Christian Leadership & Church Ministries (CLCM)

Christian Leadership & Church Ministries (CLCM)

CLCM 200  Spiritual Foundations for the Christian Life  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course focuses on the development of the believer’s spiritual life. Attention is given to the implications of the gospel, the process of spiritual growth, and the role of spiritual disciplines in the life of a believer.
Offered: Resident
CLCM 205  Introduction to Humanitarian Action  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: GLST 220 and THEO 320 and THEO 325
This course serves as an introduction to the field of humanitarian action. Building on a sound theology of humanitarian response and human rights, students will come to understand appropriate compassionate action at home and abroad. In this course, the principles of sustainable relief which does not harm the local economy, and which maintain the dignity of those assisted will be taught.
Offered: Online
CLCM 210  Introduction to Camp and Outdoor Adventure Leadership  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course will provide students a Biblically-based introduction to a wide range of initiative games, team building skills, the ability to transfer experience-based discovery learning to real life application, and the proper sequencing philosophies necessary to enjoy success in the camping and outdoor adventure leadership ministry professions. Students in this course will be able to combine a passion for creation and the outdoors, a love for servant-hearted camping and outdoor adventure ministry leadership, and the recreation and programming methods taught to lead a life of successful ministry either as an introduction to full time vocational ministry, or to life-long skills as a church lay leader, a para-church volunteer, a mission trip coordinator or volunteer, or even a non-profit organization volunteer.
Offered: Resident
CLCM 220  Foundations and Programming in Camp and Outdoor Leadership  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course will provide students the foundational knowledge necessary for effective leadership in camp and outdoor adventure leadership programs including the introduction to a variety of camps and outdoor ministries, their history, leadership, and how they are being effectively utilized today. Students will also learn how to effectively develop age-appropriate programs which are properly sequenced in camp and outdoor adventure ministries that apply Biblical principles to all aspects of relationship building. (Cross-listed with YOUT 360)
Offered: Resident
CLCM 250  Introduction to Christian Ministry  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A practical study of Christian Ministry, both inside and outside the local church, with emphasis given to understanding the implications of the gospel for all aspects of life and leadership.
Offered: Online
CLCM 301  Biblical and Theological Foundations of Digital Ministry  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: RLGN 301
This foundational course provides students with a solid biblical and theological defense of digital ministry. Students will examine the biblical and theological concepts of the church gathered and scattered, the universal body of Christ, and consider a theology of networks for the digital age of the 21st century.
Offered: Online
CLCM 305  Legal Issues in Camp Ministry  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: (CLCM 210 or COAL 210)
With a managerial approach to legal issues, this course will examine the influences of current state and federal legislation, collective bargaining agreement, regulation agencies, employee-employer relations, contracts and educational enterprises in relation to sport management.
Offered: Resident
CLCM 310  Christian Camp: Site Plan and Design  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: CLCM 210 or COAL 210 or CLCM 220 or COAL 220
This course will provide students with the Biblical foundation and critical information that they need to properly evaluate the feasibility of developing raw land into a viable Christian camp or outdoor adventure ministry site. Understanding the environmental studies required, how to read and understand topographical maps, working with architects and engineers on site plan development, understanding the principles of development, drainage, natural resource conservation, utility installation, mineral rights, real estate contracts, pipeline and electrical easements, road construction, parking considerations, size and number of buildings needed for lodging, meeting space, dining services, and activity site planning are all included.
Offered: Resident
CLCM 350  Formation and Community in Digital Ministry  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLCM 301
This course offers a biblical model of spiritual formation that guides digital ministry practitioners in the facilitation of digital forms of Christian community. Students will learn to appreciate the interconnected reality of the body of Christ whether gathered together physically or digitally. In addition, students will be equipped to foster and facilitate authentic Christian community using available technologies and platforms.
Offered: Online
CLCM 370  Managing the Christian Ministry Organization  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: CLCM 210 or COAL 210 or COAL 220 or CLCM 220
This course will take a comprehensive examination of critical areas for the individual who gives or is considering leadership in a Christian camp or outdoor ministry organization. An exposition of Biblical passages supporting the establishment and function of Christian camps and outdoor ministry organizations and their supportive relationship to the local church will be presented. After which, pragmatic applications to effectively direct/manage a Christian camp and outdoor ministry organization will be examined. (Cross-listed with YOUT 370)
Offered: Resident
CLCM 401  Digital Discipleship  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLCM 301
In this course, students will be introduced to best practices of digital discipleship in online contexts. Traditionally, it has been assumed that disciples can only be made when engaging each other face-to-face in physical spaces. It has been learned, however, that God’s Spirit is not constrained by time and space and God's Spirit can use the efforts of individuals to equip and train others using available digital technologies.
