Christian Leadership (CLED)
CLED 300 Biblical and Theological Foundations of Christian Leadership 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course will explore the biblical and theological foundations for Christian leadership. Old and New Testament examples of leadership will be analyzed and the foundations of current leadership principles will be discussed.
Offered: Online
CLED 310 Foundations of Christian Leadership 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: CHMN 201
This course will explore the foundations of leadership. Consideration will be given to leadership as evidenced throughout the Bible and to the evaluation of social science theory and the student's personal aptitude for leadership. Students will apply their understanding of the foundations of leadership to their own leadership setting.
Offered: Resident
CLED 325 Critical Issues in Ministry Leadership 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course serves as an introduction to various issues that impact both local church and parachurch ministry leaders. The student will develop an understanding of the role of the Christian leader's growth, priority of family in ministry, and contemporary issues related to ministry infrastructure.
Offered: Online
CLED 365 The Personal Development of the Leader 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is designed to help the student examine the life of the leader. In addition to examining the development of an individual's leadership skills, several other issues will be explored such as the ordering of one's private world, the personal character of the leader, and becoming a leader that lasts.
Offered: Resident and Online
CLED 410 Team Dynamics in Christian Leadership 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: CLED 310 (may be taken concurrently)
This course is designed to focus on the role of Christian leadership in establishing effective teams for ministry in the church and the marketplace. It will guide the student through a biblical and theological basis for team ministry as well as consider foundational material from the social sciences. An analysis of various roles and ministry team dynamics in a multiple-staff ministry will be covered. Principles for leading organizational change and diffusing conflict will also be examined.
Offered: Resident
CLED 425 Ethical Issues in Christian Leadership 3 Credit Hour(s)
Prerequisite: CLED 310 (may be taken concurrently)
Christian Leadership embraces generally accepted leadership principles and practices with the additional inclusion of biblically based spiritual dynamics. It is the emphasis on biblically based spiritual dynamics that raises the expectations of leadership practices. As a result, ethical issues have emerged that require thoughtful consideration when it comes to participation, procedure, and practice.
Offered: Resident
CLED 450 Organization and Leadership in Ministry 3 Credit Hour(s)
This course is designed to address areas of organization and leadership that may be unique to ministry organizations. Emphasis is placed on the diagnosis of the personal spiritual needs of the leader, common mistakes leaders make in ministry, and various truths that leaders need to learn in order to effectively manage people.
Offered: Online
CLED 489 Capstone Seminar 3 Credit Hour(s)
This required course will be completed in the final semester of the student’s degree program and will be based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work. The student will complete a capstone project developed through the concepts learned throughout the program allowing them to showcase their leadership skills and understanding of the structure and culture of an organization.
Offered: Online
CLED 499 Christian Leadership Internship 3-6 Credit Hour(s)
The course is designed to involve the Christian Leadership student in all aspects of ministry leadership, both cognitive and experiential; thus providing the prospective ministry leader the opportunities to develop the skills and tools necessary to effectively minister to in a church or Christian organization. Students will complete this course under the supervision of an experienced ministry Professional/Site Supervisor and the Christian Leadership Faculty Internship Advisor.
Registration Restrictions: Junior status, 21 hours in the major
Offered: Resident