering information and providing analysis, and oral and written communication skills, essential for handling crisis situations.
Registration Restrictions: Senior status
Offered: Resident
COMS 492 Prof Practices in Graphic Desi 3 Credit Hour(s)
A senior-level course to further aid students in their upcoming transfer from the college setting to a graphic design work setting. Topics and issues related to professional practices followed by graphic designers relative to relationships with clients, design firms, and employees, as well as free lancing, working as an independent contractor, resources on starting and operating a small graphic design studio, careers in graphic design, professional organizations, and portfolio presentation.
Offered: Resident
COMS 498 Senior Portfolio 3 Credit Hour(s)
An intensive individual research or production project in which the graduating senior can best showcase his or her competence in the field of electronic media.
Registration Restrictions: Senior status and permission of instructor
Offered: Resident
COMS 499 Internship 1-6 Credit Hour(s)
Registration Restrictions: Junior or Senior status and required GPA
Offered: Resident