Offered: Online
CLCM 405  Ministry Finance  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: (CLCM 210 or COAL 210) and (CLCM 220 or COAL 220)
Economic marketing and finance theories applied to sport organizations, with special emphasis on the impact of sport upon the proximate community, and general development of cities and sport facilities.
Offered: Resident
CLCM 410  Principles of Ministry Marketing  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: (CLCM 210 or COAL 210) and (CLCM 220 or COAL 220)
The relevant areas of marketing are applied to sport applications for spectator and participative sport originations are given. Special emphasis is placed on strategic planning, product analysis, and the development and presentation of marketing packages to secure sponsorship.
Offered: Resident
CLCM 415  Congregational Care in Disability Ministry  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: BIBL 360 and CHMN 325 and RLGN 301
This course is designed to provide strategies that church leadership and members can put in place to support the unique spiritual and practical needs of families impacted by disability.
Offered: Online
CLCM 450  Digital Ministry Development and Administration  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLCM 301
It is imperative that students know how to provide Spirit-empowered and effective leadership to various forms of digital ministry. This course equips students to do just that by providing not only a conceptual framework but also practical and experience-based strategies that encourage and edify those who participate in digital ministries. Students will learn how to design and develop complementary ministry activities and experiences that will sustain interactive engagement leading to mutual growth in Christ.
Offered: Online
CLCM 460  Camp and Outdoor Ministry: Property, Programs, Policies, and Procedure  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: (CLCM 210 or COAL 210 or COAL 220 or CLCM 220) and (CLCM 310 or COAL 310 or COAL 370 or CLCM 370)
This course will be the comprehensive culmination of the Biblical foundation, and the philosophies, methods, management styles, marketing strategies, facility design, site planning ability, leadership styles, donor relations, donor reporting mechanisms, program design, program assessment, legal trends and issues, budgeting and finances, staffing and personnel needs, recruiting, retention, and benefits that were covered in the camp and outdoor adventure leadership program. Students will complete a brand new start-up camp or outdoor adventure ministry project from mission statement and property selection until opening day for business, including a comprehensive business plan, as an assessment tool to demonstrate mastery of each discipline required to be successful in the camp and outdoor adventure leadership profession.
Offered: Resident
CLCM 475  Humanitarian Action in Praxis  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: CLCM 205 and GLST 220 and THEO 320 and THEO 325
This course serves as an integrator of requisite courses on humanitarian action. The praxis course will review and build upon previous courses in the humanitarian action and human rights cognate, including factors such as ethics, self-care, and boundaries. Applying a well-grounded theology, students will make decisions and mitigate the consequences of case-study-based scenarios of humanitarian action and human rights at home and abroad.  In this course, elementary design work and developmental evaluation will help students develop and test their theological and theoretical perspectives on realistic scenarios of humanitarian action in practice.
Offered: Online
CLCM 480  Disability Ministry Across the Generations  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: CHMN 201 and THEO 324
As the capstone course, this course reflects on and utilizes the ideas and concepts learned throughout the minor. This course gives the students the opportunity to showcase their understanding of the best practices for accessibility and acceptability in gospel-centered disability ministry.
Offered: Resident
CLCM 489  Christian Ministry Capstone Seminar  3 Credit Hour(s)  
Online Prerequisite: BIBL 360 and CLCM 250 and RLGN 301 and RLGN 360 and THEO 360
This required course will be completed in the senior year of the student’s degree program and will be based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work. This course reflects on and utilizes the concepts learned throughout the program and gives the students the opportunity to showcase their understanding of key strategies and skills related to gospel-centered ministry endeavors.
Offered: Online
CLCM 497  Special Topics in CLCM  1-3 Credit Hour(s)  
Offered: Resident
CLCM 499  Internship/Practicum  1-6 Credit Hour(s)  
Prerequisite: (CLCM 210 or COAL 210) and (CLCM 220 or COAL 220) and (CLCM 310 or COAL 310)
This internship will focus on both the programming and leadership aspects of camp and outdoor ministry. It will be a supervised field experience at an approved site. Applicants must apply the semester prior to starting internship.
Registration Restrictions: Junior Status and approval from program director
Offered: Resident
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