Church History (CHHI)

Church History (CHHI)

CHHI 100  A Survey of the History of Christianity  3 Credit Hour(s)  
An overview of Christianity from Apostolic Age to the present. Special attention will be given to the early church period, the Protestant Reformation, development of denominations, American Christianity, and World Christianity.
Note: Willmington School of the Bible course
Offered: Online
CHHI 300  Survey of the History of Christianity  3 Credit Hour(s)  
This course is an overview of Christianity from the Apostolic Age to the present. Special attention will be given to the early church period, the Protestant Reformation, the development of denominations, American Christianity, and World Christianity.
Offered: Online
CHHI 301  History of the Christian Church I  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A survey of the first fifteen centuries of the Christian Church including the persecutions, the rise of heresy, the development of Roman Catholicism during the Middle Ages, and the groups which dissented against Roman Catholicism.
Offered: Resident and Online
CHHI 302  History of the Christian Church II  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A survey of the Christian Church from the 16th century to the present. Includes the background, development and results of the Reformation, modern missions, the ecumenical movement, American Christianity and Evangelism.
Offered: Resident and Online
CHHI 325  The Church and Its Mission  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A course that explores the history of the Church from its inception to the modern era, with special emphasis on its mission to fulfill the Great Commission. Attention is given to major events, figures, and movements that have shaped evangelical Christianity.
Offered: Resident
CHHI 400  Leaders and Issues in the Early Church  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A study of the development of the Church from A.D. 100 to 451. Includes a survey of Apostolic, Greek and early Latin Fathers. Topics include apologetical and polemical writers, Roman persecutions, Christological controversies, early monasticism and the emerging Roman Church. Primary sources in English translation will be used.
Offered: Resident
CHHI 403  Reformation  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A survey of the background, development, personalities, issues and results of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. The magisterial phase, the Anabaptists and the counterreformation will be dealt with in their interrelations.
Offered: Online
CHHI 404  History of Baptists  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A survey of the Anabaptist background and influences on English Baptists and Baptist progress to the present day. Includes various Baptist groups, large and small, of differing theological persuasions, denominational, and independent.
Offered: Resident
CHHI 405  History of Anti-Semitism  3 Credit Hour(s)  
A systematic study of the history of Anti-Semitism from ancient times to the modern period. Consideration will be given to the question of New Testament influence, early church attitudes, the rise of medieval anti-Semitism, the Crusades, Islamic, Reformation and Post-Reformation period, the rise of Nazism, Anti-Zionism and the post-9/11 resurgence.
Offered: Resident
CHHI 495  Directed Research  1-3 Credit Hour(s)  
The student is given an opportunity to pursue guided research in an area approved by the instructor. The course is structured to acquaint the student with the methodology of historical research and writing.
Offered: Resident
CHHI 497  Church History Seminar  1-3 Credit Hour(s)  
Offered: Resident
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